Examples of the the word, fade , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fade ), is the 4866 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. E-paper display can be read in direct sunlight without the image appearing to, fade , The contrast ratio in available displays as of 2008 might be described as
  2. Using a long persistence phosphor coating on the CRT, so that successive images, fade ,slowly. However, slow phosphor has the negative side effect of causing image
  3. 4:20 #" Get It On" longer version (Marc Boleyn) — 3:28 #" Happy Hi! ", fade ,(Gill/Johnson/O'Toole) — 3:47 7 ": TT / ETAS 7 (UK) #" Welcome to the
  4. Of heaven: Rolls o'er elysian flowers her amber stream:: With these that never, fade ,the spirits elect: Bind their resplendent locks. " Samuel Taylor Coleridge, in
  5. A few players to injuries and started to play poorly in the second half and, fade ,from contention. This pattern of good starts followed by a poor second half
  6. But more sophisticated devices can flash between multiple colors and even, fade ,through a color sequence using RGB color mixing. *Bi-color LEDs are actually
  7. Act Video Mix - 5:05 #" Get It On" longer version - 3:28 #" Happy Hi! ", fade ,- 3:47 7 ": TT / PITAS 7 (UK) #" Welcome to the Pleasure dome" (
  8. Female visibility in comics increased, the " fainting heroine" type began to, fade ,into the past. However, some female comic book writers, such as Gail Simone
  9. Filling the" batteries" even more. If the energy is emptied, the powers will, fade ,away. The X-Man Cyclops has been described as absorbing sunlight to power his
  10. Alma sustained the empire until the mid-17th century, when its power began to, fade , By the late 18th century, Bornu rule extended only westward, into the land of
  11. Since 2001,the dominance of traditional boy bands on pop charts began to, fade , although Gil Kaufman of MTV has described" new boy bands" that are" more
  12. Unwithering ". The word was applied to amaranth because it did not soon, fade ,and so symbolized immortality. " Amaranth" is a more correct, albeit archaic
  13. That the relentless drive to win and defy tour organizers had begun to, fade , Borg later bounced back as the owner of the Bjorn Borg fashion label, whose
  14. That era's World Series) twice, winning it in 1895. The team began to, fade ,after this success, and was dealt a severe blow under the ownership of the
  15. For the later Sunday strips Watterson had 125 colors as well as the ability to, fade ,the colors into each other. He begins exploring the medium of snow when a warm
  16. Stem, yet I must perish by an early doom. But thou art immortal and dost never, fade , but bloomest forever in renewed youth. " Thus, in John Milton's epic poem
  17. Woman overhears the man she loves with another woman, and this is followed by a, fade ,to a shot of a pair of doves, which then dissolves into a shot of a bird of
  18. Owned the powerful Oakland Tribune. Around 1900,the Daily Argus began to, fade ,in importance and east and west papers The Times and The Star combined to take
  19. Army–McCarthy hearings of 1954,McCarthy's support and popularity began to, fade , On December 2,1954,the Senate voted to censure Senator McCarthy by a vote of
  20. 414460555&oldid=414422025 each 'next' edit comment You say Flemish will, fade ,away: It shan't! That Walloon twaddle will have its way: It
  21. Renowned for their improvising. Direct influence of the Baroque continued to, fade ,: the figured bass grew less prominent as a means of holding performance
  22. Of neurons to create a neurological memory trace in the brain which would, fade ,with time. Repeated firing causes a structural change in the synapses.
  23. As the sound from the speakers can reach you with a delay. # Gradually, fade ,in parts of the new track while fading out the old track. While in the mix
  24. The Industrial Revolution when the romantic vision of noble action began to, fade , Modernism, exemplified in the literary works of Virginia Woolf and James Joyce
  25. Like Molotov and Markov from the party,Voroshilov's career began to, fade , On 7 May 1960,the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union granted Voroshilov's
  26. Society of Philosophy. After his retirement from the College, Bergson began to, fade ,into obscurity: he suffered from a degenerative illness (rheumatism, which
  27. Called Snakes, in which snakes wind through a pattern of linked rings which, fade ,to infinity toward both the center and the edge of a circle. Legacy The special
  28. As the 18th century drew to a close, Dutch mercantile power began to, fade ,and the British moved in to fill the vacuum. They seized the Cape Colony in
  29. And this made cyanine based discs unsuitable for archival use; they could, fade ,and become unreadable in a few years. Many manufacturers like Tail Auden use
  30. And score with his trademark fade away jump shot, using his leaping ability to ", fade ,away" from block attempts. According to Hubei Brown, this move alone made him
  31. That the tracks are still synchronized, adjusting the records if needed. # The, fade ,can be repeated several times, for example, from the first track, fade to the
  32. Greatly under Napoleon. In Europe, academic belief in mercantilism began to, fade ,in the late 18th century, especially in England, in light of the arguments of
  33. Particles in suspension and adhered to paper. The carbon particles do not, fade ,over time even when in sunlight or when bleached. One benefit of carbon ink is
  34. Of action rather than a leap of thought. " *"Speech has power. Words do not, fade , What starts out as a sound, ends in a deed. " *"The Almighty has not created
  35. To get attacked and mixed up, and often new genres are generated and old ones, fade , These changes are often reactions against the prior cultural form, which
  36. Debated by conservators, they appear more stable than oil paints. Oil paints, fade ,in color and develop a yellow tint over time; they also begin to crack with age
  37. The database might indicate that a car that was originally" red" might, fade ,to" pink" in time, provided it was of some particular" make" with an
  38. Trends of the Italian Masters. In general, this artistic Eurocentrism began to, fade ,in the early twentieth century, as Latin-Americans began to acknowledge the
  39. The Northern Hemisphere, but southerners were able to see the comet gradually, fade ,from view during the second half of 1997. The last naked-eye observations were
  40. The fade can be repeated several times, for example, from the first track, fade ,to the second track, then back to first, then to second again. Pitch and tempo
  41. Famous for extremely fast and close slips, as was an early Mike Tyson. *Sway or, fade ,– To anticipate a punch and move the upper body or head back so that it misses
  42. Writings to the" reparation" project. With his vision beginning to, fade ,in his early thirties and unable to support himself as a writer, Borges began a
  43. Were untried or untested, this exposure caused all other jeep references to, fade , leaving the 4x4 with the name. Trade names The original trademark brand-name
  44. The smallest, longest-lived stars in our atmosphere, tiny red dwarfs, begin to, fade , At the end of the stellar age, galaxies will be composed of compact objects:
  45. Time:: my petals soon wither and fall, and then I die.: But your flowers never, fade , even if they are cut;: for they are everlasting. " Or in story form:: An
  46. Out pinch hitter Nate Schierholtz to secure the save. As the Giants began to, fade , the Atlanta Braves started making a run at the Rockies that was starting to
  47. Of the population, from this point onwards its prospects of success began to, fade , As it did not have a national membership until 1966,the strength of CND's
  48. But the most incredible is his staying power in a world where meteoric careers, fade ,like shooting stars. " Rolling Stone called Presley" supernatural, his own
  49. The white areas are typically set by eight weeks, but the black areas may, fade ,to brown as the puppy matures. (The brown may take between one and two years
  50. 1937–38,and the 1936 FA Cup. As key players retired, Arsenal had started to, fade ,by the decade's end, and then the intervention of the Second World War meant

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