Examples of the the word, insider , in a Sentence Context

The word ( insider ), is the 5740 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Insider information In the industry of investing, there is a difference between, insider ,trading and insider information. For example, there was information released
  2. Not just limited to corporate officials and major shareholders where illegal, insider ,trading is concerned, but can include any individual who trades shares based on
  3. Charges" and a" market free from monopoly power, business fraud, political, insider , dealing and special privileges for vested interests ". A" free market "
  4. He is violating his obligation to the shareholders. For example, illegal, insider , trading would occur if the chief executive officer of Company A learned (prior
  5. In the hope that mimicking these trades will be profitable. While" legal ", insider ,trading cannot be based on material non-public information, some investors
  6. Its troubled division. In 1983,Ray Vassar was forced to leave Atari over an, insider ,stock trading sale, and executives involved in the AMISOM lost track of the
  7. Began to consider him a possible nominee for governor. Daniel Manning, a party, insider ,who admired Cleveland's record, promoted his candidacy. With a split in the
  8. However, Rule 10b5-1 also created for insider s an affirmative defense if the, insider ,can demonstrate that the trades conducted on behalf of the insider were
  9. Their stock price to new levels, at which point the executives began to work on, insider ,information and trade millions of dollars worth of Enron stock. The executives
  10. Violating the fiduciary duty that they owe to the shareholders. The corporate, insider , simply by accepting employment, has undertaken a legal obligation to the
  11. A while performing his work duties, and bought stock in Company A, illegal, insider , trading might still have occurred. Even though the journalist did not violate a
  12. Trading would still have occurred. Misappropriation theory A newer view of, insider ,trading, the " misappropriation theory," is now part of US law. It states that
  13. Likely to have an effect on the company's share price, the duty the corporate, insider ,owes the company is now imputed to the friend and the friend violates a duty to
  14. The company if he or she trades on the basis of this information. Liability for, insider ,trading Liability for insider trading violations cannot be avoided by passing
  15. And a 2002 FIFA World Cup delegate),became the first high-level football, insider ,to go public with substantial allegations of greed, corruption,malfeasance and
  16. On the basis of this information. Liability for insider trading Liability for, insider ,trading violations cannot be avoided by passing on the information in an" I
  17. Alone is sufficient to violate the provision, and the SEC would infer that an, insider ,in possession of material nonpublic information used this information when
  18. The U. S. prohibition against insider trading does not require proof that an, insider ,actually used material nonpublic information when conducting a trade;
  19. Earnings releases. SEC Rule 10b5-1 clarified that the U. S. prohibition against, insider ,trading does not require proof that an insider actually used material nonpublic
  20. Off-limits unless something extreme happened, became the fodder of editorials, insider ,stories on television, and features in magazines. When the use of
  21. However, the term is frequently used to refer to a practice in which an, insider ,or a related party trades based on material non-public information obtained
  22. If the insider can demonstrate that the trades conducted on behalf of the, insider ,were conducted as part of a preexisting contract or written, binding plan for
  23. Without being accused of trading on inside information. Insider trading vs., insider ,information In the industry of investing, there is a difference between insider
  24. Interests before their own, in matters related to the corporation. When the, insider ,buys or sells based upon company owned information, he is violating his
  25. Is non-public, there is a duty to disclose it or abstain from trading. Tracking, insider ,trades Since insider s are required to report their trades, others often track
  26. Passed the information on to his brother-in-law who traded on it, illegal, insider , trading would still have occurred. Misappropriation theory A newer view of
  27. Capital for securities issuers, thus decreasing overall economic growth. Legal, insider ,trading Legal trades by insider s are common, as employees of publicly-traded
  28. A few business days of the trade. Many investors follow the summaries of these, insider ,trades in the hope that mimicking these trades will be profitable. While "
  29. Based on material non-public information obtained during the performance of the, insider ,'s duties at the corporation, or otherwise in breach of a fiduciary or other
  30. Persona of Wilson). Tim presented his own favorite clips from the show, insider ,'s tips, personal reflections and a question and answer session with the live
  31. May 2010,an earlier cut of the film was leaked on BitTorrent. According to an, insider , what was leaked on the Internet was a very different film from the newer
  32. That information in any stock (not just the employer's stock) is guilty of, insider ,trading. For example, if a journalist who worked for Company B learned about
  33. Cents by the Lillian Corporation after he alerted the company to Colcord's, insider ,trading. Fired by the corporation because of her silence on the issue, Rebecca
  34. II. In the novel, Hughes is portrayed as an unofficial intelligence community, insider , * Howard Hughes also appears in James Ellroy's Underworld USA Trilogy. *
  35. The pressure of investigations. The SEC is focusing resources on investigating, insider ,trading by hedge funds, though a statement by SEC Enforcement Director Robert
  36. Jersey General Assembly *Dennis Levine – a prominent player in the Wall Street, insider ,trading scandals of the mid-1980s *Ralph Lauren – Chairman and CEO of Polo
  37. Which she had run. The bright design of the set was also blamed for this – one, insider ,reportedly described it as a" car crash in a shower" A graphics relaunch in
  38. Commitment to the corporation by officers purchasing shares, etc.) Illegal, insider ,trading is believed to raise the cost of capital for securities issuers, thus
  39. Be imputed; for example, in many jurisdictions, in cases of where a corporate, insider ," tips" a friend about non-public information likely to have an effect on the
  40. Capture of as much of the assets as they could. If so, this is arguably, insider ,dealing on a grand scale with the benefit of inside specialist knowledge of the
  41. Local Journal Frankfurt is the best-known magazine for events, parties,and ", insider ,tips" in the city. Contest is a consumer-orientated magazine which focuses on
  42. Persona, that of an egotistical, narcissistic,nervous comic, an ironic showbiz, insider ,who punctured himself before an audience by disassembling his mastery of
  43. Follows the lead of insider s. This is of course subject to the risk that an, insider ,is making a buy specifically to increase investor confidence, or making a sell
  44. One dollar. Former Enron executive Paula Raider has been charged with criminal, insider ,trading. Raider obtained 18,380 Enron shares for $15.51 a share. She sold that
  45. Will be higher than expected, and then you buy the stock, you are not guilty of, insider ,trading unless there was some closer connection between you, the company, or
  46. Creative accounting, earnings management, misleading financial analysis, insider ,trading, securities fraud, bribery/kickbacks and facilitation payments. Outside
  47. SUVs, and almost everything else. They often cast a critical, jaundiced, insider , 's eye toward the auto industry. Tom and Ray are committed to the values of
  48. Contract or written, binding plan for trading in the future. Definition of ", insider ," In the United States and Germany, for mandatory reporting purposes, corporate
  49. But was eventually arrested and imprisoned. 1910s * Marconi scandal of, insider ,trading by Liberal Party Ministers including: ** Rufus Isaacs,1st Marquess of
  50. Aguirre was fired from his job with the SEC when, as lead investigator of, insider ,trading allegations against Pequot Capital Management, he tried to interview

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