Examples of the the word, surrender , in a Sentence Context

The word ( surrender ), is the 4645 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is elected emperor of Mexico. *1865 – American Civil War: A day after his, surrender ,to Union forces, Confederate General Robert E. Lee addresses his troops for the
  2. Demands are deemed too great, and the perpetrators show no inclination to, surrender , authorities sometimes employ armed special forces to attempt a rescue of the
  3. Prepared new arrivals for gassing (ordering them to remove their clothing and, surrender ,their personal possessions) and transferred corpses from the gas chambers to
  4. Prime Minister Tony Blair warned the Taliban regime:" Surrender bin Laden, or, surrender , power ". Soon thereafter the U. S. and its allies invaded Afghanistan, and
  5. By the soldiers of the king of León, his son-in-law. Portugal was obliged to, surrender ,as his ransom almost all the conquests Alfonso had made in Galicia (north of
  6. A new moon of Saturn. *1810 – Battle of Grand Port – the French accept the, surrender ,of a British Navy fleet. *1830 – The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad's new Tom
  7. Captured the mercenaries sent there by Demosthenes, and accepted the city's, surrender , Philip then returned to Elated and sent a final offer of peace to Athens and
  8. Invasion of an isolationist United States in 1953,which forces the country to, surrender ,and submit to a puppet government. The game's main character is a member of a
  9. Blue Licks – the last major engagement of the war, almost ten months after the, surrender ,of the British commander Lord Cornwallis following the Siege of Yorktown. *1812
  10. Bonaparte * August 15, 1945,Emperor Hirohito declares Japan's unconditional, surrender ,officially ending the Second World War. * August 15, 1945,Korea became an
  11. Was defeated at the Battle of Blue Licks in August 1782. Yorktown and the, surrender ,of Cornwallis The northern, southern,and naval theaters of the war converged
  12. Suffocated as many as 2,000 prisoners in container trucks following the Taliban, surrender ,of Kunduz in an incident that has become known as the Dasht-i-Leili massacre.
  13. Charter of war stating postwar aims. *1945 – Japan accepts the Allied terms of, surrender ,in World War II and the Emperor records the Imperial Prescript on Surrender (
  14. The face of lingering and bitter divisiveness. However, just six days after the, surrender ,of Confederate commanding general Robert E. Lee, Lincoln was shot and killed by
  15. Remaining ruler Abdul Hasan But Shah the Qutbshahi ruler of Golconda refused to, surrender , he and his servicemen fortified themselves at Golconda, and fiercely protected
  16. The beginning of the end of the British monarchy. It would portend the eventual, surrender ,of everything that has made us, and keeps us still, a nation. In the 2005
  17. Middle of the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina. Jefferson Davis ordered the, surrender ,of the fort. Union Maj. Anderson gave a conditional reply which the Confederate
  18. Meanwhile, Confederate forces across the South surrender ed as news of Lee's, surrender ,reached them. Emancipation during the war At the
  19. His vow not to be the first to shed fraternal blood. But he also vowed not to, surrender ,the forts. The only resolution of these contradictory positions was for the
  20. The Khmer Rouge captures the capital Phnom Penh and Cambodian government forces, surrender , *1982 – Variation of the Canadian constitution in Ottawa by Proclamation of
  21. Surrendered their second army of the war. Cornwallis refused to attend the, surrender ,ceremonies and sent a subordinate. The war winds down Support for the conflict
  22. Successfully captured Philadelphia, the northern army was lost in a disastrous, surrender ,at Saratoga. Both Carleton and Howe resigned after the 1777 campaign. Saratoga
  23. War reparations specified in the 1919 Treaty of Versailles following Germany's, surrender ,after World War I, Aspirin (along with heroin) lost its status as a
  24. The end of the Spanish Civil War, when the last of the Republican forces, surrender , *1941 – The Blockade Runner Badge for the German navy is instituted. * 1941 –
  25. World War II: The Battle of Bataan/Bataan Death March – United States forces, surrender ,on the Bataan Peninsula. The Japanese Navy launches an air raid on Trincomalee
  26. Fear that when the infant industry grew into adulthood it would be unwilling to, surrender ,the government help. Smith also supported tariffs on imported goods to
  27. Battle of Versa (1500). In the terms of the truce, Lithuania had to, surrender ,about a third of its territory to the nascent expansionist Russian state.
