Examples of the the word, virus , in a Sentence Context

The word ( virus ), is the 2075 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is transmitted by a midge, Culicoides Nicola and other colloids. Blue tongue, virus ,Blue tongue virus causes serious disease in livestock (sheep, goats,cattle and
  2. Midge season in autumn and the beginning in spring, so it is believed that the, virus ,somehow survives in overwintering midges. Researchers at the Institute for
  3. Parts of the viral coat. The antibodies are ineffective because of the, virus ,' ability to change their coats rapidly. Because this protein gp120 is
  4. For disease diagnosis, a tier of antibodies directed against Epstein-Barr, virus ,or Lyme disease is estimated from the blood. If those antibodies are not
  5. More than bind to the site, it actually destroys the site, rendering the HIV, virus ,inert, and then can attach to other virus es. A single enzyme can destroy
  6. In a Highland cow on a rare breeds farm near Ipswich, Suffolk. Since then the, virus ,has spread from cattle to sheep in Britain. By October 2007 blue tongue had
  7. Represents one of the best characterized virus es. Current research Blue tongue, virus ,(BTV) is well characterised both genetically (the sequence was completed in
  8. Will reduce contact with the midges. The Suicides midges that carry the, virus ,usually breed on animal dung and moist soils, either bare or covered in short
  9. Prevention is effected via quarantine, inoculation with live modified, virus ,vaccine and control of the midge vector, including inspection of aircraft.
  10. Ex. During JC Denton's escape from Versa life labs in Hong Kong, he recovers a, virus ,engineered with the molecular structure in multiples of 17 and 23. Tracer Tong
  11. Some studies indicate approximately 80-90 % of patients with acute Epstein Barr, virus ,infection treated with amoxicillin or ampicillin develop such a rash. Image:
  12. Pathogen and vector Blue tongue is caused by the pathogenic virus , Bluetongue, virus ,(BTV),stereotypes. It is transmitted by a midge, Culicoides Nicola and other
  13. Tournament because it" looks great but never wins ". There exists a computer, virus ,named the Anna Kournikova virus that arose on February 12, 2001. Career
  14. Antecedent history Viral infections thought to induce ADAM include influenza, virus , retro virus , measles,mumps, rubella,varicella zoster, Epstein Barr virus
  15. To confirm the installation of unknown software before it can propagate. The, virus ,was written as a proof-of-concept by a group of virus writers known as" 29A "
  16. Great but never wins ". There exists a computer virus named the Anna Kournikova, virus ,that arose on February 12, 2001. Career statistics and awards * 1999: WTA
  17. Virus, entero virus , measles,mumps, rubella,varicella zoster, Epstein Barr, virus , cytomegalo virus , herpes simplex virus , hepatitis A, and coxsackie virus ; while
  18. Production of molecules involved in marking the cell for apoptosis, giving the, virus ,time to replicate and continue releasing apoptotic agents and virions into the
  19. Region of the gp120 CD4 binding site. This is the one part of the HIV, virus ,outer coating that does not change, because it is the attachment point to T
  20. Until complete blindness around the age of 30. The study used a common cold, virus ,to deliver a normal version of the gene called RPE65 directly into the eyes of
  21. Rubella, varicella zoster, Epstein Barr virus , cytomegalo virus , herpes simplex, virus , hepatitis A, and coxsackie virus ; while the bacterial infections include
  22. Killed. *2003 – Beijing closes all schools for two weeks because of the SARS, virus , *2011 – Zach Daniels defeated Rick Michaels to become the new TNT Heavyweight
  23. Sequestration required for it; and the role of host proteins in virus entry and, virus ,release. These areas are important for BTV replication, but they also indicate
  24. Of apoptosis. Examples of viral Bcl-2 proteins include the Epstein-Barr, virus ,BHRF1 protein and the adeno virus E1B 19K protein. Some virus es express cascade
  25. Risk for more serious illness or death in response to infection from the, virus , Epidemiological evidence from Chile shows a dose-dependent connection between
