Examples of the the word, sea , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sea ), is the 1055 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Adjacent litter removals—from state and related efforts. Ports Alabama has one, sea ,port in Mobile on the Gulf of Mexico. The state's other ports are on rivers
  2. A term similar to this is the Canadian motto A Mari Use Ad Mare (" From, sea ,to sea . ") Books *Lynn Sherr's 2001 book America the Beautiful discusses the
  3. Highway access; the only modes of access involve travel by air, river,or the, sea , Alaska's well-developed state-owned ferry system (known as the Alaska Marine
  4. The Russian Navy aboard the St. Peter. After his crew returned to Russia with, sea ,otter pelts judged to be the finest fur in the world, small associations of fur
  5. Dock, debarking thousands passengers. Air transport Cities not served by road, sea , or river can be reached only by air, foot,dogsled, or snow machine accounting
  6. Environmental issues Endangered marine species include the manatee, sea ls, sea , lions,turtles, and whales. Drift net fishing can kill dolphins, albatrosses
  7. Wastes at sea . Terrain From October to June the surface is usually covered with, sea ,ice in the Labrador Sea, Denmark Strait, and Baltic Sea. A clockwise warm-water
  8. Stain, : The banner of the free.: And crown thy good with brotherhood, : From, sea ,to shining sea . Wellesley's students honor Bates with a version at graduation
  9. Of sea birds, which look after Achilles’ temple. Every morning they fly out to, sea , wet their wings with water, and return quickly to the temple and sprinkle it.
  10. The sun may be seen up to about 50′ north of the Arctic Circle. That is true at, sea ,level; those limits increase with elevation above sea level although in
  11. Had evolved multijointed leg-like fins that enabled them to crawl along the, sea ,bottom. These amphibians were as much as one to five meters in length. However
  12. Are called Goldberg at and Mount Jamaica, the highest on the island at above, sea ,level. Oranjestad, the capital, is located at. To the east of Aruba are Bonfire
  13. Of Achilles on Luce island was widespread in antiquity, not only along the, sea ,lanes of the Poetic Sea but also in maritime cities whose economic interests
  14. Mean sea level (the gelid). Because the clocks had been on average well above, sea ,level, this meant that TAI slowed down, by about 10−12. The former uncorrected
  15. Banner of the free.: And crown thy good with brotherhood, : From sea to shining, sea , Wellesley's students honor Bates with a version at graduation, substituting: And
  16. Number of 65,000 to a 2009 number of 14,500 with a small fleet of aircraft and, sea ,vessels. In the 1990s,the country scrapped enormous amounts of obsolete
  17. Substituting: And crown thy good with Sisterhood, : From sea to shining, sea , Idioms" From sea to shining sea " is an American idiom meaning from the
  18. Details:" It is said that the goddess Thesis raised this island from the, sea , for her son Achilles, who dwells there. Here is his temple and his statue, an
  19. His grace on thee, : And crown thy good with brotherhood: From sea to shining, sea ,!: O beautiful for pilgrim feet: Whose stern impassion'd stress: A thoroughfare
  20. Circle. That is true at sea level; those limits increase with elevation above, sea ,level although in mountainous regions, there is often no direct view of the
  21. Such as oil spills, marine debris, and the incineration of toxic wastes at, sea , Terrain From October to June the surface is usually covered with sea ice in
  22. Formed by erosion, weathering,and volcanic activity on land washed to, sea , These materials are found mostly on the continental shelves and are thickest
  23. Good corn, especially barley ... After spring-tydes or great rigs of the, sea , they fetch it in sacks on horse backs, and care the same three, four,or
  24. Are ubiquitous throughout fresh water and marine environments from the deep, sea ,to the highest mountain streams. Extant species can range in size from
  25. Day before Apollo, on the island of Ortega and that she helped Let cross the, sea ,to Demos the next day to give birth to Apollo. Apollo was born on the seventh
  26. Good with Sisterhood, : From sea to shining sea . Idioms" From sea to shining, sea ," is an American idiom meaning from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean (
  27. 75° E. The country's the highest point is OSHA, at 7,485 m (24,557 ft) above, sea ,level. It has a continental climate with very harsh winters in the central
  28. Patrols at the same time. There are also on this island countless numbers of, sea ,birds, which look after Achilles’ temple. Every morning they fly out to sea
  29. Written, there were sections written describing Danneskjöld's adventures at, sea , which were cut from the final published text. In the published book
  30. Some environmentalists worry that this could erode safeguards for the popular, sea ,creature. Marine pollution is a generic term for the entry
  31. God shed His grace on thee, : And crown thy good with brotherhood: From, sea ,to shining sea !: O beautiful for pilgrim feet: Whose stern impassion'd stress:
  32. Honor. But there are others, who are forced to come to this island by, sea ,storms. As they have no sacrificial animals, but wish to get them from the god
  33. Eastern coasts, lacking this protection, are considerably more battered by the, sea ,and have been left largely untouched by humans. The hinterland of the island
  34. Term similar to this is the Canadian motto A Mari Use Ad Mare (" From sea to, sea , ") Books *Lynn Sherr's 2001 book America the Beautiful discusses the origins
  35. All participating clocks, so that TAI would correspond to proper time at mean, sea ,level (the gelid). Because the clocks had been on average well above sea
  36. His grace on thee, : And crown thy good with brotherhood: From sea to shining, sea , Popular versions Possibly the most notable current version of" America the
  37. High latitudes, with the coldest regions corresponding to the areas covered by, sea ,ice. Ocean currents influence climate by transporting warm and cold waters to
  38. The mainland" or more literally," the object towards which the action of the, sea ,is directed ". It is also known as Alaska, the " great land ", an Aleut word
  39. May be a local fusion of Apollo and Map onus. * Apollo Moritasgus ('masses of, sea ,water' ). An epithet for Apollo at Alessia, where he was worshiped as god of
  40. To cross the Atlantic (though it made a couple of landings on islands and the, sea ,along the way, and taxied several hundred miles). *Later in 1919,a British
  41. Varies with latitude and sea son. Evaporation, precipitation,river inflow and, sea ,ice melting influence surface salinity values. Although the salinity values are
  42. Little or no light and fed on detritus that descended from upper layers of the, sea ,to the bottom. In contrast, their wide geographic dispersion in the fossil
  43. Talks with the German government to deliver some 12 navy fast speed vessels for, sea ,border protection. The Air Force /Air Defense Forces had 8,000 personnel and 90
  44. Country, among which the Dalmatian pelican, Pygmy cormorant, and the European, sea ,sturgeon. Rocky coastal regions in the south provide good habitats for the
  45. And crown thy good with Sisterhood, : From sea to shining sea . Idioms" From, sea ,to shining sea " is an American idiom meaning from the Pacific Ocean to the
  46. God shed His grace on thee, : And crown thy good with brotherhood: From, sea ,to shining sea . Popular versions Possibly the most notable current version of "
  47. Of the Hyperbolas during the winter months. Apollo turned Ephesus into a, sea ,monster. Another contender for the birthplace of Apollo is the Cretan islands
  48. From the Columbia. A diver from the Navy helicopter hovering above attached a, sea ,anchor to the command module to prevent it from drifting. Additional divers
  49. Version at graduation, substituting: And crown thy good with Sisterhood, : From, sea ,to shining sea . Idioms" From sea to shining sea " is an American idiom meaning
  50. Is connected in the north to the Arctic Ocean (which is sometimes considered a, sea ,of the Atlantic),to the Pacific Ocean in the southwest, the Indian Ocean in

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