Examples of the the word, trauma , in a Sentence Context

The word ( trauma ), is the 4898 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Lives are put at risk by their commanding officers who seem unaware of the, trauma ,of their charges. Main characters Paul Bäumer is the main character
  2. And/or adult cyclists to wear helmets, as this may protect riders from head, trauma , Countries which require adult cyclists to wear helmets include Spain, New
  3. Himself no longer the sole focus of his mother's affection left him with a, trauma ,which goes some way to explaining the excesses later apparent in his life. He
  4. In which to move. Industrial ergonomics later tried to minimize physical, trauma , Improved working conditions In his autobiography Henry Ford (1922) mentions
  5. Donald N. Levine, points out that for the Italians Ada" became a national, trauma ,which demagogic leaders strove to avenge. It also played no little part in
  6. Osteoarthritis by age 65. Risk factors for osteoarthritis include: prior joint, trauma , obesity, sedentary lifestyle. Osteoarthritis, like rheumatoid arthritis
  7. Experience of separating from a long-term partner, though it looked at the, trauma ,more optimistically. With the now publicized story of Andersson and Lyngstad's
  8. Sweet food; voracious eating; too much alcohol),fatigue, sexual intemperance, trauma , and parasites (虫, ). Plant elements and extracts are by far the most common
  9. Recent efforts have been made to develop models for using CBT with complex, trauma , These models are still in their early stages but have strong promise. In
  10. Then have, until now, not met with any lasting success. A collective, trauma ,is a trauma tic psychological effect shared by a group of people of any size, up
  11. Artists who know aspects of Chinese medicine that apply to the treatment of, trauma ,and injuries such as bone fractures, sprains,and bruises. Some of these
  12. Is the case. Other risk factors such as cultural environmental effects e.g., trauma ,have been proposed to explain the higher rates of alcoholism among Native
  13. An estimated 162,000 jobs in the state. Health UAB Hospital is the only Level I, trauma ,center in Alabama. UAB is the largest employer in Alabama, with a workforce of
  14. To his poor health or to an earthquake that shook the city that day. In the, trauma ,of the earthquake,Vivaldi's mother may have dedicated him to the priesthood.
  15. Kipling's Song of the Dead: Amputation is the removal of a body extremity by, trauma , prolonged constriction, or surgery. As a surgical measure, it is used to
  16. Keep his blood pressure down, in order to allow his brain to recover from the, trauma ,of the stroke and subsequent surgery. On the night of Sharon's stroke, in the
  17. Held firmly together. Thus, when the horse is ridden under saddle or suffers, trauma ,to the skin, the outer layer often splits or separates from the deeper layer
  18. The most basic of all human wishes is to find a meaning of life to combat the ", trauma ,of nonbeing" as death is near. Test and performance anxiety According to
  19. Later, US naval policy was changed so that after events of such psychological, trauma , the crew would be dispersed to new assignments. Examples of contemporary
  20. To treat major depressive disorder, anxiety disorders, and symptoms related to, trauma ,and post- trauma tic stress disorder. Significant work has been done in this area
  21. Most common form, osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) is a result of, trauma ,to the joint, infection of the joint, or age. Other arthritis forms are
  22. To cyclists, from cycling) can be divided into two types: Acute physical, trauma ,includes injuries to the head and extremities resulting from falls and
  23. Safely at Southampton Airport. The captain, Tim Lancaster, despite the physical, trauma ,he suffered, fully recovered and five months later he returned to duty. * On 2
  24. And arteries, and helps to push the blood back to the heart. For victims of, trauma , advances in microsurgery in the 1970s have made replantations of severed
  25. Royal Victoria Hospital is an internationally-renowned center of excellence in, trauma ,care and provides specialist trauma care for all of Northern Ireland. It also
  26. Examination of its contents, for example, to locate a source of bleeding or, trauma , It may or may not be followed by repair or removal of the primary problem.
  27. Because failure to treat the primary lesion will result in relapse. In cases of, trauma , for example in compound skull fractures where fragments of bone are pushed
  28. Institute on Mental Health and Human Rights (IAS)," situations of extreme, trauma ," affected about 200,000 persons.; this figure includes individuals killed
  29. Centre of excellence in trauma care and provides specialist, trauma ,care for all of Northern Ireland. It also provides the city's specialist
  30. Past is tangible and menacing. The characters are often trying to escape some, trauma ,or crime tied to the Event, and confronting it becomes their only chance at
  31. The infection may also be introduced through a skull fracture following a head, trauma ,or surgical procedures. Brain abscess is usually associated with congenital
  32. Traumatic than having your parents murdered before your eyes. " Despite his, trauma , he is driven to train to become a brilliant scientist and train his body into
  33. Scandal. Although physically unharmed, Dickens never really recovered from the, trauma ,of the Staplers crash, and his normally prolific writing shrank to
  34. Treatment of a mother with Antioch antibodies prior to and immediately after, trauma ,and delivery destroys Rh antigen in the mother's system from the fetus.
  35. Agents in order to preserve higher brain functions following brain, trauma , or to save the patient from extreme pain during healing of injuries or
  36. Of the bowel are unsterile, and thus leakage of bowel contents, as from, trauma , substantially increases the risk of infection. Abduction or abducted may refer
  37. Ramon Hardwood in the 2010 NFL Draft. On July 25,Sergio Kindle suffered a head, trauma ,after falling down 2 flights of stairs in a home in Austin, Texas and was lost
  38. Such as Speech Bloom, which is a study program for stuttering. Complex, trauma ,Recent efforts have been made to develop models for using CBT with complex
  39. Stimuli),and on case studies of alterations in consciousness produced by, trauma , illness, or drugs. Broadly viewed, scientific approaches are based on two core
  40. Be a risk factor for later development of alcohol dependence. Severe childhood, trauma ,is also associated with a general increase in the risk of drug dependency.
  41. And Artist (1932),the psychologist Otto Rank wrote that the psychological, trauma ,of birth was the pre-eminent human symbol of existential anxiety and
  42. Of the Holly family tree. The miscarriage was reportedly due to“ psychological, trauma ,”. Years later, in 1971,Don McLean released his single," American Pie ”, too
  43. Hypoxia, hypothermia,hypoglycemia or trauma tic injuries such as head, trauma ,caused by falls or vehicle collisions. It may also be deliberately induced by
  44. Mechanics at Wayne State University. Initiated studies on blunt head, trauma ,and injury thresholds beginning in 1939 in collaboration with Dr. E. S.
  45. Laura's father takes her on a year-long vacation to recover from the, trauma ,and regain her health. Sources As with Dracula, critics have looked for the
  46. That are Rhesus-negative (Rh –) do not. During normal childbirth, delivery, trauma , or complications during pregnancy, blood from a fetus can enter the mother's
  47. The onset of Alexander's kidney failure was later linked to the blunt, trauma ,suffered at Bork. In Central Asian affairs he followed the traditional policy
  48. Methods including herbal abortifacients, the use of sharpened tools, physical, trauma , and other traditional methods. Contemporary medicine utilizes medications and
  49. Is not recommended by physicians. Abortion is sometimes attempted by causing, trauma ,to the abdomen. The degree of force, if severe, can cause serious internal
  50. Body parts possible. Prognosis The individual may experience psychological, trauma ,as well as emotional discomfort. The stump will remain an area of reduced

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