Examples of the the word, monthly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( monthly ), is the 2086 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Street, features displays on the history of Alameda. There is also an active, monthly ,lecture series on topics of local interest. Alameda Women Artists holds yearly
  2. In the form of increased cloudiness during late fall and early winter. The, monthly ,daily average temperature in July is, while the same figure for January is; the
  3. Novel about Hurricane Katrina *Architectural Digest, or " AD ", an American, monthly ,magazine mainly dedicated to interior design *Arrested Development (TV Series
  4. Owner Compensation Plan, in which the company reported that the average, monthly ,gross income for" Active" IBO's was $115. Global markets According to the
  5. In 1857 a modification of the government contract only obliged the company to a, monthly ,service between Pará and Manaus, with steamers of 200 tons cargo capacity, a
  6. Class may, upon proof of such neglect or refusal, order such person to make a, monthly ,allowance for the maintenance of such child. Affinity is a word used in a
  7. Sole Spider-Man title, increasing its frequency of publication to three issues, monthly , and inaugurating the series with a sequence of" back to basics" story arcs
  8. AOL charged its users an hourly fee, but in October 1996 this changed to a flat, monthly ,rate of $19.95. During this time, AOL connections would be flooded with users
  9. That features local news, opinion,features and sports; Ann Arbor Observer,a, monthly ,magazine with features covering local culture, politics,family life, business
  10. Method of Ditto Delivery, which allows consumers to specify an automatic, monthly ,delivery of each product. In May 2001,Ditto Delivery accounted for 30 % of
  11. Is devoted to the evolution of the AK-47 assault rifle and attracts 10,000, monthly , visitors. The museum serves as Russia's monument to this world-renowned
  12. By Melanoma in early 2007. Melanoma On 15 February 2007,the first issue of a, monthly ,comic entitled Melanoma was published. The sister comic features many of the
  13. d. 1807) ** 26 April 1803 – 1815 a 'Small Council' ( president rotating, monthly ,) In the year 2003,the canton of Aargau celebrated its 200th anniversary. In
  14. The early 1990s,the BBS industry became so popular that it spawned three, monthly ,magazines, Boardwatch, BBS Magazine, and in Asia and Australia, Chips 'n Bits
  15. The height of a Russian-Georgian spy scandal. As of April 24, 2008,the average, monthly ,salary is 75,000 drams (about $242 US dollars). Unemployment According to
  16. 2004 report claimed that the channel outperformed Sky News in both weekly and, monthly ,reach in multichannel homes for the January 2004 period, and for the first time
  17. Hero. The Amazing Spider-Man is the character's flagship series, and the only, monthly ,series to star Spider-Man until Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man in
  18. By Tony Le comber, stood against Tyndall for leadership of the BNP. A new, monthly ,newspaper, The Voice of Freedom, was initiated, as well as a journal, Identity.
  19. Area come to practice and share knowledge at these jams, held the 2nd Wednesday, monthly , The Alameda Art Association has about 80 members as of January 2011,and has a
  20. Of paying multiple 6-figure contracts as well as producing two TV shows and a, monthly ,magazine. Olympic sport discussion In the early 2000s,the CFBB was attempting
  21. Comic, along with The Dandy, has also run" Comic Library" titles. Released, monthly , these titles are a feature length (usually about 64 pages) adventure
  22. February 17, 2010 deadline was extended by a month. On March 16,at the FCC's, monthly ,meeting, Connecting America: The National Broadband Plan was revealed, with a
  23. Dam project, sponsored by the World Bank. In France the well-known, monthly ,paper Le Monde Diplomatic has advocated the antiglobalization cause and an
  24. Then, and listings to US and worldwide BBSes. In addition, in the USA, a major, monthly ,magazine, Computer Shopper, carried a list of BBSes along with a brief abstract
  25. Publication that has ceased production was the Ann Arbor Paper, a free, monthly , Currently-established publications in the city include the A2 Journal, a
  26. By the state, which distributes the money back to the local jurisdictions, monthly , Low-income taxpayers with a total annual household income of less than $12,000
  27. Welt, Junge Welt, Neues Deutschland, and Die Tageszeitung. The Berliner,a, monthly ,magazine, is Berlin's English-language periodical focusing on arts and
  28. To those injured by Agent Orange. The Vietnamese government provides small, monthly ,stipends to more than 200,000 Vietnamese believed affected by the herbicides;
  29. 10,000 emails or 200 minutes of streaming video),the limit under the $25, monthly , plan,and 65 percent use less than 200 megabytes, the limit for the $15 plan.
