Examples of the the word, scary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( scary ), is the 5516 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Game is to be the first to reach the front gate from the attic after hearing a, scary ,noise. * Junior Clued (1993) is the first Junior game for Clued. Instead of
  2. Shoah ta’n One, meaning " this is the night ". Traditionally, children dress as, scary ,beings, carry turnips rather than pumpkins and sing an Anglicized version of
  3. Of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up, scary ,scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any
  4. In The Comics Journal he said: After this he was asked if it was" a bit, scary ,to think of hearing Calvin's voice. " He responded that it was" very scary ,"
  5. His knowledge accordingly and virtually without lapses, though he takes many, scary , bracing linguistic risks. Thus, his remarkably supple diction can first treat
  6. Surface,Britney's demand for satisfaction is complex, fierce and downright, scary , making her a true child of rock & roll tradition. " The album's lead single
  7. With rotating vanes, painted sky backdrop and special-effects fire. " It was, scary ,for the actors who were having burning wood explode at them," Heinrich's
  8. Darkness (Simon and Hecuba): A horror-themed TV show which tries to be, scary ,but fails, hosted by Crowleyesque Sir Simon Milligan (McDonald)," a man
  9. Is not called" baguette" in France, but rather" EPI" or" micelle. ";: a, scary ,or unpopular person, idea,or thing, or the archetypical scary monster in a
  10. The Black Lagoon — horror movies that, viewed again 30 years later, still seem, scary ,to him. " Morris attended the University of Wisconsin–Madison, graduating in
  11. Spending the company's resources on doing a film that would be too dark and, scary ,for children to see. Pursuing then an opportunity to make a full-length film
  12. B, the film premiered at the 2007 Venice Film Festival, with Pitt playing a ", scary ,and charismatic" role, according to Lewis Beale of Film Journal International
  13. From the lion who doesn't know where ". The lion (who states to be" the, scary ,lion with scary , sharp teeth" ), however,does see the bear, when he appears.
  14. Bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling, scary , stories,and watching horror films. History Historian Nicholas Rogers
  15. Meaning in music. Today the interval continues to suggest an" oppressive ",", scary ,", or " evil" sound. However, suggestions that singers were excommunicated or
  16. Of the poem starts out shaky and chaotic, but the mood is adventurous yet, scary ,(reflecting much of her life experiences). By the end of the poem the
  17. Is seen suffering in one episode of the cartoon, where they are telling, scary ,stories. * Venustraphobia – fear of beautiful women, according to a 1998
  18. The Carnival season, and involves locals dressing up in woolly costumes, with, scary , masks and noise-makers. They perform a burial ritual to symbolize the end of
  19. Detail to wide generalization, from the actual to the numinous, from the, scary ,to the comic. For his own particular purposes, Updike devised for himself a
  20. The Shining for being a cheat with" static dialogues" lacking the ", scary ,fun or mysterious beauty" of other horror films, but instead being obsessed
  21. Russian, but make it the most beautiful thing but make it dark and a little, scary , " Badalamenti's success with Blue Velvet would lead him to contribute to all
  22. Into public schools, and stated:" There will always be people who see this as, scary , or as some kind of Eastern philosophy that they don't want for their kids. "
  23. Their heart rate during the control questions, such as by thinking of something, scary ,or exciting or by pricking themselves with a pointed object concealed somewhere
  24. Deja VU, a trapped in your mind feeling, and feeling like everything is, scary , " Cognitive effects of anxiety may include thoughts about suspected dangers
  25. Art Keller man of Emory University has argued that" this kind of thinking, as, scary , or even horrifying as it may seem, is absolutely critical and is much better
  26. Which will be a summer blockbuster full of" action and excitement, but still, scary ,". Eisner spent six months designing the new incarnation of the Gill-man with
  27. As his first work, Carter decided to pitch horror series, something as ", scary ," as his favorite childhood TV show} } Carter decided to revise the concept
  28. What people think about vampires ". When disagreed:" I had written this, scary ,film about an empowered woman, and they turned it into a broad comedy. It was
  29. Inspired by horror movies that feature teenagers who split up to explore a, scary ,location, Winnick created the house's concept art. The first character
  30. But as long as he keeps his players in venal, perpetual motion, it is great, scary ,fun to watch him work out ". In his review for The Globe and Mail, Jay Scott
  31. Great Flood deals with Moominmamma and Moomintroll's flight through a dark and, scary ,forest, where they encounter various dangers. In Comet in Mainland, a comet
  32. Richard Roper gave the film" Thumbs Up" and said it was very gripping and, scary ,despite some minor unanswered questions. Roger Ebert gave the film" Thumbs
  33. Scary to think of hearing Calvin's voice. " He responded that it was" very, scary ," and that although he loved the visual possibilities of animation, the
  34. Or this person has a strong aversion against you, regardless of whether you're, scary ,or not. The dictionary of the Academic franchise admits its use only for people
  35. Has the capacity within them to be cruel if motivated properly is, I think,a, scary ,concept. " The director also perceived the film as not about the Holocaust
  36. Who indicate that the series will soon return to its roots and be" brutally, scary , ". Related media In addition to video games, the plot of Resident Evil has
  37. Wanted to make it" because, according to Carpenter," it was too violent, too, scary , too weird. " He had been inspired by the film Death Wish which was very
  38. To play on the emotions of the audience. The teller of the joke puts on a slow, scary ,but also concerned tone of voice and tells a drawn-out story of a simple
  39. In Aboriginal myths, willy willies represent spirit forms. They are often quite, scary ,spirits, and parents may warn their children that if they misbehave, a spirit
  40. Looking and sounding like a malevolent John Cougar Mellencamp,he's really, scary , " After years of supporting roles in movies and frequent television guest
  41. Dad's Army, the classic BBC comedy, did for the Nazis by showing them as ", scary ,but also ridiculous ". Music Morris often co-writes and performs incidental
  42. Film, Butler noted that it was" strange that people spend so much money to see, scary ,movies. " Following that, Osbourne and Butler wrote the lyrics for a song
  43. Remarkably convincing, lifelike little girls ... It is a little sad, a little, scary , a little surprising and a little informative, just like life itself. It
  44. A joint statement, Schwarzenegger and estranged wife Shiver described it as ", scary ," and that" he is expected to make a full recovery. " Christopher had been in
  45. Ficelle. ";: a scary or unpopular person, idea,or thing, or the archetypical, scary ,monster in a story; literally" black beast. " In French," Eyre la bête noire
  46. Movies of 2009's Warsaw Film Festival and was dubbed by the promoters as a ", scary ,movie about brainwashing" A bestseller on the local video black market., the
  47. One response, manufacturers have changed the tone of their advertisements from, scary ,to humorous. Worldwide condom use is expected to continue to grow: one study
  48. More personal than its predecessor, concerns were raised that the film was too, scary ,for children. Audiences were even more uncomfortable at the film's overt
  49. Of the Jedi. " Although being noticed was finally good," says Fisher," it was, scary ,walking around almost naked. The guys didn't seem to notice, but I still felt
  50. Who doesn't know where ". The lion (who states to be" the scary lion with, scary , sharp teeth" ), however,does see the bear, when he appears. The Teletubbies

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