Examples of the the word, lust , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Behavioral patterns, are associated with these three romantic styles. Since the, lust ,and attraction stages are both considered temporary, a third stage is needed to
  2. The color olive drab, a shade of green, instead of hunter green. Love and, lust ,Stories of the medieval period further portray it as representing love and the
  3. Possess ", thus interpreting concupiscence as something more than mere sexual, lust , with which some Augustine's disciples had defined it as later did Luther and
  4. At the outset of the play, Santa Claus' family has disintegrated due to their, lust ,for knowledge (Science). After a series of events, however,Santa Claus '
  5. To Schopenhauer's doctrine of the will. In Buddhism, however,while greed and, lust ,are always unskillful, desire is ethically variable - it can be skillful
  6. The new threats, the two Princes have grown bored with their marriages and now, lust ,after two new princesses — Snow White and Sleeping Beauty (" Agony" Reprise)
  7. Became for the Mariner – the personal shape of repetition compulsion. The, lust ,for paradise in 'Kublai Khan,' Geraldine's lust for Charitable – these are
  8. A handsome, arrogant and reckless ladies-man, he is the son of Semi (English:, lust ,or favorite). He shares a very close relationship with his mother who revives
  9. Of the socially conservative Basil) but it is his eccentricity, not his, lust , that drives the plots. The events test what little patience Basil has to
  10. For guerrilla attacks. Partisan leaders, on the contrary, counted on using the, lust ,for revenge such reprisals would elicit to win recruits. The communists turned
  11. It is this craving which leads to renewed existence, accompanied by delight and, lust , seeking delight here and there, that is, craving for sensual pleasures
  12. Struck by the beauty of both Troilus and his sister Pollen, and overcome with, lust ,directed his sexual attentions on the youth – who refusing to yield found
  13. Not be king himself, but that his descendants will be. Later, Macbeth in his, lust ,for power sees Ban quo as a threat and has him murdered; Banquo's son, Fleance
  14. S view of pride, Carter admitted:" I've looked on a lot of women with, lust , I've committed adultery in my heart many times. " He remains the only
  15. Male child are the perfect understanding of the Magician, his one aim, without, lust , of result. " In the" New Comment" to The Book of the Law," the Beast 666
  16. Intimate form of romantic attachment, love is commonly contrasted with, lust ,; and as an interpersonal relationship with romantic overtones, love is
  17. Around the birth of the baby messiah. After that," flamboyant hate and simple, lust ,... for the end of the world. " Lawrence coined the term" Passers" to
  18. Making. As well as magical spell casting and singing, there are many stories of, lust , romance, kidnapping and seduction. The protagonists of the stories often have
  19. Virtue. Even if they remain untouched by corruption, it makes them objects of, lust ,for perverts. *lines 10.310-345—Beautiful men tend to become noted adulterers
  20. Would be converted at the end of time. Views on lust Augustine struggled with, lust ,throughout his life. He had a mistress before he converted, but once he became
  21. More beautiful than the famed goddess, Myrrha is punished with a never ending, lust ,for her own father. Cinemas is repulsed by this, but Myrrh disguises herself
  22. As described in Leviticus 20 as sexual immorality and equal to adultery, lust , fornication, and incest. The ordination of gays and lesbians is not a new
  23. Then six hundred monks. Peter, however,cannot be accused of ambition or the, lust ,of power when a monastic superior, any more than when he insisted on divesting
  24. The teachings of Islam by refraining from violence, anger,envy, greed, lust , profane language, gossip and to try to get along with fellow Muslims better.
  25. The pious virgins raped during the sack of Rome, he writes," Truth,another's, lust ,cannot pollute thee. " Chastity is" a virtue of the mind, and is not lost by
  26. Minos kept it for himself; and in revenge, Poseidon made his wife Pacific, lust ,for the bull with the help of Aphrodite. For Pacific, as Greek mythologies
  27. And observe whether amongst them less indulgence is given to luxury, lust , or avarice, than amongst those whom you so detest. Show me any one person who
  28. Would refrain from; another man will enjoy: obscene voices and every art of, lust , a man: who wets his inlaid floor of Lacedaemonian marbles with spit-out wine:
  29. Generally considered human mind to include broad faculties, such as reason and, lust , evolutionary psychologists describe evolved psychological mechanisms as
  30. Of modern society, or stating that the EU'ran speaks out against homosexual, lust ,and is silent on homosexual love. In 2001,Al-Muhajiroun, a banned and now
  31. Says that one must be able to decipher the difference between love and, lust , Lust, according to Saint Augustine, is an overindulgence, but to love and be
  32. Sin "; an action committed in deliberate defiance of God *Avon — a" sin of, lust ,or uncontrollable emotion ". It is a sin done knowingly, but not done to defy
  33. The same reason. ) The following epic, Ran,is“ a relentless chronicle of base, lust ,for power, betrayal of the father by his sons, and pervasive wars and murders.
  34. According to the natives of Peru, who by this time had observed the Spanish, lust ,for gold, the territories of Chile had abundances of gold which would justify
  35. To land the aspirant in a most pitiful and dangerous chaos of ungovernable, lust , " Secular The radical feminist group Cell 16 were strongly championing
  36. Of repetition compulsion. The lust for paradise in 'Kublai Khan,' Geraldine's, lust ,for Charitable – these are manifestations of Coleridge's revisionary
  37. Lover in the lurch. In short,Augustine's life experience led him to consider, lust ,to be one of the most grievous sins, and a serious obstacle to the virtuous
  38. And the mouth. The third was telling the neophyte (novice) that unnatural, lust ,was lawful and indulged in commonly. The fourth was that the cord worn by the
  39. To pass by all the other events which occurred in the meantime: such as ... the, lust ,of power on the part of many, the disorderly and unlawful ordinations, and the
  40. Jihad of struggle against non-Muslims to a greater jihad of struggle against, lust , Although Haddad notes that the authenticity of both hadith is questionable
  41. And fatal. Ayala This chakra is located in the hips, it governs fear and, lust , Vital Located in the thighs, it governs anger and resentment. Stall Located
  42. Typically accompany it. In On Christian Doctrine Augustine contrasts love and, lust ,: Here we can see the theoretical resolution of the struggle documented in
  43. Representing anti-Catholic sentiments is the Bleeding Nun. Destroyed by, lust , she was murdered by her lover and doomed to remain in unrest until her bones
  44. Further argued that the Jews would be converted at the end of time. Views on, lust ,Augustine struggled with lust throughout his life. He had a mistress before he
  45. Said it was" a proposal for the butchery of women and children, for scenes of, lust ,and rapine, and of arson and murder, which would invoke the interference of
  46. Efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the, lust ,for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving
  47. Are emphasized. The portrayal of David as a man of flaws such as greed, lust , selfishness, and his alienation from God, the falling apart from his family is a
  48. Judgment (for which the gods approved him) is overcome by appeals to his, lust ,; thus a lengthy and blood-soaked war revolves upon a series of apparently
  49. Of love, divides the experience of love into three partly overlapping stages:, lust , attraction, and attachment. Lust is the feeling of sexual desire; romantic
  50. Not afford such delicacies in the future. Likewise, sex could lead to increased, lust ,and dissatisfaction with the sexual partner. Epicurus did not articulate a

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