Examples of the the word, accounts , in a Sentence Context

The word ( accounts ), is the 8685 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Doctor died within 24 hours of each other; newspapers would claim, in differing, accounts , that Dr. Thomson had refused to continue his opiate prescription and that
  2. Com ', and allowed up to 100 other addresses to be created. These e-mail, accounts ,could be accessed in a manner similar to other AOL and AIM e-mail accounts . *
  3. Investigates a murder committed sixteen years before by analyzing various, accounts ,of the tragedy, is a Rashomon-like performance that critic and mystery novelist
  4. Cabinda's petroleum production from its considerable offshore reserves now, accounts ,for more than half of Angola's output. Most of the oil along its coast was
  5. States oil production. Proudhon Bay (North America's largest oil field) alone, accounts ,for 8 % of the U. S. domestic oil production. Permanent Fund The Alaska
  6. Accounts could be accessed in a manner similar to other AOL and AIM e-mail, accounts , * Drive was a service offered by AOL which allowed users to back up their
  7. All lost apart from a few inscriptions and fragments. Contemporaries who wrote, accounts ,of his life include Alexander's campaign historian Cleisthenes; Alexander's
  8. And public-sector mismanagement remain, particularly in the oil sector, which, accounts , for over 50 percent of GDP, over 90 percent of export revenue, and over 80
  9. Later works based on these original sources survive. The five main surviving, accounts ,are by Adrian, Curtius, Plutarch,Doors, and Justin.
  10. Ashoka, as well as the interpretations of his edicts. Building on traditional, accounts , early scholars regarded Ashoka as a primarily Buddhist monarch who underwent a
  11. Lasted much beyond a year. Adrian finds great diversity and casts doubts on the, accounts ,of Alexander's displays of grief, although he says that they all agree that
  12. Kalmyk" to the" temalpouhkeh ", who were students dedicated to take the, accounts ,of skies, from childhood. Unfortunately the Nepohualtzintzin and its teaching
  13. By AOL. Community leaders would be charged a reduced rate per month for their, accounts ,and no longer would be given unlimited access without invoice. During this live
  14. In Buddhist literature as 'Melinda '. Legend There are many legendary, accounts ,surrounding the life of Alexander the Great, with a relatively large number
  15. Credit generated by private financial institutions and held within checking, accounts ,greatly exceeds the value of physical paper bills and metallic coins issued by
  16. Each more punctilious than the last. ” Image-sound counterpoint Kurosawa by all, accounts ,always gave great attention to the soundtracks of his films (Terry Noemi’s
  17. The murder of At talus, Alexander spared the life of Arrhidaeus, who was by all, accounts ,mentally disabled, possibly as a result of poisoning by Olympias. News of
  18. Even Poirot acknowledges that Ossoff has told several wildly varying, accounts ,of her early life. Poirot later became smitten with the woman and allowed her
  19. From damage by insects; one such crop is Starlink. Another is cotton, which, accounts , for 63 % of US cotton acreage. Some believe that similar or better
  20. 1818,when my work appeared, there was to be found in Europe only a very few, accounts ,of Buddhism. Buddhist philosopher Visitant Meiji, however,sought to distance
  21. The order has grown enormously in number of species. The family Tracheae alone, accounts ,for about a hundred genera, totaling over two thousand species. The rest of the
  22. Based upon the ideas of Edward Gibbon Wakefield. Wakefield had read, accounts ,of Australian settlement while in prison in London for attempting to abduct an
  23. Spurious" or" false ". This usage usually involves fictitious or legendary, accounts ,that are plausible enough to be commonly considered true. For example,Laozi's
  24. Of Huxley's eyesight at specific points in his life, there are differing, accounts , Around 1939,Huxley encountered the Bates Method for better eyesight, and a
  25. Nearby petroleum development infrastructure and many other factors. Alaska, accounts ,for one-fifth (20 percent) of domestically produced United States oil
  26. Has also been portrayed fictionally. Some of these have explored and offered, accounts ,of Christie's disappearance in 1926,including the 1979 film Agatha (with
  27. From paid to free was also designed to slow the rate of members canceling their, accounts ,and defecting to Microsoft Hotmail, Yahoo!, or other free e-mail providers.
  28. 2,200 intact dilation and extraction procedures in the U. S. during 2000; this, accounts ,for 0.17 % of the total number of abortions performed that year. Similarly, in
  29. Offering free and unlimited digital picture storage for both free and paid, accounts , Original resolutions are preserved, and an ActiveX control provides a
  30. Sunshine. Economy Tourism, the mainstay of Andorra's tiny, well-to-do economy, accounts ,for roughly 80 % of GDP. An estimated 10.2 million tourists visit annually
  31. Space. Polo's travels took him across such a diverse human landscape and his, accounts ,of the peoples he met as he journeyed were so detailed that they earned for
  32. According to AOL CEO Randy Falcon, as of December 2007,the conversion rate of, accounts ,from paid access to free access was over 80 %. * In December 2006,in order to
  33. H. Price's work on American anthropology during the Cold War provides detailed, accounts ,of the pursuit and dismissal of several anthropologists from their jobs for
  34. Would be flooded with users trying to get on, and many canceled their, accounts ,due to constant busy signals (this was often joked" AOL" standing for "
  35. The suppression of the Ronstadt uprising, before they left Russia. Both wrote, accounts ,of their experiences in Russia, criticizing the amount of control the
  36. The Roman historian Tacitus, who wrote many of our only surviving contemporary, accounts ,of several ancient Celtic and Germanic peoples. Herodotus first formulated some
  37. Over 99 percent of the share capital. Volkswagen AG includes the consolidated, accounts ,of Audi AG in its own financial statements. In recent years, the possibility of
  38. Of Dare el-Madinah has resulted in one of the most thoroughly documented, accounts ,of community life in the ancient world that spans almost four hundred years.
  39. People worldwide. Despite the size of its workforce, agricultural production, accounts ,for less than five percent of the gross world product (an aggregate of all
  40. Philosopher, medical doctor and pioneer of chemistry. According to some, accounts , he distilled oxygen in a lab sometime around 1600,170 years before Schiele
  41. Current Community Leaders at the time were offered 12 months of credit on their, accounts ,in thanks for their service. Within one decade of the class action lawsuit
  42. Be traveling faster than the speed of light. Even in the Dirac equation, which, accounts , for relativistic effects, the wave function of the electron for atoms with Z >
  43. Attila) died at the hands of his wife, Gudrun. Most scholars reject these, accounts ,as no more than hearsay, preferring instead the account given by Attila's
  44. AOL, LLC ". * On August 2,2006,AOL announced that they would give away e-mail, accounts ,and software previously available only to its paying customers provided the
  45. 1960's counterculture and the New Age movement. Popular culture Fictionalized, accounts ,of Crowley or characters based upon him have been included in a number of
  46. Of Azerbaijan is rich in oil and natural gas. The region of the Lesser Caucasus, accounts ,for most of the country's gold, silver,iron, copper,titanium, chromium
  47. Habitat change, climate change, water use and toxic emissions. Agriculture, accounts ,for 70 per cent of withdrawals of freshwater resources. However, increasing
  48. Over claims that it has been slow to stop billing customers after their, accounts ,have been canceled, either by the company or the user. In addition, AOL changed
  49. Radioactivity. Business * Financial statement analysis – the analysis of the, accounts ,and the economic prospects of a firm * Fundamental analysis – a stock valuation
  50. Until July 1998 to limit UNITA's exportation of diamonds and freeze UNITS bank, accounts , While the U. S. government gave USD250 million to UNITS between 1986 and 1991

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