Examples of the the word, budgeting , in a Sentence Context

The word ( budgeting ), is the 9361 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And funding to create the Commission on Economy and Efficiency to study the, budgeting ,process. The study recommended the President be required early in the
  2. Understanding of the value created for the customers *eliminating traditional, budgeting ,through monthly sales, operations,and financial planning processes (SOAP)
  3. Cancelled with the agreement of the opposition: this often happens during the, budgeting ,period and at other times when the Prime Minister must sit in the Diet. New
  4. Department of Statistics of Iran, if the rules of, budgeting ,were observed in this very structure, the government could save at least 30 to
  5. Of a firm - business management The investment decision (also known as capital, budgeting ,) is one of the fundamental decisions of business management: Managers
  6. Lack of long-term political stability, and the lack of a transparent, budgeting ,process continue to dampen foreign investor interest in major projects in
  7. Of 1974. It helps Congress estimate revenue inflows from taxes and helps the, budgeting ,process. It makes projections about such matters as the national debt as well
  8. Through community-based healthcare (including community ownership and local, budgeting ,), resulting in more efficient and equitable provision of services. A
  9. And obtained from the Congress authorization for the country's first formal, budgeting ,process via the establishing of the Bureau of the Budget. The law created the
  10. The park district public input process as a“ sham” and the park district, budgeting ,process as“ irresponsible. ” The plan to cover the largest park in the
  11. Preparing purchasing requisitions, processing change orders, preparing monthly, budgeting ,reports, and handling meeting minutes. The construction management position
  12. The WNBA. We're losing a lot of money amongst many teams. We're, budgeting ,the WNBA to break even this year. " Rules and regulations Measurements and time
  13. Hopelessness in dating (and general lack of social skills) ** Scheduling and, budgeting ,without reference to reality ** Penalizing employees for failures caused by bad
  14. City of San Bruno, California to consolidate police services due to both, budgeting ,issues and the relatively low rate of crime. Fire services The Mill brae Fire
  15. The use of specialized software instead of spreadsheets for some applications (, budgeting , statistics) * Many spreadsheet software products, such as Microsoft Excel (
  16. Zhang's 2011" The Flowers of War" as it is his most expensive film to date, budgeting ,for $90.2 million. Stage direction Starting in the 1990s,Zhang You has been
  17. In towns, on community projects and activities. Networking with instructors, budgeting , and evaluation of continuing programs are common job duties. In the United
  18. Using the time value of money to appraise long-term projects. Used for capital, budgeting , and widely throughout economics, finance,and accounting, it measures the
  19. Engage in and cope with daily life. Activities include time management skills, budgeting , shopping, homemaking,and the use of public transportation. Occupational
  20. Are responsible for setting policy in every aspect of the Borough, including, budgeting , public works, zoning,and ordinances. Council Members * Chad Steer, Basketball
  21. Sub Committee (ISC). Apart from ensuring communication, publishing, budgeting , archives and support of affiliates, it organizes a World Congress every four
  22. At Bell Canada should not have to depend on programmers to program and modify, budgeting ,forms, and he thought of letting users type out forms in any order and having
  23. Board of public broadcasters sued the German states for interference with their, budgeting ,process, and on September 11, 2007,they achieved a total victory at the
  24. Cove, at first led residents of the northern end of the town to oppose, budgeting ,monies for these projects, and eventually caused the northerners to secede and
  25. In the United States as the office is vested with significant authority in, budgeting , The legislature may not increase the governor's proposed budget expenditures.
  26. Administration, Recreation,Parks, and Cultural Arts. Administration provides, budgeting ,and administrative support and coordinates special events and marketing.
  27. To repay to the council the interest the council had lost as a result of, budgeting ,delays, and also being disqualified from office. 1991 saw Joan Twelves’s regime
  28. New carriers (one every four years). However, the debate has deepened over, budgeting ,for the $12–14.5 billion (plus $12 billion for development and research) for
  29. Department of Statistics of Iran, if the rules of, budgeting ,were observed in this very structure, the government could save at least 30 to
  30. AT&T and the 18 operating telcos nationwide for their local and national, budgeting ,operations. LAN PAR was also used by General Motors. Its uniqueness was the
  31. Limits on physical displays of affection in public or among mixed company; and, budgeting ,the amount of money a partner can spend on additional partners. *Gender
  32. For Abseiling M had actually been cited in reports by the Reichstag's, budgeting ,commission. The prosecution successfully countered that Fraser (and Ossietzky
  33. The information they had published was true, and,more to the point, that the, budgeting ,for Abseiling M had actually been cited in reports by the Reichstag's
  34. A Budget Computer Program) applied computerized spreadsheets to accounting and, budgeting ,systems (on mainframe computers programmed in FORTRAN IV). These batch
  35. The internal rate of return (IRR) is a rate of return used in capital, budgeting ,to measure and compare the profitability of investments. It is also called the
  36. Sub-Elements. " USAID accordingly closed its office responsible for overall, budgeting ,and development policy. The following year, USAID launched the" Development
  37. Education this figure may drop in the future. Uzbekistan has encountered severe, budgeting ,shortfalls in its education program. The education law of 1992 began the
  38. Car in the GT2 class. 2009 will be the last run of the GT1 class as a result of, budgeting ,issues. GT1 teams are currently enlisting to run their cars in the GT2 class
  39. F. K. (John F. Kennedy) As a supply-sider, he was not a proponent of balanced, budgeting ,and trivialized it while speaking of growth as an economic goal. The Erie
  40. Primary health care to the population, including community ownership and local, budgeting , resulting in more efficient and equitable provision of drugs and other
  41. Variety of projects or project teams, including client contact, scheduling,and, budgeting , *Senior Architect / Designer: Licensed architect, or non-registered graduate
  42. This figure may drop in the future. Uzbekistan has encountered severe, budgeting ,shortfalls in its education program. The education law of 1992 began the
  43. At Fort Monroe were varied, typical for a junior officer, and ranged from, budgeting ,to designing buildings. Although Mary Lee accompanied her husband to Hampton
  44. Decide which" projects" ( if any) to undertake. The discipline of capital, budgeting ,is devoted to this question, and may employ standard business valuation
  45. Is the head of the central administration and responsible for the university's, budgeting , and three pro-rectors, who are responsible for international relations
  46. From the 1950s onwards, starting in finance texts. Alternative capital, budgeting ,methods * Adjusted present value (APV): adjusted present value, is the net
  47. And posting the results across the city. The city's process of participatory, budgeting ,was linked with these innovations, as a result of which the infant mortality
  48. The WNBA. We're losing a lot of money amongst many teams. We're, budgeting ,the WNBA to break even this year. " Salary caps In 2008,a new six-year
  49. Deaths each year worldwide. For these reasons, it is recommended that nutrient, budgeting , through careful observation and monitoring of crops, take place to mitigate
  50. Initiating and adapting to change. Managers undertake the tasks of planning, budgeting , organizing, staffing,controlling and problem-solving. In contrast, leaders

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