Examples of the the word, questionnaire , in a Sentence Context

The word ( questionnaire ), is the 4900 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And read the Bible in bed every Sunday morning. " In an unveiled answer to a, questionnaire , Gödel described his religion as" baptized Lutheran (but not member of any
  2. The RTA label, unlike ICRA labels, does not require a webmaster to fill out a, questionnaire ,or sign up to use. Like ICRA the RTA label is free. Both labels are recognized
  3. That may be used to screen patients quickly in a doctor's office.: The CAGE, questionnaire ,has demonstrated a high effectiveness in detecting alcohol related problems;
  4. By means of subjective report interviews, conducted according to a structured, questionnaire ,memorized by the experimenters (but not marked on the response sheet in any
  5. Unexpected difficulties answering counter-factual questions posed to them in a, questionnaire , After a study he concluded that this was related to the way in which
  6. States or American" ancestry based on responses to the 2000 Census long-form, questionnaire ,(1 in 6 sample). Discrete responses of the United States and American or an
  7. Found that people often demonstrate bias against other races, even when their, questionnaire ,responses reveal equal mindedness. One study found that explicit attitudes
  8. The population census has been combined with the housing statistics. The 2001, questionnaire , only asked about households and who was living in them, while no questionnaire s
  9. And unemployment. A 2004 study in which American women at clinics answered a, questionnaire ,yielded similar results. A 1998 survey found risk to maternal health cited as
  10. By him and compared thousands of different criteria about each college with, questionnaire ,answers submitted by each student applicant. When he was 20,he sold the
  11. Common. The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT),a screening, questionnaire ,developed by the World Health Organization, is unique in that it has been
  12. Attending Accident and Emergency departments. It Concords well with the AUDIT, questionnaire ,but is administered in a fifth of the time. Genetic predisposition testing
  13. Their country of origin and the details of their crimes against the Reich. This, questionnaire ,was to be put into an envelope inscribed with a seal that read" Yacht UND
  14. This study has been criticized for using an improperly validated food frequency, questionnaire , which has been shown to have low levels of accuracy. In response to changing
  15. Respondents were able, for the first time, to choose to complete their census, questionnaire ,online. Other options for answering the questionnaire include postal mail (
  16. Of immigrants from endemic areas. In Spain, donors are evaluated with a, questionnaire ,to identify individuals at risk of Changes exposure for screening tests. While
  17. Should be well-thought-out. After the May 1987 Gary Hart–Donna Rice scandal,a, questionnaire ,by The New York Times requested things such as psychiatric records and access
  18. Survey that shows two in five of the 279 climate scientists who responded to a, questionnaire ,complained that some of their scientific papers had been edited in a way that
  19. Of the TACAN government, which submitted a 7,000-page report in reply to the, questionnaire ,by the European Commission. Foreign relations were severely affected by the
  20. Viceroyalties of New Spain and Peru to direct the gathering of information. The, questionnaire , composed of fifty items, was designed to elicit basic information about the
  21. Penalties for giving false answers or not giving answers at all to the census, questionnaire , One of the most important provisions of law is the guarantee for the
  22. Boulder, Colorado ). The custom-design process typically begins with a detailed, questionnaire ,and interview, which the designer uses to determine the skier's needs. The
  23. Registers will be used. That data will be supplemented with a biannual, questionnaire ,sample of 200,000 people as well as regular microcensuses. The motivation for
  24. Censuses 1980 and 1991 included housing information and in addition a larger, questionnaire ,for a sample of the population. However, the questionnaire s for the 1980 were
  25. Observation Mission to the Republic of Moldova concluded that the items in the, questionnaire ,dealing with nationality and language proved to be the most sensitive ones
  26. Bureau as a federal agency. In recent times, there have been two forms of, questionnaire , long and short. The long form and its additional questions about matters such
  27. From the draft. When Brando reported to the induction center he answered a, questionnaire ,provided to him by saying his race was" human ", his color was "
  28. Then there must be such a thing as an afterlife. " In an unveiled answer to a, questionnaire , Gödel described his religion as" baptized Lutheran (but not member of any
  29. Middle Eastern countries polled held strongly negative views of Jews. In the, questionnaire , only 2 percent of Egyptians,3 percent of Lebanese Muslims, and 2 percent of
  30. Has been validated in six countries and is used internationally. Like the CAGE, questionnaire , it uses a simple set of questions – a high score earning a deeper
  31. Of observation, but in the context of survey sampling it most often involves a, questionnaire ,used to measure the characteristics and/or attitudes of people. Different ways
  32. Registers will be used. That data will be supplemented with a biannual, questionnaire ,sample of 200,000 people as well as regular microcensuses. Syria The first
  33. Or their eventual fate. For each prisoner, the SD was required to fill out a, questionnaire ,that listed their personal information, their country of origin and the details
  34. Techniques and the individual who joined the group, and to complete a, questionnaire ,regarding their general knowledge of cults. Results indicate that subject
  35. 2006 Census of New Zealand, respondents could choose to complete their census, questionnaire ,online. See New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings. The Census
  36. To complete their census questionnaire online. Other options for answering the, questionnaire ,include postal mail (using a pre-paid envelope) and telephone (using an 800
  37. Developed a content rating system for online content providers. Using an online, questionnaire ,a webmaster describes the nature of his web content. A small file is generated
  38. Data Questionnaire, which is a more sensitive diagnostic test than the CAGE, questionnaire , It helps distinguish a diagnosis of alcohol dependence from one of heavy
  39. Process. Organizations were originally assessed using a process maturity, questionnaire ,and a Software Capability Evaluation method devised by Humphrey and his
  40. To be more likely to suspect that a man they know is an alcoholic. The CAGE, questionnaire , named for its four questions, is one such example that may be used to screen
  41. International Society of Music at Vienna on the subject. Having circulated a, questionnaire ,among players and organ-builders in several European countries, he produced a
  42. Several ICT inductees. The European Commission replied to the answers of the, questionnaire ,sent to Croatia on April 20, 2004 with a positive opinion. The country was
  43. And continue to support the Catholic Church. Between 1960 and 1990 the census, questionnaire ,in Puerto Rico did not ask about race or color. However, the 2000 United States
  44. Of a general description of Spain's holdings in the Indies. Instructions and a, questionnaire , issued in 1577 by the Office of the Protista Mayor-Cosmógrafo, were
  45. PUF) Patient Survey, created by C. Lowell Parsons, is a short, questionnaire ,that will help doctors identify if pelvic pain could be coming from the bladder
  46. Declined to state their nationality or ethnocultural identity on the census, questionnaire , Economy Kaliningrad Oblast's economy is positively influenced by several
  47. Forehead, his mother snaps," Harold! Please! " And calmly continues with the, questionnaire , # Fire: For the first blind date, Harold sets himself on fire on the diving
  48. Common ethnicity," Canadian" or Canadian, did appear as an example on the, questionnaire , and was selected by 4.9 million people or 68.2 % of the Quebec population. In
  49. To rate their agreement or disagreement with each. Submitting this value, questionnaire ,to the same process of factor analysis used by Ferguson, Eysenck found two
  50. Apparatus. # Shooting himself in the forehead: As his mother reads the, questionnaire ,for the dating service (and answers it according to her preferences, not his)

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