Examples of the the word, straightforward , in a Sentence Context

The word ( straightforward ), is the 5514 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Have criticized the word" principle" as being too grandiose to describe, straightforward ,applications of selection effects. A common criticism of Carter's SAP is that
  2. Implementation language. It was designed to be compiled using a relatively, straightforward ,compiler, to provide low-level access to memory, to provide language constructs
  3. L. Shire, wrote that, compared to his codefendants, Speer “ made the most, straightforward ,impression of all and ... during the long trial spoke honestly and with no
  4. A 40 tracks format). The 1541 did not have an index hole sensor, making it, straightforward ,to use the reverse side of a disk by flipping it. A disc could be converted to
  5. s)F_b (s) = \left (\sum_^\franc \right)\left (\sum_^\franc \right). It is a, straightforward ,exercise to show that if c (n) is defined by: c (n): \sum_ a (i)b (j)
  6. Of being of the same rough texture as the great majority of his subjects. His, straightforward , abrupt manner sometimes savoured of gruffness, while his direct, unadorned
  7. This view, Oral Torah is considered inspired by Torah, but not necessarily of a, straightforward ,divine origin. Jewish law Conservative Judaism views Falasha (Jewish religious
  8. And that we attribute consciousness on the basis of behavior. A more, straightforward ,way of saying this is that we attribute experiences to people because of what
  9. To most people, the ethical implications of individual predatory coercion are, straightforward , In recent times, some have attempted to extend a similar ethical judgment to
  10. Leader and member of the looter cabal. Unlike the others, however,Kinney is, straightforward ,and honest about his purpose. Kinney is the only one to openly state the true
  11. S" Side wise in Time ". While earlier alternate histories examined reasonably, straightforward ,divergences, Leinster attempted something completely different. In his" world
  12. The use of k atomic element conservation equations for the mass constraint is, straightforward , and replaces the use of the stoichiometric coefficient equations.
  13. Values in binary prefixed with 011,making conversion with binary-coded decimal, straightforward , Many of the non-alphanumeric characters were positioned to correspond to their
  14. Times. Measurement and levels in food Measurement of antioxidants is not a, straightforward ,process, as this is a diverse group of compounds with different reactivities to
  15. Of his endorsement of Barack Obama, stating:" My role has been very, very, straightforward , I wanted to avoid a war. The president Bush agreed with me. We tried to do
  16. English ", with the underlying assumption that, as noun use in English is very, straightforward ,but verb use/conjugation is not, the elimination of verbs would be a welcome
  17. Designed to embody BT’s five corporate values: trustworthy, helpful,inspiring, straightforward , heart. The Communications Act,2003 which came into force on 25 July 2003
  18. Then the more sophisticated people he meets in his travels. Indeed, his, straightforward , nature and barbarism are constants in all the tales. Conan is a formidable
  19. Forms the starting point of a number of more general fixed point theorems. The, straightforward ,generalization to infinite dimensions,i.e. using the unit ball of an
  20. Film, also known as The ABC Murders). This was more a satire on Poirot than a, straightforward ,adaptation, and was greatly changed from the original. Much of the story, set
  21. A political sense, as he replaced the republican trappings of the office with a, straightforward ,autocracy, marking the transition from the Principate to the absolutist
  22. Base but did not include positional notation. Although addition was generally, straightforward , multiplication in Roman arithmetic required the assistance of a counting board
  23. Even within the US or the UK, can create the same problems. It is not a, straightforward ,matter to classify differences of vocabulary. David Crystal identifies some of
  24. Opposite to their real purpose, the Ministry of Love is perhaps the most, straightforward ,:" rehabilitated thought criminals" leave the Ministry as loyal subjects who
  25. Overlap in dynamic programming. The difference between dynamic programming and, straightforward ,recursion is in caching or memorization of recursive calls. When subproblems are
  26. Pointers, no user-defined types, and no user-defined functions),encouraging a, straightforward ,coding style. This has made it well-suited to its primary domain of business
  27. Or Rosetta, but more often he is in love with the character of Columbia,a, straightforward ,and intelligent maid, who is usually given the prologue and epilogue.
  28. However, according to philosopher Steven Nadler an educated guess is quite, straightforward ,:" No doubt he was giving utterance to just those ideas that would soon appear
  29. In some languages, or vowel and consonant harmony, and which are therefore not, straightforward ,to write with an alphabet. In sign languages, however,several channels operate
  30. As related in the first reference cited above, Faraday had used the more, straightforward ,term" erode" ( the doorway where the current exits). His motivation for
  31. In the forebrain area. The brain of a shark shows the basic components in a, straightforward ,way, but in telecast fishes (the great majority of existing fish species),the
  32. Sheet (pad) filters These filters use pre-made media and are relatively, straightforward , The sheets are manufactured to allow only particles smaller than a given size
  33. An analogue of mutual information for Kolmogorov complexity. Compression It is, straightforward ,to compute upper bounds for K (s): simply compress the string s with some
  34. Source code in BASIC for games, utilities,and other programs. Given BASIC's, straightforward ,nature, it was a simple matter to type in the code from the magazine and
  35. Since the early 1990s," Kennedy said in an e-mail. " Our policy is simple and, straightforward , and is used by many MLB clubs and other sports teams around the country. A
  36. Model whom he married in 1899. Although Sexier was affectionate, practical, straightforward , and well liked by Debussy's friends and associates, he became increasingly
  37. More primitive ones, or distinguish vertebrates from invertebrates. The most, straightforward ,way to get information about brain anatomy is by simple visual examination, but
  38. Desirable to express the Bézier curve as a polynomial instead of a sum of less, straightforward ,Bernstein polynomials. Application of the binomial theorem to the definition of
  39. And run on an ALGOL implementation for an Unisys A-Series mainframe, and is a, straightforward ,simplification of code taken from
  40. As related in the first reference cited above, Faraday had used the more, straightforward ,term" episode" ( the doorway where the current enters). His motivation for
  41. Reaction is called esterification. Synthesis of alkyl nitrites is, in general, straightforward ,and can be accomplished in home laboratories. A common procedure includes the
  42. That year, so computing averages using the same method as in other years is, straightforward , In 1968,Major League Baseball formed a Special Baseball Records Committee to
  43. Was a simplified FORTRAN II). Initially, BASIC concentrated on supporting, straightforward ,mathematical work, with matrix arithmetic support from its initial
  44. Use The algorithm Although the basic idea of binary search is comparatively, straightforward , the details can be surprisingly tricky … — Professor Donald Knuth When Jon
  45. Per iteration. It is not the most efficient solution. Recursive A simple, straightforward ,implementation is tail recursive; it recursively searches the subrange dictated
  46. Wrought as in some other books of the minor prophets, yet the intent seems, straightforward , A closer look The first chapter contains the first address (2-11) and its
  47. White, grey, and black) are maintained during a collection cycle. The most, straightforward ,approach is the semi-space collector, which dates to 1969. In this moving GC
  48. Maps vanishing at a point then the definition of the pullback is even more, straightforward , Let g be a smooth function on N vanishing at f (x). Then the pullback of the
  49. That they sought a Christian marriage. Since she was divorced, this was not, straightforward ,in the Church of England at the time, but a friend, the Rev. Peter Bide
  50. Established in the rendering community. The basic concepts are moderately, straightforward , but intractable to calculate; and a single elegant algorithm or approach has

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