Examples of the the word, sulphur , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sulphur ), is the 8683 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Aluminum" and" cesium ", and the U. S." sulfur" over the British ", sulphur ,". However, elements that are practical to sell in bulk in many countries often
  2. Improve fuel cell lifetime considerably. Another method would use iron and, sulphur , instead of platinum. This is possible through an intermediate conversion by
  3. Graphite was in Nuremberg, Germany,in 1662. It used a mixture of graphite, sulphur , and antimony. Residual graphite from a pencil stick is not poisonous, and
  4. The presence of smog is becoming an increasingly rarer phenomenon and levels of, sulphur , dioxide are decreasing. Many watercourses and coastal stretches have also been
  5. Arab version of Greek fire, called aft, which also had a petroleum base, with,sulfur, and various resins added. Any direct relation however with the Byzantine
  6. Other crafts were also practiced by the Innréttingar, such as fisheries, sulphur , mining,agriculture, and shipbuilding. The Danish Crown abolished monopoly
  7. Such evergreen trees inflammable resin is collected. This is rubbed with, sulphur , and put into tubes of reed, and is blown by men using it with violent and
  8. Can be bound to the carbon chain, the most common being oxygen, nitrogen,sulfur, and chlorine. The simplest Asiatic compound is methane (CH4). Caliphates
  9. For 30 days or longer close to the freezing point, and during this storage, sulphur , components developed during fermentation dissipate. Though it is the cool
  10. Industrial gases – hydrofluorocarbons (FCS),perfluorocarbons (PCs),and, sulphur , hexafluoride (SF6) – can be measured against either a 1990 or 1995 baseline.
  11. Low-grade fuels can lead to serious maintenance problems because of their high, sulphur , and lower lubrication properties. Most diesel engines that power ships like
  12. Errant farmers. Natural causes An erupting volcano can also emit high levels of, sulphur , dioxide along with a large quantity of particulate matter; two key components
  13. For 1–6 months depending on style. This cold aging serves to reduce, sulphur , compounds produced by the bottom-fermenting yeast and to produce a cleaner
  14. Of amino acids, which are characterized by inclusion of nitrogen and sometimes, sulphur , ( these components are responsible for the distinctive smell of burning protein
  15. Quality is also a cause of severe concern across the region. China's CO2 and, sulphur , dioxide emissions are now the highest globally, nearly 50 % of China's cities
  16. Contains a considerable percentage of common salt and other sodium salts and, sulphur , As a spa city, Aachen could use the title Bad Aachen, but as the town then
  17. The mercury principle),the heat-giving flames described flammability (, sulphur , ),and the remnant ash described solidity (salt). Modern elements The
  18. Marry her. In 1886,during a vacation from school, Luigi went to visit the, sulphur , mines of Porto Empedocles and started working with his father. This experience
  19. Molecules passing through its lumen via sulphotranferases that gain their, sulphur , molecule from a donor called Paps. This process occurs on the Gags of
  20. May contain C-O bonds, such as in the case of amides. Groups containing, sulphur , Compounds that contain sulfur exhibit unique chemistry due to their ability to
  21. Sicily). His father, Stefano,belonged to a wealthy family involved in the, sulphur , industry and his mother, Caterina Rich Granite, was also of a well-to-do
  22. Highly polluted, and mainly because of oil shale industry in East-Virumaa, sulphur , dioxide emissions per person is almost as high as in the Czech Republic. The
  23. Gasification of coal in furnaces, the purification of the gas (removal of, sulphur , ammonia, and heavy hydrocarbons),and its storage and distribution. The first
  24. These together with hydrofluorocarbons (FCS),perfluorocarbons (PCs),and, sulphur , hexafluoride (SF6),which are entirely artificial (i.e. anthropogenic)
  25. Are used. For example, the s in city (" reappeared" ), the is in Starkey (", sulphur ,") and the ś in society (" holy" ) all represent the sound. Similar