  30. Of Angus Young. Marvel Comics From 1994 to 1996,Marvel Comics published a, monthly ,Basis and Butt-head comic by a variety of writers, but with each issue drawn
  31. The most stable timescale possible. This combined timescale is published, monthly ,in ftp: //ftp2. Bipm. for/pub/tai/publication/dirt/ Circular T, and is the
  32. Waste from Italy to the small town of Yoko in Nigeria in exchange for $100, monthly , rent which was paid to a Nigerian for the use of his farmland. These practices
  33. Novel),by American author William T. Hollman * Atlas (magazine),Turkish, monthly ,magazine on geography, environment,history and culture * The World Atlas of
  34. The mainstream continuity of the franchise, it began publication in 1963 as a, monthly ,periodical and was published continuously until it was relaunched with a new
  35. Prayers). The Order for Holy Communion may be celebrated bi-weekly or, monthly ,(in preference to the daily offices),by priests attired in choir habit, or
  36. Important role because they provide the record-keeping, brokering expertise and, monthly ,statements to each member. Commercial exchanges make money by charging a
  37. A debtor and their creditors. A typical proposal would involve a debtor making, monthly ,payments for a maximum of five years, with the funds distributed to their
  38. Demand growth, the 2007 Q1 inflation rate reached 16.6 %. Nominal incomes and, monthly ,wages climbed 29 % and 25 % respectively against this figure, but price
  39. The UK contract mobile phone customers since they are using up their allocated, monthly ,minutes rather than paying for additional calls. Such services were previously
  40. S Saudi citizenship was also revoked. His family was persuaded to cut off his, monthly ,stipend,$7 million ($ today) a year, and his Saudi assets were frozen. His
  41. Until issue 100. Since then, many writers and artists have taken over the, monthly ,comic through the years, chronicling the adventures of Marvel's most
  42. Though its income level remains one of the lowest within the EU with an average, monthly ,wage of 689 lava (354 euro). According to Eurostat data, Bulgarian PPS GDP
  43. Began in 1944. Bridgehead Studios, located on Landing Avenue, hosts the, monthly ,Estuary Art Attack gallery crawl on the second Friday of every month. Helmed by
  44. Powers were in control; the four occupying powers took overall control on a, monthly ,rotation. Speer considered himself an outcast among his fellow prisoners for
  45. The years 2000 to 2006 show daily temperature minimums of and maximums of and, monthly ,rainfall of; these are about 1 °C and nearly 10 millimeters above last century
  46. Internal elections, regular meeting protocols, annual conferences—and, monthly ,journals for open discussion and balloting. Dispute resolution procedures were
  47. Used to keep latecomers at bay. The Council The presidency of the Boyle rotated, monthly ,amongst the ten proteins, or delegations from the ten Calisthenic tribes, of
  48. Broadband, as the increased price was the same price they had been charging for, monthly ,DSL access. However, AOL has since started offering their services for $9.95 a
  49. Aircraft registrations can be found in books, with online resources or in, monthly ,magazines from enthusiast groups. During hostilities During World War II and
  50. Cultural organizations. The Aberdeen Area Arts Council publishes a small, monthly ,newspaper, ARTiFACTS, with information on area events. The Aberdeen Community

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