Examples of the the word, generator , in a Sentence Context

The word ( generator ), is the 4860 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By which the sending operator informs the receiving operator about the key, generator ,initial settings for the message. In a symmetrical cipher, the same key that
  2. Wind. To generate power, the average autonomous house needs only one small wind, generator , 5 meters or fewer in diameter. On a 30-metre-high tower, this turbine can
  3. Electricity through rarefied air. In 1705,it was noted that electrostatic, generator ,sparks travel a longer distance through low pressure air than through
  4. Display (usually via composite),all in real time. Stand-alone time code, generator ,/ readers often have the window dub function built-in. Some consumer cameras
  5. For elevators and naval guns. Field modulation of a very high speed AC, generator ,was also used for some early AM radio transmissions. See Alexander son
  6. Assembled and checked in USSR. Test flights showed some manufacturing defects:, generator ,and oil pump gears and generator shafts failed repeatedly, which led to
  7. Implementation. Back end The term back end is sometimes confused with code, generator ,because of the overlapped functionality of generating assembly code. Some
  8. Is a conserved quantity: \left_l, H \right = 0 Since angular momentum is the, generator ,of rotations, its commutation relations follow the commutation relations of the
  9. Where AIJ denotes the Kronecker delta. Riemannian manifold The infinitesimal, generator ,(and hence characteristic operator) of a Brownian motion on Rn is easily
  10. Angle around the z axis, then the angular momentum along this axis is the, generator ,of rotations around this axis:: L_z = -i\hear. The eigenfunctions of LA are
  11. Radiation rate are relatively strong. As compared to a competing thermoelectric, generator ,isotope such as 238Pu,244Cm emits a 500 time greater fluence of neutrons, and
  12. Must have functioning front and rear lights when ridden after dark. As some, generator ,or dynamo-driven lamps only operate while moving, rear reflectors are
  13. And amplitude of each individual harmonic or partial. In general, each harmonic, generator ,has its own customizable amplitude envelope and instantaneous frequency
  14. The anode is the positive terminal, which receives current from an external, generator , The current through a recharging battery is opposite to the direction of
  15. Conditions are TM,-1 0,t-1,n for m 1,2,3 ... and n 1,2,3 ... The, generator ,t00 = 1. Pascal concludes with the proof, : t_ = \franc. \ In 1654,prompted by a
  16. Several octaves could be played by repeated calls to a machine-language tone, generator , Sample code Hello World in Apple soft BASIC could be entered as the following:
  17. The cathode is the negative terminal, which sends current back to the external, generator , For example, reversing the current direction in a Daniel galvanic cell would
  18. Upon the selection of random numbers, either from a computerized random number, generator ,or from other gaming equipment. Random number games may be played at a table
  19. Sound The SID chip has three channels, each with its own ADS envelope, generator , ring modulation and filter capabilities. Bob Cannes developed the SID chip and
  20. Or an integrated development environment. The simplest form of source code, generator ,is a macro processor, such as the C preprocessor, which replaces patterns in
  21. Areas that lack access to the grid, battery size can be reduced by including a, generator ,to recharge the batteries during extended fogs or other low-power conditions.
  22. I don't dig. " Many of these permutations were derived using a random sequence, generator ,in an early computer program written by Ian Somerville. Commissioned by the
  23. Software. The term compiler-compiler is sometimes used to refer to a parser, generator , a tool often used to help create the lexer and parser. History Software for
  24. Of colonizing an alien world. The first playable prototype was just a map, generator ,that tested climate changes during the game. The designers allow the player to
  25. Signals by the conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy. Changes in, generator ,field current result in larger changes in the output current of the generator
  26. As pollen or cells such as bacteria. The term originally came from antibody, generator ,and was a molecule that binds specifically to an antibody, but the term now
  27. On the computer. The is used to supply power via a charge pump to the SID sound, generator ,chip, provide via a rectifier to the cassette motor, a " 0" pulse for every
  28. As the terminal or open files. *Common Lisp has a built-in pseudo-random number, generator ,(PNG). Random state objects represent reusable sources of pseudo-random
  29. Investigations. 225Ac is applied in medicine to produce 213 in a reusable, generator ,or can be used alone as an agent for radiation therapy, in particular targeted
  30. Or voluntarily adopted for safety reasons, include bicycle helmets, generator ,or battery operated lights, reflectors,and audible signaling devices such as a
  31. Flights showed some manufacturing defects: generator and oil pump gears and, generator ,shafts failed repeatedly, which led to emergency landings. The test report
  32. Their energy to a fluid and generate electricity through a magneto hydrodynamic, generator , One more proposal which utilizes the high nuclear fission rate of 242mAm is a
  33. The possibility of contamination from a SNAP 27 radioisotope thermoelectric, generator ,(RTG) on board. (Had the mission proceeded as planned, the RTG would have
  34. Kit of a simple design in the early 1960s consisting of a two transistor tone, generator ,and three potentiometers wired such that the frequency of the oscillator was
  35. The screen). Many graphics programs thus contained their own bitmap character, generator ,routines. No provision was added in the 128 KB Apple Die and Apple IIC models '
  36. S wings knocked over five street lampposts and the right wing hit a portable, generator , creating a smoke trail seconds before smashing into the Pentagon. Flight 77
  37. Amplifier A Ward Leonard control is a rotating machine like an electrical, generator ,that provides amplification of electrical signals by the conversion of
  38. To the magnitudes of the individual angular momenta. Angular momentum as a, generator ,of rotations If \phi is the angle around a specific axis, for example the
  39. MB were also possible via the CMD Super CPU. ** (BASIC 2.0; KERNEL; character, generator , providing two character sets) I/O ports and power supply **Cartridge
  40. Output of a natural gas reciprocating engine, gas turbine or Stirling electric, generator , Houses designed to cope with interruptions in civil services generally
  41. Result; any probabilistic algorithm implemented using a typical random number, generator ,will always produce incorrect results on certain inputs irrespective of the
  42. Improbability Generator in his work The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Said, generator ,required a source of truly random motion and this was provided by an atomic
  43. The Air Force investigation concluded that the pilots disabled the aural tone, generator ,circuit breaker which creates audible warning signals and then" forgot to
  44. Of Anomalous operation would be the use of Psi to manipulate a random number, generator ,into giving out pre-selected results, or causing a compass needle to change its
  45. Generator field current result in larger changes in the output current of the, generator , providing gain. This class of device was used for smooth control of large
  46. Lakeside residence. She used candles at night as she was not provided any, generator ,set. Plans to renovate and repair the house were announced in August 2009. Sub
  47. Modern residential chargers permit the user to set the charging times, so the, generator ,is quiet at night. Some generator s automatically test themselves once per week.
  48. Of sequential logic units, featuring a finite number of gates that can act as a, generator ,of specific results, based on the instructions that were used to invoke those
  49. Descent parser # The use of BNF to specify the syntax of a language # A code, generator ,producing portable P-code # The use of T-diagrams in the formal description of
  50. Also changes the spin. Therefore, the total angular momentum, which is the full, generator ,of rotations, is J_i = L_i + S_i Being an angular momentum, J satisfies the

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