  26. They demanded that Luigi abandon his studies and dedicate himself to the, sulphur , business so that he could immediately marry her. In 1886,during a vacation
  27. In Cairo have also been recording dangerous levels of lead, carbon dioxide, sulphur , dioxide,and suspended particulate matter concentrations due to decades of
  28. Agent in smelting iron ore in a blast furnace. The coking coal should be low in, sulphur , and phosphorus so that they do not migrate to the metal. The product is cast
  29. Compounds of xenon bound to boron, hydrogen,bromine, iodine,beryllium, sulphur , titanium, copper,and silver have also been observed but only at low
  30. Nature, suggesting a thinner ice crust. Finally, Io,the innermost moon, has a, sulphur , surface,active volcanism and no sign of ice. All this evidence suggests that
  31. Air, earth,fire and water),in addition to two philosophical elements:, sulphur , ‘ the stone which burns ’, which characterized the principle of combustibility
  32. The idealized principle of metallic properties. The three metallic principles:, sulphur , to flammability or combustion, mercury to volatility and stability, and salt to
  33. Through Thunder Bay. It also ships automotive parts and assembled automobiles, sulphur , fertilizers, other chemicals, forest products, and other types of commodities.
  34. Environmental issues Air pollution from industrial emissions such as, sulphur , dioxide; coastal and inland rivers polluted from industrial and agricultural
  35. Of four greenhouse gases (GHG) (carbon dioxide, methane,nitrous oxide, sulphur , hexafluoride ) and two groups of gases (hydrofluorocarbons and
  36. Diversified, undulating tracts and well-wooded hills It contains the famous hot, sulphur , springs of Baden and Schinznach-Bad, while at Rheinfelden there are very
  37. Of sailors' bodies, clothing and bedding, and below-deck fumigation with, sulphur , and arsenic. He also proposed that fresh water could be obtained by distilling
  38. That 10,000 million metric tons of sulfuric acid or 6,000 million tons of, sulphur , dioxide were ejected into the atmosphere by the event, causing acid rain
  39. Are a much debated topic, with proposals including naphtha, quicklime,sulfur, and niter. What set the Byzantine usage of incendiary mixtures apart was their
  40. Reducing the oxide to metal. This has the advantage that impurities (such as, sulphur , ) in the coal do not migrate into the metal. This technology was applied to
  41. one's thumb. From the violence of that salt called saltpeter together with, sulphur , and willow charcoal, combined into a powder so horrible a sound is made by the
  42. Higher. For the pollutants described above (nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulphur , dioxide,and ozone),there are accepted levels that are set by legislation to
  43. 250 gravities ". * Carr – An extremely hot planet with an atmosphere of gaseous, sulphur , ( 'air' ) and liquid copper sulfate ('water' ) in Ice world * Genera – A
  44. Of Libya and Algeria. Libyan oil is especially prized because of it's low, sulphur , content,which means it produces much less pollution than other fuel oils.
  45. Around 1650,Otto von Garrick built a crude electrostatic generator — a, sulphur , ball that rotated on a shaft. When Garrick held his hand against the ball and
  46. Would instantly ignite liberating choking fumes of phosphorus pentoxide and, sulphur , dioxide as well as producing a great deal of heat. However, there were voices
  47. Are also essential in small quantities including iron, calcium,magnesium and, sulphur , ; and in very small quantities copper, zinc and selenium. The micronutrients
  48. The year 1903 was fundamental to the life of Pirandello. The flooding of the, sulphur , mines of Aragon, in which his father Stefano had invested not only an enormous
  49. Pigment" may be any number of natural substances with color, such as, sulphur , for yellow or cobalt for blue. The pigment is mixed with oil, usually linseed
  50. Of airborne particles, particulate matter (PM),and by less severe, sulphur , dioxide and nitrogen oxide levels. Measurements carried out in Plan Baton have

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