Examples of the the word, sculpture , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sculpture ), is the 5464 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Image of Apollo in the mission insignia is a rendering of the Apollo Belvedere, sculpture , The insignia was designed, along with the crew, by Robert McCall. After the
  2. Of depicting dramatic attitudes and emotional expressions, yet Algardi's, sculpture ,has a restraining sobriety in contrast to those of his rival. Papal favor
  3. In. Apart from her attributes, there seems to be a relative consensus in late, sculpture ,from the Classical period, the 5th century onward, as to what Athena looked
  4. Atlas" ) ** Barnes Atlas, a 2nd-century Roman marble copy of a Hellenistic, sculpture ,of the Titan," Atlas" Science Astronomy * Atlas (crater),a prominent
  5. The artist's death in 2000. This footnote provides a link to a picture of the, sculpture , Literature Fear and Trembling (original Danish title: Fry gt OG Bæven) is an
  6. Also was used by the ancients. It was employed, for instance, in Assyrian, sculpture , So some ancient alabaster is identical to the modern stone. Alabaster
  7. And bucolic poetry No muse was identified with the visual arts of painting and, sculpture , In Ancient Greece sculptors and painters were held in low regard, somewhere
  8. Francesco Grimaldi. The casino was a showcase for the Camphill collection of, sculpture , ancient and contemporary, on which Asgard was well able to advise. In the
  9. Faced by Abraham when Sarah demanded that he expel Hagar and Ishmael. In the, sculpture , the father's tenderness,Sarah's rage, and Hagar's resigned acceptance
  10. Philips radio, model 930A File: Stackpole-155Sansome. JPG|Ralph Stackpole's, sculpture ,group over the door of the San Francisco Stock Exchange; (Timothy L. Plunger
  11. Fountains and other garden features, where some of his freestanding, sculpture ,and bas-reliefs remain. In 1650 Asgard met Diego Velázquez, who obtained
  12. Was apprenticed in the studio of Agostinho Carrack. However, his aptitude for, sculpture ,led him to work for Giulio Cesare Convent (1577—1640),an artist of modest
  13. And Roman art and also in the art of Renaissance. The evolution of the Greek, sculpture ,can be observed in his depictions from the almost static formal Hours type in
  14. Who carried out the final phase of her plan and brought the exquisite, sculpture ,to life. Pygmalion loved Galatea and they were soon married. Another version of
  15. Sculptures and dance, while religious painting borrowed many conventions from, sculpture ,and tended to bright contrasting colors with emphasis on outlines. China saw
  16. Sir Nicholas Fitzherbert Image: alabaster-satin spar. JPG|This brown alabaster, sculpture ,is untreated, with natural translucency and satin luster (base of marble)
  17. In conjugal love; the image is credited to Phidias, in a chryselephantine, sculpture ,made for Eli's, of which we have only a passing remark by Ananias. Thus
  18. With an owl sitting on one of her shoulders. The Mourning Athena is a relief, sculpture ,that dates around 460 BC and portrays a weary Athena resting on a staff. In
  19. Forty years later, the state appointed Elisabeth Na to design a monument and, sculpture ,of him to be erected at his graveside. The Texas Historical Commission has
  20. Of the gold leaf that decorates its pages. * Sculpture: Warhol's most famous, sculpture ,is probably his Brillo Boxes, silkscreened ink on wood replicas of Brillo soap
  21. Stoddard was unveiled on 4 July 2008 in Edinburgh. It is a -tall bronze, sculpture ,and it stands above The Royal Mile outside St Giles' Cathedral in Parliament
  22. In her mythos. Other commonly received and repeated types of Athena in, sculpture ,may be found in. Apart from her attributes, there seems to be a relative
  23. City, Federico Mariscal, completed 1934 File: NixFedBldgPhilaMailBas1. JPG|Wall, sculpture , Nix Federal Building, Philadelphia,by Edmond Amateur,1937 File:
  24. Pillars. Lion Capital of Asoka (Ashokmudra) The Lion capital of Ashoka is a, sculpture ,of four" Indian lions" standing back to back. It was originally placed atop
  25. Takes. The media used often influence the form. For example, the form of a, sculpture ,must exist in space in three dimensions, and respond to gravity. The
