Examples of the the word, tax , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tax ), is the 419 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Laws that directly affect the tax division. While Alaska has no state sales, tax , 89 municipalities collect a local sales tax ,from 1 to 7.5 %, typically 3–5 %.
  2. Summary of its operations, including new state laws that directly affect the, tax ,division. While Alaska has no state sales tax ,89 municipalities collect a
  3. Long before Arabs a sedentary population of 'Arabian desert '. - pizza,the, tax ,imposed by the caliphate on individuals of religion other than Islam (shimmies
  4. Provincial sales tax (though residents are still subject to the federal sales, tax , the Goods and Services Tax of 5 %. ) It is also the only Canadian province to
  5. The United States and Europe. Thoreau was an American author, poet,naturalist, tax ,resister, development critic, surveyor,historian, philosopher,and leading
  6. By the caliphate on individuals of religion other than Islam (shimmies),a, tax ,in addition to the levy on agricultural land (hardly). The term comes from
  7. Provided by school boards. The provincial government pools the property, tax ,funds from across the province and distributes them, according to a formula, too
  8. By the Legal Tender Act of 1862. The Revenue Act of 1861 introduced the income, tax ,to help finance the war. The Confederacy Seven Deep South cotton states seceded
  9. Court of Alabama. Taxes Alabama levies a 2,4,or 5 percent personal income, tax , depending upon the amount earned and filing status. Taxpayers are not allowed
  10. Are not allowed to deduct their federal income tax from their Alabama state, tax , but can deduct federal Social Security and Medicare tax es. The state's
  11. Government. There was no president, no executive agencies, no judiciary and no, tax ,base. The absence of tax base meant that there was no way to pay off state and
  12. No state sales tax , one of seven states that do not levy an individual income, tax , and one of two states that has neither. The Department of Revenue Tax Division
  13. See April 14) * Tax Day, the official deadline for filing an individual, tax ,return (or requesting an extension). (United States, Philippines ) External
  14. Burden in the United States, and be one of only five states with no state sales, tax , one of seven states that do not levy an individual income tax , and one of two
  15. Deduct federal Social Security and Medicare tax es. The state's general sales, tax ,rate is 4 %. The collection rate could be substantially higher, depending upon
  16. Was unconstitutional. The British Parliament insisted it had the right to, tax ,colonists. The colonists claimed, that as they were Englishmen, that tax ation
  17. Estimated 10.2 million visitors annually, and also because of its status as a, tax ,haven. It is not a member of the European Union, but the euro is the de facto
  18. Taxation for personal income tax es which is 10 % of tax able income. The Alberta, tax ,system maintains a progressive character by allowing residents to earn $16,161
  19. Total sales tax rate in Mobile is 10 % and there is an additional restaurant, tax ,of 1 %, which means that a diner in Mobile would pay an 11 % tax on a meal.
  20. Revenue Act of 1861,creating the first U. S. income tax . This created a flat, tax ,of 3 percent on incomes above $800 ($ in current dollars),which was later
  21. Canada, and Alberta is the only province in Canada without a provincial sales, tax ,(though residents are still subject to the federal sales tax , the Goods and
  22. Restaurant tax of 1 %, which means that a diner in Mobile would pay an 11 %, tax ,on a meal. Sales and excise tax es in Alabama account for 51 % of all state and
  23. Government: tariffs (a policy with long precedent),and a new Federal income, tax , In 1861,Lincoln signed the second and third Morrill Tariff, the first having
  24. 36 % nationwide. Alabama is also one of the few remaining states that levies a, tax ,on food and medicine. Alabama's income tax on poor working families is among
  25. President, no executive agencies, no judiciary and no tax base. The absence of, tax ,base meant that there was no way to pay off state and national debts from the
  26. In Agatha Christie Limited, the private company that Christie had set up for, tax ,purposes. Booker later increased its stake to 64 percent. In 1998,Booker sold
  27. And filing status. Taxpayers are not allowed to deduct their federal income, tax ,from their Alabama state tax , but can deduct federal Social Security and
  28. Which is in turn borrowed from Persian (gait). - Kara, kharadji, land, tax , originally imposed only on non-Muslims, which comes from the Greek term "
  29. 1861,Lincoln signed the Revenue Act of 1861,creating the first U. S. income, tax , This created a flat tax of 3 percent on incomes above $800 ($ in current
  30. Onward. That same year, not coincidentally, Alaska repealed its state income, tax , In 1989,the Exxon Valdez hit a reef in the Prince William Sound, spilling
  31. Revenues and federal subsidies. This allows it to have the lowest individual, tax ,burden in the United States, and be one of only five states with no state sales
  32. Before becoming subject to provincial tax ation in addition to a variety of, tax ,deductions for persons with disabilities, students,and the aged. Alberta's
  33. Requires a voter referendum to raise property tax es. Since Alabama's, tax ,structure largely depends on consumer spending, it is subject to high variable
  34. Or noble family that owned the land. Farmers were also subject to a labor, tax ,and were required to work on irrigation or construction projects in a corvée
  35. Of deep-water offshore oil fields. Oil sales generated USD 1.71 billion in, tax ,revenue in 2004 and now makes up 80 % of the government's budget, a 5 %
  36. In gold, which was unjustly taken away from them—specifically, their income, tax ,payments. He explains this is not altruism; his motivation is to ensure that
  37. Few remaining states that levy a tax on food and medicine. Alabama's income, tax ,on poor working families is among the nation's very highest. Alabama is the
  38. The relevant legislation requires that all the money raised by this property, tax ,must go to the support of K–12 education provided by school boards. The
  39. Public transport company (Gemeentelijk Vervoersbedrijf) and the Dutch, tax ,offices (Belastingdienst) are located there. The second Financial District is
  40. Poor whites as well, due mostly to imposition of a cumulative poll, tax , In 1900,14 Black Belt counties had more than 79,000 voters on the rolls. By
  41. Upon additional city and county sales tax es. For example, the total sales, tax ,rate in Mobile is 10 % and there is an additional restaurant tax of 1 %, which
  42. But not for separate school boards. Since 1994 there has continued to be a, tax ,on property in support of K–12 education; the difference is that the mill rate
  43. Among the nation's very highest. Alabama is the only state that levies income, tax ,on a family of four with income as low as $4,600,which is barely one-quarter
  44. While Alaska has no state sales tax ,89 municipalities collect a local sales, tax , from 1 to 7.5 %, typically 3–5 %. Other local tax es levied include raw fish tax es
  45. The Tax Foundation ranked Alaska as having the 4th most" business friendly ", tax ,policy. More" friendly" states were Wyoming, Nevada,and South Dakota.
  46. Companies in the oil, gas,cement and chemical sectors obligatory and provides, tax ,incentives for pollution control devices, was one of the earliest attempts to
  47. The chemical industry. In the US and some other countries, because of legal and, tax ,restrictions on alcohol consumption, ethanol destined for other uses often
  48. The pirates forged affiliations with Caribbean powers, paying a" license, tax ," in exchange for safe harbor of their vessels. One American slave reported
  49. Separate school boards in Alberta had the legislative authority to levy a local, tax ,on property, as supplementary support for local education. In 1994 the
  50. Income tax es are assessed in the Fairbanks North Star Borough (FNSB). A sales, tax ,for the FNSB has been voted on many times, but has yet to be approved, leading

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