Examples of the the word, brady , in a Sentence Context

The word ( brady ), is the 9360 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. First a set of N interesting regions is detected in the image using the Nadir, brady , saliency detector. Each region selected is represented by a location in the
  2. Chandler from: 2009 till: 2011 color: USAF text:" Carol H. Chandler" bar:, brady , from: 2008 till: 2010 color: general text:" Roger A. Brady" bar: Lorenz from:
  3. See hibernation and estivation). Etymology The term is from Ancient Greek, brady , ( βραδύ),meaning" slow "; metabolic (μεταβολία),meaning" to change ".
  4. And develops into a schizo, later releasing merozoites. A brady zoite (G., brady , slow + soon, animal ) is a sessile, slow-growing form of zoonotic
  5. Including circulatory shock induced by venom and toxins. " Etymology:, brady , Gk slow, kinin Gk kin (EIN) to move, set in motion, From the effect of snake
  6. Hobbins bar: Chilton bar: Renault bar: Fichte bar: Keller bar: chandler bar:, brady , bar: Lorenz bar: fraserwilliam bar: McKinley bar: Hoffman bar: fraserdouglas
  7. Declension (also known as -UV- declension, or v-stem declension) are: busy, brady , cell, crьky, loky, ljuby, neplody, prěljuby, smoky,very, žrьny, kry (this
  8. Rage toward her to become lust temporarily. In one episode she quotes Wayne, brady , 's famous phrase from the Chapelle's show saying" That Yuri was going to have to

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