Examples of the the word, resemble , in a Sentence Context

The word ( resemble ), is the 4530 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Out). Out can provide hierarchy to a domain, ease its administration, and can, resemble ,the organization's structure in managerial or geographical terms. Out can
  2. Because it is silky and soft. They have a humorous appearance, as they oddly, resemble ,a fur ball. Most are calm and docile but should be handled carefully. Grooming
  3. Sheets may form leaves, tufts or, in the genus Thalmoporella, structures that, resemble ,an open head of lettuce. Large colonies of encrusting species often have "
  4. A doctor, trusting in God alone. He dies. Since his symptoms did not seem to, resemble ,those of the plague, Rieux records his death as a" doubtful case. " *The
  5. The arms, legs,torso, and Bulgar region. The symptoms described above may, resemble ,a number of other rare diseases, known as" MND Mimic Disorders ". These
  6. Modified with acrylic gels, media,or pastes, the finished acrylic painting can, resemble ,a watercolor or an oil painting, or have its own unique characteristics not
  7. Isomers are 68mAs with a half-life of 111 seconds. Compounds Arsenic compounds, resemble ,in some respects those of phosphorus, which occupies the same group (column)
  8. Unique" sketch" type of picture label. MPT-03 family cart cases (see below), resemble , Super NEW carts in size and shape, except that they are molded in brown plastic
  9. By almost a year. Secondly, Amstrad founder Alan Sugar wanted the machine to, resemble ,a“ real computer, similar to what someone would see being used to check them
  10. Destiny, Jack Black is attacked by a gang, while homeless. This is supposed to, resemble ,Alex and his 'druids' when they beat the homeless man in the film. Television
  11. Thought of as the Bulgarian part of the Carpathian Mountains. The Carpathians, resemble ,a reversed S as they run eastward from the Czech Republic and Slovakia across
  12. World are generally pieces of the fourth-generation Wall. The layout came to, resemble ,the inner German border in most technical aspects, except the Berlin Wall had
  13. Popular form of auto racing. Primarily raced on oval tracks, stock cars vaguely, resemble ,production cars, but are in fact purpose-built racing machines which are built
  14. Male bee to collect and disseminate its pollen; parts of its flower not only, resemble ,the appearance of sand bees, but also produce large quantities of the three
  15. George V when, in 1913,Sir Aston Webb redesigned Blore's 1850 East Front to, resemble ,in part Giacomo Leoni's Lyme Park in Cheshire. This new, refaced principal
  16. Found in the Diwali Hills of northern India. In habits the animal appears to, resemble ,the Indian buffalo. It is usually solitary, they live in lowland forests and
  17. Scott, the main offices of the fictional Tyrell Corporation (a Megacorp), resemble , a hyperstructure. *The Genome Tower arcologies (among other things) in the
  18. Program and other scientific research stations on the continent of Antarctica, resemble ,the popular conception of an arcology as a technologically-advanced
  19. Many young men to undertake weight training to improve their physiques to, resemble ,the comic books' muscular superheroes. Of notable athletes, US national and
  20. Clade, of which trilobites are a part. Instead, the limbs of agnostics closely, resemble ,those of stem group crustaceans, although they lack the proximal endive, which
  21. Throwing cobblestones lifted from the street. These demonstrations come to, resemble ,small societies in themselves. Many protesters take training in first aid and
  22. Gradually replaced the use of frontal troops. Modern battles now continue to, resemble ,that of World War II, though prominent innovations have been added. Indirect
  23. So to speak, as patterns or prototypes, and that the remainder of things only, resemble ,them, and exist as their copies. ) Criticism of Hegel Schopenhauer expressed
  24. Or simply killed. The facts of daily life in the plague-stricken city, resemble ,life in wartime France: the showing of reruns at the cinemas, the stockpiling
  25. Continuant" referred to non-lateral approximate. Semivowels Some approximate, resemble ,vowels in acoustic and articulatory properties and the terms semivowel and
  26. Be described as solid particles. In addition, atomic orbitals do not closely, resemble ,a planet's elliptical path in ordinary atoms. A more accurate analogy might be
  27. Tree for a long time; the male flowers have a strong odor. The odor tends to, resemble ,the smell of strong cat urine or the spray of a male cat. Also, touching the
  28. For him. The book was written in Persian and titled" Aurang-i-Shāhī ", to, resemble , the name of the emperor. The author has praised the emperor with titles such as
  29. Stones from a celebrated castle, then painting Styrofoam blocks to exactly, resemble ,those stones and gluing them to the castle“ wall” through a process known as
  30. Proposes that universes have" offspring" which are more plentiful if they, resemble ,our universe. Also see Gardner (2005). Clearly each of these hypotheses
  31. Platforms provide an interactive computing experience similar to APL, but more, resemble ,conventional programming languages such as FORTRAN, and use standard ASCII.
