Examples of the the word, scientifically , in a Sentence Context

The word ( scientifically ), is the 8684 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. An outer limit to the evolutionary change possible of species are not explained, scientifically ,or by natural law: #Separate ancestry of man and apes is an assertion rather
  2. The use of acupuncture as anesthesia for surgery has fallen out of favor with, scientifically ,trained surgeons in China. A delegation of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry
  3. Hypothetical types of biochemistry are forms of biochemistry speculated to be, scientifically ,viable but not proven to exist at this time. While the kinds of living beings
  4. Or cure infectious conditions. Many of these plants have been investigated, scientifically ,for antimicrobial activity and many plant products have been shown
  5. Cholesterol-lowering properties. Potential health benefits, which have not been, scientifically ,validated, include improved complexion and possibly a lower risk of cancer.
  6. Into the vast array of“ developed” religions. According to Taylor, the more, scientifically ,advanced the society, the less that society believed in Animism; however, any
  7. A preventative measure for malaria and will support the use of DDT when it is, scientifically ,sound and warranted. " The Agency's website states that" USAID has never had
  8. Drank 1 liter of beer in 1.3 seconds. Erosion approached the challenge, scientifically , and used two specially designed half-litre drinking vessels to establish this
  9. Of the Romantic movement. Nostalgia for the primitive past in preference to the, scientifically ,minded present. Romantic heroes, exemplified by Napoleon, are popular.
  10. Between categories of 'dyslexia' and 'poor reader' or 'reading disabled' are, scientifically ,unsupportable, arbitrary and thus potentially discriminatory ". While
  11. Macmillan, London 1999) Attribution of recent climate change is the effort to, scientifically ,ascertain mechanisms responsible for recent changes observed in the Earth's
  12. The drug) per kilogram (of one's body mass). Doses are experimentally, not, scientifically , derived. According to the FAQ, the plateaus occur as follows: *First plateau:
  13. To mental health journalist Scott Lilienfeld in 2002," invalidated or, scientifically ,unsupported mental health practices can lead individuals to forgo effective
  14. In Bernat BEI Berlin. Meyer's approach was to research users' needs and, scientifically ,develop the design solution. Mies van der Rohe repudiated Meyer's politics
  15. Patients pronounced dead by today’s physicians are in fact truly dead by any, scientifically ,rigorous criteria. ” Cryonics proponent Thomas Donaldson has argued that “
  16. Plausible rationale for effectiveness, and questionable as groundless without a, scientifically ,plausible rationale. He has concerns that just because some" alternatives "
  17. A theropod dinosaur, and often illustrated and photographed, it has never been, scientifically ,described. The multiplicity of early names complicated later research, with the
  18. Of the solar system is of the order of thousands of years, in contrast to the, scientifically ,accepted age of 4.6 billion years. It is commonly argued that the number of
  19. Treating caste as a form of racism is" politically pernicious" and worse,", scientifically ,anomalous" since there is no discernible difference in the racial
  20. With his engineering degree, Rosa often goes to great lengths to give, scientifically ,plausible explanations within his stories, whereas Barks never cared much for
  21. Anesthesia for surgery,this is apparently having fallen out of favor with, scientifically ,trained surgeons. Dr. Han, for instance, had been emphatic that he and his
  22. In 1546. As early as the 16th century, the Italian Plissé Aldrovandi was, scientifically ,researching plants. In 1665,using an early microscope, Robert Hooke discovered
  23. Orbit. A second strand of rationalist based eschatology is founded on this, scientifically ,well grounded observation. The Sun's expansion will obviously not lead to the
  24. His aim was to prove the existence of God and His creation of the world, scientifically ,and through reason and logic. Avicenna wrote a number of treatises dealing with
  25. Such as depression be replaced by specific measurable concepts before they are, scientifically ,meaningful. One critic states of psychologists that" Instead of replacing
  26. Structurally similar to DMT. The psychotropic effects of DMT were first studied, scientifically ,by the Hungarian chemist and psychologist Dr. Stephen Sara who performed
  27. Proves difficult to falsify, and describes natural events in terms of, scientifically ,untestable supernatural causes such as divination. It has also been suggested
  28. University. Also, relatively old Kabbalist sources from well before the, scientifically ,apparent age of the universe was first determined are in close concord with
  29. Viewpoint made no allowance for religious belief which could not be supported, scientifically , with the incomprehensible, cosmic forces of his tales having as little regard
  30. And instructions are available. Apatosaurus (), also known by the popular but, scientifically ,redundant synonym Brontosaurus, is a genus of sauropod dinosaur that lived from
  31. To the field of memory research was demonstrating that memory can be studied, scientifically , In 1972,Ended Turning proposed the distinction between episodic and semantic
  32. Foundation of Rome. The correctness of Varro's calculation has not been proved, scientifically ,but is still used worldwide. Relationship with Anna Dominic The Anna Dominic year
  33. Out in my most recent book:" The plain fact is that at present there exists no, scientifically ,satisfactory explanation for the differences between the IQ distributions in
  34. Ernst voiced concerns that reliance on Anthroposophical medicine in place of, scientifically ,proven treatment could endanger the lives of patients; The National Cancer
  35. A monotheistic religious outlook. Most scientists argue that" God" is not a, scientifically ,proven cause, considering current acceptable evidence does not verify a deity’s
  36. Been linked to the deaths of over 50 patients, when it was used as part of a, scientifically ,invalidated cancer treatment. Cesium is present in the body at about 20 ppb.
  37. Was laid down for modern day fluid dynamics and aerodynamics, with other less, scientifically ,inclined enthusiasts testing various flying machines with little success.
  38. While the underlying details concerning what are considered to be, scientifically ,valid" observable characteristics" have changed with expanding knowledge (
  39. Hemingway's intent was not to eliminate emotion, but to portray it more, scientifically , Hemingway thought it would be easy, and pointless, to describe emotions; he
  40. On the complaints. The ruling was a mixed message, deciding the book to be, scientifically ,dishonest, but Lomborg himself not guilty because of lack of expertise in the
  41. By professional and amateur astronomers today. The catalog is not organized, scientifically ,by object type or by location, as the later New General Catalog would be.
  42. Of Revelation are endocrine glands. However, these associations have never been, scientifically ,verified. The Spectrum of Light A development in Western practices dating back
  43. Including Psychokinesis, Faith healing and reality shifts. There is no, scientifically ,accepted evidence that such 'interactions' have been observed in reality. An
  44. In the transformation of the atoms was talking moonshine. But the subject was, scientifically ,interesting because it gave insight into the atoms. Items named in honor of
  45. Patients with acute or chronic pathologies by treatments supported in the most, scientifically ,valid medical literature. Thus, medical practitioners would select treatment
  46. Recognized them as valid. He wrote:" That the orthodox theologians who have, scientifically ,examined the question have almost unanimously come to the same conclusions and
  47. Of its ineffectiveness" with some conviction. " These mistakes were considered, scientifically ,inconsequential, but Nicholas Wade in Science stated that" even the appearance
  48. Adam mated (he did this long before Neanderthals had even been discovered, scientifically ,). Prevalence Most vocal literalist creationists are from the United States
  49. Inhabiting a common environment and interacting with one another," while, scientifically ,accurate, do not convey the richness, diversity and complexity of human
  50. Performed in western countries were substandard to the point of not being, scientifically ,viable; this was because the early tests were conducted poorly and without an

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