Examples of the the word, setback , in a Sentence Context

The word ( setback ), is the 9362 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. An attack and drove Muslims from North Africa for a period. This was a major, setback ,for the Muslims, because of this they lost supremacy at sea, and had to abandon
  2. Election,2011,in West Bengal, CPI (M) alliance with 62 seats suffered a, setback ,after 34 years of continuous rule, losing to Linalool Congress led alliance's
  3. Vehicles for the military. After the war, Bombardier experienced another, setback ,in his snowmobile business. In 1948,the Quebec government passed a law
  4. Bottom of the Serie A table after losses to Juventus and Genoa. Despite this, setback , Roma would later embark on an incredible unbeaten streak of 24 matches in the
  5. Coast facing Australia. The Port Moresby (MO) Operation proved an unwelcome, setback , Although Tulane and Guadalcanal were taken, the Port Moresby invasion fleet
  6. Communists. The campaigns against the Communists in the cities represented a, setback ,for the party and in particular to the Comintern Soviet advisers, who saw the
  7. Cornwall, from where they returned to Plymouth for repair. After this major, setback , he set sail again on the 13th of December, aboard Pelican, with four other
  8. From his companions, he was robbed and nearly lost his life. Despite this, setback , within ten days he had caught up with his group and continued on to Chambray
  9. Fighter, the Messerschmidt Me 262,but BMW engines failed on takeoff, a major, setback ,for the jet fighter program until successful testing with Junkers engines. By
  10. Which required additional cryptographic developments by CG&CS. A major, setback ,was caused by the German Navy introducing the four-rotor Enigma used for
  11. Could turn out to be inconsistent. The formalist project suffered a decisive, setback , when in 1931 Gödel showed that it is possible, for any sufficiently large set
  12. Elections were held in 2004 where federal president Atari suffered a major, setback ,by only winning 6 of the 18 seats in the National assembly, the other going to
  13. Although the Confederates at the time argued that this was a temporary, setback ,and that the goals of the campaign were largely met). However, when the more
  14. And settle the northern part of Mexico, the region of Panic. This was another, setback ,for Cortés who mentioned this in his fourth letter to the King in which he
  15. Twentieth century, efforts to base mathematics on naive set theory suffered a, setback ,due to Russell's paradox (on the set of all sets that do not belong to
  16. Death of Jesse Gel singer in a gene-therapy experiment resulted in a significant, setback ,to gene therapy research in the United States. As a result, the U. S. FDA
  17. Succeeded Louis XVIII in 1824,but in 1827 his party suffered a major electoral, setback ,and by 1830 the opposition liberal party became the majority. Charles, faced
  18. Modern Kyustendil) in 1330. Androids III's attempt to make up for this, setback ,by annexing Bulgarian Thrace failed in 1332,when he was defeated by the new
  19. At US$1 = EC$2.68. The economyand especially the tourism sector, suffered a, setback ,in late 1995 due to the effects of Hurricane Luis in September but recovered in
  20. 2),7–6 (5),with no breaks of serve during the 48-game match. Despite the, setback , Agassi finished 2001 ranked World No. 3,becoming the only male tennis player
  21. Of the Fifth Coalition with confidence and inflicted Napoleon's first major, setback ,at Aspern-Essling, before suffering a massive defeat at the Battle of Wag ram.
  22. Ballarat North Workshops in April 1917. The Great Depression proved a further, setback ,for Ballarat, with the closure of many institutions. Since the 20th Century
  23. Reaction of the Southern military and public sectors was that Gettysburg was a, setback , not a disaster. The sentiment was that Lee had been successful on July 1 and
  24. Booming. In 1941,Armand opened a large new factory in Val court. Then a major, setback ,hit the growing business: the Second World War was well underway and the
  25. And collapsed with enormous losses. Eiffel's reputation suffered a severe, setback ,when he was implicated in the financial scandals surrounding de Lesseps and the
  26. Not subject to such restrictions because it was part of the ABC. Despite that, setback , it still reached #48 on the Australian singles chart and number four on the
  27. That East Greek speakers were once dominant in the Peloponnese but suffered a, setback ,there and were replaced at least in official circles by West Greek speakers. A
  28. In Dublin attacked and burned the Custom House. The action was a serious, setback ,as five members were killed and eighty captured. By the end of the war, in July
  29. Governments had enacted lean budgets, cutting spending, which had been a, setback ,to the further economic development of the city and state. The debt has
  30. Or fell sick. Charles meanwhile wheeled about and marched toward London. This, setback ,for Parliament in Cornwall, and the last major victory for the Royalists, was
  31. And Johansen made good progress south, but on 13 April suffered a serious, setback ,when both of their watches stopped. Without knowing the correct time, it was
  32. Him for a trial in Inter's youth team, but Franco was rejected. Despite this, setback , he didn't give up and decided to try out for arch-rivals AC Milan, where he
  33. Could rapidly bring fermentation to a halt. The resulting economic, setback ,is a serious threat in these industries. The relationship between
  34. This soon produced around 50 percent turnouts for the Social Democrats. A, setback ,followed as the Russian Tsar, Nicholas II, was not, however,dethroned or his
  35. Africa, with the result that the Allied efforts there suffered a temporary, setback ,; Allied attempts to counterbalance this were successful, but resulted in war
  36. Abbeys in Piedmont. However,Eugene's military career suffered a temporary, setback ,in 1688 when, on 6 September, the Prince suffered a severe wound to his knee by
  37. Contested by Andrzej Przewoźnik. Przewoźnik's candidature received a severe, setback ,after documents were found which suggested his possible co-operation with
  38. Final wish: to be cremated in Joshua Tree. Despite the almost insurmountable, setback , Parsons, Harris,and the other musicians decided to continue with plans for a
  39. Menzies' ruthlessness. In November 1967 the government suffered a serious, setback ,in the Senate elections, winning just 42.8 per cent of the vote against Labor
  40. Reserves were restored to safe levels. At the time the repeal seemed a minor, setback ,to silverizes, but it marked the beginning of the end of silver as a basis for
  41. Elected DPJ's president, Naoto Kan as prime minister. Kan suffered an early, setback ,in the Japanese House of Councillors election,2010. In a routine political
  42. Rendering anonymity impossible at the protocol level),which was a major, setback ,for certain services planned for use in Bluetooth environments. Bluetooth v1.1
  43. He rejected the crown and the proposed constitution, leading to a temporary, setback ,for the movement. Most alliances in which Germany had previously been involved
  44. His own execution. The incident became known as the Haymarket affair, and was a, setback ,for the labor movement and the struggle for the eight-hour day. In 1890 a
  45. In 1996. Hotels were hit particularly hard during this time. Another economic, setback ,occurred during the aftermath of Hurricane Lenny in 2000. Transportation
  46. Measures for the disputed borders. Afro-Indian relations suffered a brief, setback ,in May 1998 when the Indian Defense minister justified the country's nuclear
  47. Signed a peace treaty with the government after suffering an extensive military, setback ,when the government forces captured most of the rebel-held territory. A radical
  48. Of the Nazis and fascists. Nietzsche's growing prominence suffered a severe, setback ,when his works became closely associated with Adolf Hitler and the German Reich
  49. Into slavery. Here, however,his victorious career suffered a serious, setback , In 397,Silicon crossed the sea to Greece and succeeded in trapping the Goths
  50. II was lowered for the last time. Aftermath The assassination caused a great, setback ,for the reform movement. One of Alexander II's last ideas was to draft plans

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