Examples of the the word, beginner , in a Sentence Context

The word ( beginner ), is the 4864 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And BIL See to contain information on kicking as well. Depending on lineage,a, beginner ,is often introduced to basic kicking before learning the appropriate form.
  2. And gay, lesbian,and transgendered groups. There are also in some areas, beginner ,'s groups as well as" old-timer" groups that limit who can share, or speak
  3. Makes an end blown flute or transverse flute considerably more difficult for a, beginner ,to produce a full sound on than a ducted flute, such as the recorder.
  4. With chest facing away from the boat is known as topside edge. A typical, beginner ,to intermediate rider will tend to have an easier time hitting the wake
  5. Line, with the feet placed shoulder-width apart. As an archer progresses from, beginner ,to a more advanced level an" open stance" is often developed. Each archer
  6. How readily a boat capsizes. Primary stability is often a big concern to a, beginner , while secondary stability matters more to experienced travelers who may
  7. And small children or if one is inept at shuffling cards. However,the, beginner ,shuffle requires a large surface for spreading out the cards and takes longer
  8. As well as individually). Reveal also made a conventional glue-together ", beginner ,'s kit" of The Cat in the Hat. In 1966,Gases authorized the eminent cartoon
  9. And vowels,i.e. it is an Anglicization, it may be particularly helpful for, beginner ,Chinese speakers of an English-speaking background. Wade-Giles was found in
  10. Places, for instance before SUB). Ironically given the origin of BASIC as a ", beginner ,'s" language, and apparently even to the surprise of many at Microsoft who
  11. Reading of the character, although they are part of the reading of the word. A, beginner ,in the language will rarely come across characters with long readings, but
  12. An advanced AI with five difficulty levels which can accommodate both a, beginner ,and an advanced player, though they usually do not pose a challenge to
  13. Rare cards. Corgi, Chemmy, Irish or Wash shuffle Also known as the scramble, beginner ,shuffle, or washing the cards, this involves simply spreading the cards out
  14. Logic. If one wanted to provide a big piece of the Hegel puzzle to the, beginner , one might present the following statement from Part One of the Encyclopedia of
  15. Of producing a full, round bassoon tone, but can be difficult to obtain as a, beginner , The bassoon embouchure is made by putting your lips together as if you were
  16. If it can be called that, consists of the stereotyped variations that go with a, beginner ,'s aria in a bathtub. ... His one specialty is an accented movement of the body
  17. In areas having a Mediterranean climate. It is considered easy to grow for, beginner ,gardeners, and is pest-resistant. Rosemary grows on friable loam soil with good
  18. Bike should also be considered. A middle grade derailleur is sufficient for a, beginner , although many utility bikes come equipped with hub gears. If the rider plans a
  19. Him. While in the air the rider attempts to do tricks. Tricks vary from, beginner ,to intermediate. Rocker The" rocker" is the bend in a wake board from tip to
  20. Risk is that most BASE jumping venues have very small areas in which to land. A, beginner ,skydiver, after parachute deployment, may have a three minute or more parachute
  21. For her performance. Speaking about her experience on a film set as an absolute, beginner , Winslet noted:" With Heavenly Creatures, all I knew I had to do was
  22. Each with their own style and focus. Le Petite Prince is often used as a, beginner ,'s book for French language students. Since its publication the book has been
  23. Said to have already attained buddhahood. School doctrines Some surreys said a, beginner ,would take 3–22 countless eons (mahāsaṃkhyeya kappas) to become a Buddha.
  24. Of smaller bullets makes it easier to hit a target (and is therefore good for, beginner ,marksmen),it offers very little to more advanced marksmen. Furthermore, the
  25. Both on IRC and on the mailing lists. And they have mentor program which helps, beginner ,to get start. Currently, KDE community uses the Git repository. KDE Projects
  26. Maneuvers. The milder south channel is set up as a kayak slalom course and a, beginner ,area. Reno is home to two roller derby teams, the Battle Born Derby Demons and
  27. To the understanding of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle for the graduate, beginner , He wrote over 1000 works. Anyone who knows him can describe his piercing
  28. For a short period of time. All boys of Buddhist family need to be a novice (, beginner ,for Buddhism) before the age of twenty and to be a monk after the age of
  29. Survives today of Ogden's Basic English is the basic 850-word list used as the, beginner ,'s vocabulary of the English language taught worldwide, especially in Asia.
  30. Good pianist ", according to the emphasis on the words, may imply praise of a, beginner ,'s progress or insult of an expert pianist. *"He is a fairly good pianist. "
  31. Built into gloves, is very strongly recommended. They are often compulsory in, beginner ,'s classes and their use reduces the likelihood of wrist injury by half. In
  32. That can be used to help alleviate left and right balancing while allowing a, beginner ,to focus on forward and backward balance. If a hallway cannot be found, a fence
  33. Quoted as saying" Song writing is mysterious to me. I still feel like a total, beginner , I don’t feel like I have got it nailed yet ". Name" Biog1997"/> name
  34. Best riders for international competition, many nations also offer eventing for, beginner , youth, and amateur riders through organizations such as Pony Club,4-H or
  35. These clubs by the creation of more affordable training programs such as from, beginner ,to pro program at Polo Wick low. Variants A modern variant is called arena
  36. Include unblocking, overtaking and ducking. It may be preferable for a, beginner ,to learn play as a declarer before play as a defender; techniques for defense
  37. Views – after intense study and many spiritual conflicts. He tells that as a, beginner ,he was desperate to comprehend the passages dealing with the activities of the
  38. Other Davis. Aquarium care Zebrafish are hardy fish and considered good for, beginner ,aquariums. Their ease of keeping and breeding, beauty,price, playful nature
  39. Other Okinawan teachers also adopted this practice. In the KYU/Dan system the, beginner ,grades start with a higher numbered KYU (e.g.,10th KYU or July) and
  40. Made of Ar undo Dona cane, are often made by the players themselves, although, beginner , bassoonists tend to buy their reeds from professional reed makers or use reeds
  41. Challenging moves on ice skates. Figure skaters compete at various levels from, beginner ,up to the Olympic level (senior),and at local, national,and international
  42. Or clarinets) are monophonic, the melodic is polyphonic. Additionally, for a, beginner , a melodic can play accidentals more easily than a woodwind, which may require
  43. Part of primary teachers to develop the required expertise in the teaching of, beginner ,readers once convinced of the benefits to children of doing so. Rather, the main
  44. Are strongly influenced by Zen philosophy. Concepts like" empty mind" and ", beginner ,'s mind" are recurrent. Aikido, for instance, has a strong philosophical
  45. And everything is wrong" *“ A user interface should be so simple that a, beginner ,in an emergency can understand it within ten seconds. ” *“ We should not
  46. Kelly has said," Song writing is mysterious to me. I still feel like a total, beginner , I don’t feel like I have got it nailed yet ". Name "/NP"> Biog1997"/> After
  47. Water ski jumping The ski jump is performed on two long skis similar to those a, beginner ,uses, with a specialized tail fin that is somewhat shorter and much wider (so
  48. Way to mark progress is to have graded examinations, for example from grade 1 (, beginner ,) to grade 8 (ready to enter higher study at music school). Some teachers
  49. Have excellent Greek. He says:" The Greek of the Apocalypse is not that of a, beginner ,whose grammar and vocabulary might improve and mature into those of the
  50. Makers continue to produce German fingered instruments today, essentially for, beginner ,use only. Some newer designs of recorder are now being produced. Larger

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