Examples of the the word, empirical , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Its direction of motion. Alien further criticized Ptolemy's model on other, empirical , observational and experimental grounds, such as Ptolemy's use of conjectural
  2. Of research in evolutionary biology today, with both computer simulation and, empirical ,results supporting its validity. Application of theory to man, and role of
  3. Praxeology is the study of human action. Phraseology rejects the, empirical ,methods of the natural sciences, because the observation of how humans act in
  4. Organized two expeditions to observe a solar eclipse in 1919 to make the first, empirical ,test of Einstein’s theory: the measurement of the deflection of light by the
  5. century's" archetypal 'unscientific' economist. " Austrians argue that, empirical ,data in and of itself cannot explain anything, which in turn implies that
  6. Reached his conclusions by experimentation and examination of the results in an, empirical ,fashion. In 1803 Dalton orally presented his first list of relative atomic
  7. When making an aesthetic judgment. An aesthetic judgment cannot be an, empirical ,judgment. Therefore, due to impossibility for precision, there is confusion
  8. Same over a considerable range of temperatures and justifies the approximate, empirical ,Principle of Thomsen and Bert helot, which states that the equilibrium state to
  9. That he has never experienced it. This seems to pose a serious problem for the, empirical ,account, though Hume brushes it aside as an exceptional case by stating that
  10. Tanks, and many mainstream economists. Lack of evidence Critics assert that the, empirical ,evidence does not support the views of the anti-globalization movement. These
  11. And the arts to free themselves for the discovery of modern scientific laws and, empirical ,methods. The medieval English poet Chaucer describes his student as being happy
  12. Few are supported by scientific studies. Treatment approaches have little, empirical ,support in quality-of-life contexts, and many programs focus on success
  13. A comparatively more holistic account of phenomena and tends to be highly, empirical , The quest for holism leads most anthropologists to study a particular place
  14. Focus on induction to construct and test theories. Austrian economists reject, empirical ,statistical methods, natural experiments and constructed experiments as tools
  15. Hummel argues that the Austrian explanation of the business cycle fails on, empirical ,grounds. In particular, he points out that investment spending has decreased
  16. For the properties. The use of aerodynamics through mathematical analysis, empirical ,approximations, wind tunnel experimentation, and computer simulations form the
  17. Discover the true fundamental nature of matter. Modern atomic theory Earliest, empirical ,evidence Near the end of the 18th century, two laws about chemical reactions
  18. Was in epistemology and very little of his work is directly concerned with the, empirical ,sciences. In his mature work, when he did refer to science it was often to
  19. May sound rather mystical in such a summary, his methodology was resolutely, empirical , rather than speculative or transcendental: Philosophy ... is a science, and as
  20. Economic thought. Mainstream schools such as Keynesian's and Monetarists adopt, empirical , mathematical, and statistical methods, and focus on induction to construct and
  21. Epistemologist a degree of certitude in the treatment of miracles. True to his, empirical ,thesis, Hume tells the reader that, though testimony does have some force, it
  22. Peter Lesson argues that" the case for anarchy derives its strength from, empirical ,evidence, not theory. " Hans-Hermann Hope, meanwhile,uses" argumentation
  23. By the Jesuits until that time. In 1775 Washout was introduced to the, empirical ,philosophy of Johann Georg Heinrich FEDER of the University of Göttingen. Both
  24. And neither can you. "; Weak agnosticism (also called" soft,"" open," ", empirical ," or" temporal agnosticism" ): The view that the existence or nonexistence
  25. With Aristotelian natural philosophy, Alhazen was mainly concerned with, empirical ,observation and the internal contradictions in Ptolemy's works. In his Arias
  26. As ethics and theoretical physics and cosmology to define truth,outside, empirical ,considerations. Beauty and Truth have been argued to be nearly synonymous, as
  27. Own formulation was that a sentence can only be meaningful if it has verifiable, empirical ,import, otherwise it is either" analytical" if tautologous, or " metaphysical
  28. Data cannot falsify a theory. Paul A. Samuelson has said such rejections of, empirical ,evidence in economics has led to the Austrian School being dismissed within
  29. Optical instrument. His experiments with the camera obscure provided sufficient, empirical ,grounds for him to develop his theory of corresponding point projection of
  30. The New Kingdom and at Abyss and Said in the Late period. Medical papyri show, empirical ,knowledge of anatomy, injuries,and practical treatments. Wounds were treated
  31. Research, Susan Blackmore came to the conclusion that there is no, empirical ,evidence for an afterlife. Some, such as Francis Crick in 1994,have attempted
  32. On the philosophy of Ethical naturalism) attempts to define right and wrong in, empirical ,terms that allow for objective answers to be sought. Moral order (Kant) # The
  33. Data in and of itself cannot explain anything, which in turn implies that, empirical ,data cannot falsify a theory. Paul A. Samuelson has said such rejections of
  34. An arbitrary operating system),there are significant drawbacks to using an, empirical ,approach to gauge the comparative performance of a given set of algorithms.
  35. Is the analysis of an algorithm's run-time in practice). Shortcomings of, empirical ,metrics Since algorithms are platform-independent (i.e. a given algorithm can
  36. Economics as an a priori system like logic or mathematics, rather than as an, empirical ,science like geology. It attempts to discover axioms of human action (called "
  37. Of anthropology, like Marvin Harris, indicate two major frameworks within which, empirical ,anthropology has arisen: interest in comparisons of people over space and
  38. In turn led to innovative developments in infinitesimal geometry. His reformed, empirical ,model was the first to reject the equal and eccentrics, separate natural
  39. Certainty given by mathematics and logic, or prescribed directly from the, empirical ,findings of science. She states:" Since we do not succeed in fleeing it, let
  40. States in opposition to this sort of evolutionary perspective. His approach was, empirical , skeptical of overgeneralizations, and eschewed attempts to establish universal
  41. Thus make claims considered controversial by some and that are contingent upon, empirical ,verification. Anthropic coincidences In 1961,Robert Dice noted that the age
  42. Lacks scientific rigor, rejects the scientific method, and rejects the use of, empirical ,data. Thomas Mayer Economic historian Bruce Caldwell has described Ludwig on
  43. Astrology, due to the methods used by astrologers being conjectural rather than, empirical , and also due to the views of astrologers conflicting with that of orthodox
  44. Certainty through thinking itself, thus through inner experience rather than, empirical ,observation, as the basis of his epistemology of spiritual experience.
  45. In which logic plays a major role. Today's philosophy tends to exclude, empirical ,study of the natural world by means of the scientific method. In contrast
  46. Crystallography, but their results are more equivocal since they do not produce, empirical ,structures. Online web servers such as Web Antibody Modeling (WAM) and
  47. Of the total height. Durer based these constructions on both Vitruvian and, empirical ,observations of," two to three hundred living persons," Gallery
  48. The name, antidepressants are often used controversially, and with a dearth of, empirical ,evidence to support their indication, off-label to treat other conditions, such
  49. Methods used by astrologers in judicial astrology being conjectural rather than, empirical ,and also due to the principles of this type of astrology conflicting with
  50. Sequential search when used for table lookups on sorted lists. Formal versus, empirical ,The analysis and study of algorithms is a discipline of computer science, and

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