  26. And the protein sequestration required for it; and the role of host proteins in, virus ,entry and virus release. These areas are important for BTV replication but they
  27. In abortion or weak or deformed offspring, with some offspring carrying the, virus ,in their bloodstream. Such damage to the offspring was also seen for the calves
  28. By a midge, Culicoides Nicola and other colloids. Blue tongue virus Blue tongue, virus ,causes serious disease in livestock (sheep, goats,cattle and deer). Partly
  29. Cattle, goats and wild ruminants' infection is usually asymptomatic despite high, virus ,levels in blood. Red deer are an exception, and in them the disease may be as
  30. Prevents the initiation of a host response. This favors the spread of the, virus , Cascade independent apoptosis There is an extrinsic pathway that has been
  31. Attack called Blue was used for this experiment. In 2004 the first purported, virus ,using Bluetooth to spread itself among mobile phones appeared on the Symbian OS
  32. Goats, buffalo,deer, dromedaries and antelope. It is caused by the Blue tongue, virus ,(BTV). Pathogen and vector Blue tongue is caused by the pathogenic virus
  33. 16.2 percent) between the ages of 14 and 49 is infected with herpes simplex, virus ,type 2 (HSV-2),the infection rate is more than three times higher among
  34. With it fairly harmlessly, or may even become established as a plasmid. The, virus ,remains dormant until host conditions deteriorate, perhaps due to depletion of
  35. The first large highly complex structure ever solved); the definition of the, virus ,encoded enzymes required for RNA replication; the ordered assembly of the
  36. Bluetooth to spread itself among mobile phones appeared on the Symbian OS. The, virus ,was first described by Kaspersky Lab and requires users to confirm the
  37. Levels. BTV, like the other members of the family is a complex non-enveloped, virus ,with seven structural proteins and an RNA genome consisting of 10
  38. And possibly make up the majority of phages on the planet. D'Chevelle called the, virus ,a bacteriophage or bacteria-eater (from the Greek phage in meaning to eat). He
  39. Change their coats rapidly. Because this protein gp120 is necessary for the HIV, virus ,to attach, it does not change across different strains and is a point of
  40. But not real) security threat to Bluetooth technology or Symbian OS since the, virus ,has never spread outside this system. In August 2004,a world-record-setting
  41. Virus (BTV). Pathogen and vector Blue tongue is caused by the pathogenic, virus , Blue tongue virus (BTV),stereotypes. It is transmitted by a midge, Culicoides
  42. Of apoptosis. HIV progression The progression of the human immunodeficiency, virus ,infection into AIDS is primarily due to the depletion of CD4+ T-helper
  43. Most cases of anal cancer are related to infection with the human papilloma, virus ,(HPV). Damage is more likely to occur if intercourse is forcible or
  44. Of pro-apoptotic proteins. The adeno virus E1B-55K protein and the hepatitis B, virus ,HBO protein are examples of viral proteins that can perform such a function.
  45. Drugs as well as an information campaign designed to stop the spread of the, virus , The promiscuous nature of many sexual relationships further impacts the health
  46. Lysogenic cycle allows the host cell to continue to survive and reproduce,the, virus ,is reproduced in all the cell’s offspring. Sometimes prophages may provide
  47. It can propagate. The virus was written as a proof-of-concept by a group of, virus ,writers known as" 29A" and sent to anti virus groups. Thus, it should be
  48. Can cause thrombosis. ** Blood is an important vector of infection. HIV,the, virus ,that causes AIDS, is transmitted through contact with blood, semen or other
  49. Clonal B cells that specifically respond to only one antigen (an example is a, virus ,capsid protein fragment). Antibodies contribute to immunity in three ways:
  50. Among the diseases with which anal sex is associated are HIV, human papilloma, virus ,(HPV) (which can increase risk for anal cancer),or typhoid fever. Among

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