  32. 2010 comedy Armature two Afghan hounds appear in the dog park and are shown to, resemble ,high school girls watching the more athletic dogs as if they were" jocks" and
  33. For a few people, taking aspirin can result in symptoms that, resemble ,an allergic reaction, including hives, swelling and headache. The reaction is
  34. Structure and sound, some are expanded and probed by Zorn's arrangements, and, resemble , avant-garde classical music more than jazz. But this is the beauty of the album
  35. Points below 128,meaning all ASCII is valid UTF-8. The other encoding forms, resemble ,ASCII in how they represent the first 128 characters of Unicode, but use 16 or
  36. Birds, such as the Asia, Bubo and Outs owls, these feathers form tufts which, resemble ,ears. The inner ear has a cochlea, but it is not spiral as in mammals. A few
  37. Region. A recent reevaluation of cranial traits suggests that the Ainu, resemble ,the Okhotsk more than they do the Common. This agrees with the reference to the
  38. Is described as the king of the bottomless pit and of a plague of locusts that, resemble ,war horses with crowned human faces and having women's hair, lions ' teeth
  39. Must be distinguished from that of small pox vaccination which it may, resemble , Other uses *Leprosy: BCG has a small protective effect against leprosy of
  40. Then one hundred borates all feature boron in oxidation state +3. These mineral, resemble ,silicates in some respect, although boron is often found not only in a
  41. Design for the Berlin rally on Hanke's desk, he remarked that the site would, resemble ,a Schützenfest – a rifle club meet. Challenged him to create a better design.
  42. French bassoon from this period survives, but if it did, it would most likely, resemble ,the earliest extant bassoons of Johann Christoph Dinner and Richard Aka from
  43. Y" THEN GOT 30 130 PRINT" Goodbye "; UP 140 END The resulting dialog might, resemble ,: What is your name: Mike Hello Mike How many stars do you want: 7 Do you want
  44. Salamanders and newts),and Gymnophiona (caecilians, limbless amphibians that, resemble ,snakes),and in total they number approximately 6,500 species. Many amphibians
  45. Anti-tank vehicles. Modern self-propelled artillery vehicles may superficially, resemble ,tanks, but they are generally lightly armored, too lightly to survive in
  46. Huggins and Bragg and collaborators to propose models of keratin that somewhat, resemble ,the modern helix. Two key developments in the modeling of the modern helix
  47. Photo realistic animation, is used primarily for animation that attempts to, resemble ,real life. Using advanced rendering that makes detailed skin, plants,water
  48. Like Crayon Shanahan completely disregard these proportions, such that they, resemble ,Western cartoons. For exaggeration, certain body features are increased in
  49. As the latter term did not come into general use until later. Some think it may, resemble ,the Roman Faces, a standard of bound sticks with an ax. A further discrepancy
  50. Sealer. They can be applied in thin layers or washes creating effects that, resemble ,watercolors and other water-based media. They can also be used to build thick

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