Examples of the the word, jack , in a Sentence Context

The word ( jack ), is the 2093 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Two players aiming at a small cone instead of an earthenware ball or, jack , The world's oldest surviving bowling green is the Southampton Old Bowling
  2. Jack is called out, in yards, feet and inches-the position in relation to the, jack ,is given using the clock,12.00 is behind the jack . The world's best are a
  3. A" dead" end which is replayed, though according to international rules the, jack ,is" respotted" to the center of the rink and the end are continued. After each
  4. Complaints from many people, the headphone jack was changed from a recessed, jack ,to a flush jack to be compatible with more styles of headphones. The software
  5. First team misses twice, the other team is awarded the opportunity to place the, jack ,anywhere they choose within the prescribed zone. The side that first attempted
  6. Position in relation to the jack is given using the clock,12.00 is behind the, jack , The world's best are a match for the best club level sighted bowlers.
  7. Rink and the players take turns to roll their bowls from the mat towards the, jack ,and thereby build up the" head ". A bowl may curve outside the rink boundary
  8. For opponents to get their bowls into the head, or to places where the, jack ,might be deflected to if the opponent attempts to disturb the head. There are
  9. Circuit that could only emit a click through a built-in speaker or a line out, jack ,; all other sounds (including two, three and, eventually,four-voice music and
  10. Make their subsequent shots not with the goal of placing the bowl near the, jack , but in positions to make it difficult for opponents to get their bowls into
  11. To the jack . For instance, if a competitor has bowled two bowls closer to the, jack ,than their opponent's nearest, they are awarded two shots. The exercise is
  12. The player's hand consisted of the ace of spades and a black jack (either the, jack ,of clubs or the jack of spades). This hand was called a" black jack " and the
  13. In bowling parlance, an " end" ), by placing the mat and rolling the, jack ,to the other end of the green to serve as a target. Once it has come to rest
  14. player's bowl may have been regarded by the second player as a species of, jack ,; but in that case it is not clear what was the first player's target. In these
  15. Circuit that could only emit a click through a built-in speaker or a line out, jack ,; all other sounds (including two, three and, eventually,four-voice music and
  16. To one payout if the player's hand consisted of the ace of spades and a black, jack ,(either the jack of clubs or the jack of spades). This hand was called a "
  17. Black or white back. Following complaints from many people, the headphone, jack ,was changed from a recessed jack to a flush jack to be compatible with more
  18. SC1425 - Color monitor,14" screen, One speaker on the left of screen,a, jack ,to plug ear-listeners * SC1435 - Color monitor,14" screen, stereo speakers
  19. Then used human operators and cord boards to switch telephone calls by means of, jack ,plugs. Out of necessity, Erlang was a hands-on researcher. He would conduct
  20. To either 21,25 or 31 shots (how many bowls of ones are closest to the white, jack ,or kitty are shots). The controlling body sets the game to either 21,25 or
  21. Way, from left to right. In both cases, the bowl is rolled as close to the, jack ,as possible, unless tactics demand otherwise. A" drive" or" fire" or "
  22. And remain alive in play even though they are in the ditch. Similarly, if the, jack ,is knocked into the ditch it is still alive unless it is out of bounds to the
  23. Scoring team receives one point for each of their balls that is closer to the, jack ,than the closest ball of the other team. The length of a game varies by region
  24. Called out by a sighted marker, when the woods are sent the distance from the, jack ,is called out, in yards, feet and inches-the position in relation to the jack
  25. Of the ace of spades and a black jack (either the jack of clubs or the, jack ,of spades). This hand was called a" black jack " and the name stuck to the
  26. Or" strike" involves bowling with force with the aim of knocking either the, jack ,or a specific bowl out of play - and with the drive's speed, there is
  27. And retire from the game). Number-cards count as their natural value; the, jack , queen, and king (also known as" face cards" or" pictures" ) count as 10;
  28. Play cards from the dummy hand at declarer's instruction (e.g., by saying ", jack ,of hearts please, partner ", or less frequently by touching or pointing at the
  29. The tunneling advanced, as had been initially planned, a specially designed, jack ,was constructed to support the ground and tracks to allow the excavation to
  30. Aimed bowl crossing neighboring rinks rather than heading towards their, jack , When bowling there are several types of delivery. " Draw" shots are those
  31. In the air using an underarm action. This is generally used to knock either the, jack ,or another ball away to attain a more favorable position. Tactics can get quite
  32. To bowl. From then on, the side which does not have the ball closest to the, jack ,has a chance to bowl, up until one side or the other has used their four balls.
  33. And a jack . The first player's bowl has come to rest just in front of the, jack ,; the second has delivered his bowl and is following after it with one of those
  34. For each bowl which a competitor has closer than the opponent's nearest to the, jack , For instance, if a competitor has bowled two bowls closer to the jack than
  35. Many people, the headphone jack was changed from a recessed jack to a flush, jack ,to be compatible with more styles of headphones. The software capabilities
  36. Forehand draw" or" finger peg" is initially aimed to the right of the, jack , and curves in to the left. The same bowler can deliver a" backhand draw" or
  37. Us into close touch with the existing game. Three figures are introduced and a, jack , The first player's bowl has come to rest just in front of the jack ; the
  38. Dead and removed from play, except in the event when one has" touched" the, jack ,on its way. " Touches" are marked with chalk and remain alive in play even
  39. Decide whether the colony will have single or multiple queens. The Australian, jack ,jumper ant (Armenia Missoula) has only a single pair of chromosomes (males
  40. A randomly chosen side being given the opportunity to throw a smaller ball,the, jack ,(called a boccie or palling in some areas, but most commonly called the Con)
  41. Include Spanish 21 and pontoon. The recreational British card game of black, jack ,is a shedding-type game and unrelated to the subject of this article. History
  42. In fours),the distance of the closest bowls to the jack is determined (the, jack ,may have been displaced) and points, called " shots ", are awarded for each
  43. Choose within the prescribed zone. The side that first attempted to place the, jack ,is given the opportunity to bowl first. Once the first bowl has taken place
  44. Is to roll slightly asymmetric balls so that they stop close to a smaller ", jack ," or" kitty ". It is played on a pitch which may be flat (for" flat-green
  45. The other side bowls its remaining balls. The team with the closest ball to the, jack ,is the only team that can score points in any frame. The scoring team receives
  46. Skilful. A string is run out down the center of the lane & wherever the, jack ,lands it is moved across to the string and the length is called out by a
  47. And two bowls each in fours),the distance of the closest bowls to the, jack ,is determined (the jack may have been displaced) and points, called " shots "
  48. The other end of the green to serve as a target. Once it has come to rest,the, jack ,is aligned to the center of the rink and the players take turns to roll their
  49. Referred to as" controlled" weight or" rambler" ), enough to displace the, jack ,or disturb other bowls in the head without killing the end. A" block" shot is
  50. The game. Crown Green Bowling utilizes the entire green. A player can send the, jack ,anywhere on the green in this game and the green itself is more akin to a golf

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