  28. Amitabh Bachchan intimated to Maharashtra government that he did not wish to, surrender ,his land in Naval thesis of Pune district. Raj Thackeray's criticism In
  29. The fates of Confederate leaders and freed slaves. Shortly after Lee's, surrender , a general had asked Lincoln how the defeated Confederates should be treated
  30. The Allies. *1945 – Ten days after World War II ends with Japan announcing its, surrender , armed supporters of the Communist Party of China kill Baptist missionary John
  31. An Armenian revolt that had just broken out in Karabakh, the Azeris did not, surrender ,their brief independence of 1918-20 quickly or easily. As many as 20,000 of the
  32. The city's citadel, and Hasan Ali Shah joined him in forcing the Afghans to, surrender , Soon after March 1841,Hasan Ali Shah set out
  33. Cobra, in 1445. But on 9 June 1448,when the king came of age, Peter had to, surrender ,his power to Alfonso V. The years of conspiracy by the Duke of Organza finally
  34. British built much of their strategy around using these Loyalists. After the, surrender ,at Saratoga in October 1777,furthermore, there were thousands of British and
  35. 1861,Confederate forces fired on Union troops at Fort Sumter, forced them to, surrender , and began the war. Historian Allan Nevis argued that the newly inaugurated
  36. Prompting the Qutbshahi's of Golconda and the ruler Abdul Hasan But Shah to, surrender ,peacefully and hand over the Nur-Ul-Ain Diamond, Great Stone Diamond, Kara
  37. Down an Armenian revolt that had just broken out in Karabakh, Azeris did not, surrender ,their brief independence of 1918–20 quickly or easily. As many as 20,000
  38. By the governor, Yussuf al-Hazmi, a Khwarizmi. He was, however,obliged to, surrender ,and was carried a prisoner before the sultan, who condemned him to death.
  39. He surrender ed his entire army of over 7,000 men on October 19, 1781. With the, surrender ,at Yorktown, King George lost control of Parliament to the peace party, and
  40. Before the U. S. attacked, it offered Taliban leader Mullah Omar a chance to, surrender ,bin Laden and his top associates. The first forces to be inserted into
  41. New York City). All the colony's slaves, however,were freed upon its, surrender ,to the British. Massachusetts was the first British colony to legally recognize
  42. Gain control of Saigon. The Vietnam War formally ends with the unconditional, surrender ,of South Vietnamese president Dong Van Mind. *1980 – Accession of Queen
  43. Black Union soldiers, and black soldiers especially were shot when trying to, surrender ,at the Fort Pillow Massacre. Name "/IN"> retreat"/> This led to a breakdown of
  44. Important cities and islands. The crusader siege of Nicaea forced the city to, surrender ,to the emperor in 1097,and the subsequent crusader victory at Dorylaion
  45. A French naval victory in the Chesapeake forced a second British army to, surrender ,at the Siege of Yorktown in 1781. In 1783,the Treaty of Paris ended the war
  46. Were sold into slavery. Jerusalem, on the other hand, opened its gates in, surrender , and according to Josephus, Alexander was shown the book of Daniel's prophecy
  47. Against Persian forces at the Battle of the Granicus, Alexander accepted the, surrender ,of the Persian provincial capital and treasury of Saris and proceeded down the
  48. Martial law in Ireland is lifted, and the rebellion is officially over with the, surrender ,of Irish nationalists to British authorities in Dublin. *1945 – World War II:
  49. Of Archimedes which suggests that he may have been killed while attempting to, surrender ,to a Roman soldier. According to this story, Archimedes was carrying
  50. Information on a broad range of subjects. On May 23,two weeks after the, surrender ,of German troops, the Allies arrested the members of the Flensburg Government

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