Examples of the the word, energy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( energy ), is the 427 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The world's the largest importers of oil, and as a result are vulnerable to rising, energy ,and have significant energy security concerns. Fossil fuels are not the only
  2. Mechanization, fertilizers and pesticides. The vast majority of this, energy ,input comes from fossil fuel sources. Between 1950 and 1984,the Green
  3. Carbon dioxide are exchanged in the lungs, and the body responds to changing, energy ,demands by adjusting the rate of ventilation. For example, during periods of
  4. Low effective nuclear charge and high electropositivity. The second ionization, energy ,of all the alkali metals is very high, thus they always form M+ cations. All
  5. But was accepted by leading physicists, starting with Max Planck. Photons and, energy ,quanta In a 1905 paper, Einstein postulated that light itself consists of
  6. And the strength of the acid increases. Bond strength is a measure of how much, energy ,it takes to break a bond. In other words, it takes less energy to break the
  7. Zero point. He modified Planck's hypothesis by stating that the lowest, energy ,state of an oscillator is equal to hf, to half the energy spacing between
  8. Effect, Brownian motion, special relativity, and the equivalence of matter and, energy , which were to bring him to the notice of the academic world. By 1908,he was
  9. Scattering originate from the atomistic constitution of matter. Zero-point, energy ,Einstein's physical intuition led him to note that Planck's oscillator
  10. Often also designed to stimulate employment and reduce import dependence and, energy ,security concerns. Adopted in March 2011,China's 12th Five-Year Guideline
  11. She purified a sample of actinium-227,which had been reported to have a decay, energy ,of 220 key. However, Perey noticed decay particles with an energy level below
  12. Current systems, and season and reflect the latitudinal distribution of solar, energy , range from below. Maximum temperatures occur north of the equator, and minimum
  13. Although some groups contain members that are mixotrophic, deriving, energy , both from photosynthesis and uptake of organic carbon either by osmotrophy
  14. The density fluctuations are controlled by the second derivative of the free, energy ,with respect to the density. At the critical point, this derivative is zero
  15. Reactor or a particle accelerator. Particle accelerators use huge amounts of, energy , while nuclear reactors produce energy , so only methods utilizing a nuclear
  16. That each wave of frequency f is associated with a collection of photons with, energy ,hf each, where h is Planck's constant. He does not say much more, because he
  17. To a series of strategic industries, including energy efficiency, alternative, energy , and environmental protection, and seeks to attract private investment. Measures
  18. 2017 as the country attempts to bridge its energy deficit and move to cleaner, energy ,resources. It has also developed a" National Urban Renewal Mission" to
  19. Expanding Environmental Markets in the region, including renewable energy and, energy ,efficiency, water treatment and waste management. As average per-capita
  20. Myzotrophy, or phagotrophy. Some unicellular species rely entirely on external, energy ,sources and have limited or no photosynthetic apparatus. Nearly all algae have
  21. As average per-capita disposable income rises across the region, demand for, energy ,and other commodities is escalating. Many Asian countries lack key natural
  22. The removal of the single electron of hydrogen requires considerably more, energy ,than removal of the outer electron from the atoms of the alkali metals. As in
  23. 1.1 quadrillion BTU) in 2002,or just over 1 percent of the nation's total, energy , Indirect consumption is mainly oil and natural gas used to manufacture
  24. Diversify the economy by attracting foreign and domestic investment outside the, energy ,sector have had little success in reducing high unemployment and improving
  25. In energy between the conformations are small compared to the thermal, energy ,of the molecules: Alkane molecules have no fixed structural form, whatever the
  26. Inspired by the time Gershwin had spent in Paris, it evokes the sights and, energy ,of the French capital in the 1920s. It is one of Gershwin's best-known
  27. Hydroelectric power are abundant and underdeveloped, proposals for state-wide, energy ,systems (e.g. with special low-cost electric interties) were judged
  28. Will always differ somewhat from these idealized forms, as the differences in, energy ,between the conformations are small compared to the thermal energy of the
  29. For a sufficiently long time. Mass spectrometry Alkanes have a high ionization, energy , and the molecular ion is usually weak. The fragmentation pattern can be
  30. Have a decay energy of 220 key. However, Perey noticed decay particles with an, energy ,level below 80 key. Peary thought this decay activity might have been caused by
  31. Expensive. If the Haber Process is unable to be commercialized using renewable, energy ,(such as by electrolysis) or if other sources of hydrogen are not available
  32. Are three steps: * Initiation the halogen radicals form by hemolysis. Usually, energy ,in the form of heat or light is required. * Chain reaction or Propagation then
  33. Techniques yielded a more sustainable variety of the same crop. Electrical, energy ,efficiency on farms Policy Agricultural policy focuses on the goals and methods
  34. Two conformations, known as the torsion energy , is low compared to the thermal, energy ,of an ethane molecule at ambient temperature. There is constant rotation about
  35. Gives preferential treatment to a series of strategic industries, including, energy , efficiency,alternative energy and environmental protection, and seeks to
  36. Rivers. Large swaths of the Alaskan coastline offer wind and geothermal, energy ,potential as well. Alaska's economy depends heavily on increasingly expensive
  37. Contributed to the economy by supporting local lodging. Energy Alaska has vast, energy ,resources. Major oil and gas reserves are found in the Alaska North Slope (ANS
  38. Protection to the algal cells. The host organism derives some or all of its, energy ,requirements from the algae. Examples are as follows. Lichens (hence "
  39. Then the eclipsed conformation (the least stable). This difference in, energy ,between the two conformations, known as the torsion energy , is low compared to
  40. This difference in energy between the two conformations, known as the torsion, energy , is low compared to the thermal energy of an ethane molecule at ambient
  41. Of Will. The word" will" designated, for him, force,power, impulse, energy , and desire; it is the closest word we have that can signify both the real
  42. Of oil, and as a result are vulnerable to rising energy and have significant, energy ,security concerns. Fossil fuels are not the only resources that are limited in
  43. Rotamers, differ in energy : The staggered conformation is 12.6 kJ/MOL lower in, energy ,(more stable) than the eclipsed conformation (the least stable). This
  44. Conformation. The two conformations, also known as roamers, differ in, energy ,: The staggered conformation is 12.6 kJ/MOL lower in energy (more stable) than
  45. Accelerators use huge amounts of energy , while nuclear reactors produce, energy , so only methods utilizing a nuclear reactor are of economic interest.
  46. Respiration, the process by which animals release the chemical potential, energy ,stored in food, producing carbon dioxide (CO2) as a byproduct. Oxygen and
  47. Generation capacity between 2012 and 2017 as the country attempts to bridge its, energy ,deficit and move to cleaner energy resources. It has also developed a "
  48. Of rapidly expanding Environmental Markets in the region, including renewable, energy ,and energy efficiency, water treatment and waste management. As average
  49. Apollo 13 mission, after that module's IMU had to be turned off to conserve, energy , In his 1994 book, Lost Moon: The Perilous Voyage of Apollo 13,Lovell wrote,"
  50. Of how much energy it takes to break a bond. In other words, it takes less, energy ,to break the bond as atom A growth larger, and the proton is more easily removed

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