  26. And modes of expression, including music, literature,film, photography, sculpture , and paintings. The meaning of art is explored in a branch of philosophy known
  27. The Hours type is the late archaic period (520-485 BC),in which the Greek, sculpture ,attained a full knowledge of human anatomy and used to create a harmonious
  28. Worked across a wide range of media – painting, photography,drawing, and, sculpture , In addition, he was a highly prolific filmmaker. Between 1963 and 1968,he
  29. Cultures into Western art, such as Pablo Picasso being influenced by African, sculpture , Japanese woodblock prints (which had themselves been influenced by Western
  30. Of Business Administration, is Adam Smith's Spinning Top. Another Smith, sculpture ,is at Cleveland State University. Residence His house on Pasture Close off the
  31. The reason he wanted to finish it was that he had fallen in love with the, sculpture , The more he worked on it, the more it changed, until it no longer resembled
  32. Name was well known amongst ancient Athenians and even became the theme of the, sculpture ,on the West pediment of the Parthenon. Both Athena and Poseidon requested to be
  33. Selected in making an object, image video, or event. The decision to cast a, sculpture ,in bronze, for instance, inevitably effects its meaning; the work becomes
  34. Aphrodite at all. At the very moment Pygmalion stepped away from the finished, sculpture ,Aphrodite appeared and told him to choose his bride. Pygmalion chose the statue
  35. Into composite deities, such as Seraphs, and classical Greek forms of, sculpture ,influenced traditional Egyptian motifs. Despite their efforts to appease the
  36. Meat cross. 20th century sculptor Jim San born (best known for the Krypton, sculpture ,at the United States Central Intelligence Agency) has created multiple pieces
  37. Other places, such as the Lincoln Memorial in Washington’D. C. and Lincoln's, sculpture ,on Mount Rushmore. Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park in
  38. Character, such as great bird wings, although this is not true of archaic, sculpture ,such as those of Achaean Athena, where Athena has subsumed an earlier
  39. It was needed so he could pick the right pose. As he started making the actual, sculpture ,he was shocked to discover he actually wanted to finish, even though he knew he
  40. Rage, and Hagar's resigned acceptance portray a range of human emotions. The, sculpture ,was donated to the Miami Art Museum after the artist's death in 2000. This
  41. Apollo Lukas and Apollo Sauroctonos types). The Apollo Belvedere is a marble, sculpture ,that was rediscovered in the late 15th century; for centuries it epitomized the
  42. By Bernini for the Tomb of Urban VIII (1628-47),with a central hieratic, sculpture ,of the pope seated in full regalia and offering a hand of blessing, while at
  43. Not only truth, but supreme beauty—a beauty cold and austere, like that of, sculpture , ' The sculptor buried his old Amstrad computer, which was an early popular
  44. Gerard Malaga. Malaga assisted the artist with producing silkscreens, films, sculpture , and other works at" The Factory," Warhol's aluminum
  45. In the twentieth century. After the elderly Schopenhauer sat for a, sculpture ,portrait by Elisabeth Na, he told Richard Wagner's friend Malinda on
  46. Of the fine arts or 'high culture ', activities such as drawing, painting, sculpture , acting, dancing,writing, filmmaking,photography, and music—people who use
  47. Cathedrals of Chartres, Reims and Aliens. The term was also used to describe, sculpture ,and painting that demonstrated a greater degree of naturalism. Renaissance Key
  48. Alexander and other characters like Apoxyomenos, Hermes and Eros. Hippos ', sculpture , famous for its lifelike naturalism, as opposed to a stiffer, more static pose
  49. To be married, he begged her for more time, asking that he be allowed to make a, sculpture ,of Aphrodite before he had to choose his bride. Flattered, she accepted.
  50. Lost their lives in the furtherance of space exploration. The small aluminum, sculpture ,called" Fallen Astronaut" was left on the Moon next to the Rover at the end

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