Examples of the the word, assertion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( assertion ), is the 4867 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Irreducible polynomials in the polynomial ring FX are those of degree one. The, assertion ,“ the polynomials of degree one are irreducible” is trivially true for any
  2. Timber framed roof covered with a locally sourced thatch. The evidence for this, assertion ,is still fairly scanty, though excavations at Dun Barabbas, Lewis,have
  3. In the History of Western Philosophy interprets Anaximander's theories as an, assertion ,of the necessity of an appropriate balance between earth, fire,and water, all
  4. And Christ to be nonsense; many years later, Krishnamurti also repudiated the, assertion , Steiner's continuing differences with Began led him to separate from the
  5. Is relevant to the said question. In law, an answer was originally a solemn, assertion ,in opposition to someone or something, and thus generally any
  6. Natural inclination is to strive toward preserving an essential being and an, assertion ,that virtue/human power is defined by success in this preservation of being by
  7. Authorial intention. It is not the same as criticism of the Bible, which is an, assertion ,against the Bible being a source of information or ethical guidance, or
  8. Similar to those earlier launched against Adams, and which included the, assertion ,that Jefferson had fathered children by a slave woman. A member of Congress
  9. The people were incorporated into state constitutions. Thus came the widespread, assertion ,of liberty, individual rights, equality and hostility toward corruption which
  10. Would have been either a whimsical gesture of pastoral fantasy, or a trendy, assertion ,of antiquarian authenticity. Other Clod ii of the Republic In addition to
  11. The exact numbers Curry uses, some historians have however given support to her, assertion ,that the French army was much smaller than traditionally thought, and the
  12. Property: if FA is provable from the axioms of S, then the corresponding, assertion ,A is true. This" formalization" can be achieved either by an artificial
  13. Notation:: P \for Q, \not P \dash Q where \dash represents the logical, assertion , Roughly speaking, we are told that at least one of two statements is true;
  14. For its strong opposition to the rationalism of René Descartes and simultaneous, assertion ,that the main countervailing philosophy, empiricism,was also insufficient for
  15. Done; or at least no" useful" work; i.e., other than perhaps some ± PD. The, assertion ,that all spontaneous reactions have a negative KG is merely a restatement of
  16. In a series of first-rate films, sustained the people by his consistent, assertion ,that the meaning of life is not dictated by the nation but something each
  17. Do not agree that" Chicago" was ever a word used within the culture as its, assertion ,is thus far entirely unsubstantiated. Therefore, most Chicanos do not agree
  18. That power oneself. Finally, belief in the power of such a cabal is an implicit, assertion ,of human dignity – an often unconscious but necessary affirmation that man is
  19. An oft-told anecdote that he wrote the vi editor in a weekend. Joy denies this, assertion , Joy's accomplishments have sometimes been exaggerated; Eric Schmidt, CEO of
  20. Proved that the consistency of a theory like Piano arithmetic is an unprovable, assertion ,within the scope of that theory. It is reasonable to believe in the consistency
  21. Over the Northwest Passage (the sea passages in the Arctic). Canada’s, assertion ,that the Northwest Passage represents internal (territorial) waters has been
  22. 1988) replied that paleontologists were being misled by sparse data. While his, assertion ,was not initially well-received, later intensive field studies of fossil beds
  23. Of falling from grace. The crux of Remonstrant Arminianism lay in the, assertion ,that human dignity requires unimpaired freedom of the will. Since the 16th
  24. Though this puts them in a different order than the Canons of Port. The central, assertion ,of these canons is that God is able to save every person upon whom he has mercy
  25. Can lead to zero temperature. (≈ Called, pp. 189–190) An even stronger, assertion ,is that It is impossible by any procedure to reduce the temperature of a system
  26. West Indies side, Brian Lara wanted Dhoti to walk-off based on the fielder's, assertion ,of the catch. The impasse continued for more than 15 minutes. Ultimately, Dhoni
  27. Scientifically or by natural law: #Separate ancestry of man and apes is an, assertion ,rather than scientific explanation, and did not derive from any scientific fact
  28. The end of the 20th century, when it was vividly revived in (1959). Wilson's, assertion ,was that the sciences, humanities,and arts have a common goal: to give a
  29. From what Yeshiva taught. Such critics urge practitioners to embrace the, assertion ,that" Ueshiba's transcendence to the spiritual and universal reality was the
  30. Entity that stands between them. Concordant with the above understanding, any, assertion , about the motion of a body boils down to a description over time in which the
  31. Sides, but especially the French, are simply too incomplete to support Curry's, assertion ,that nine thousand Englishes were pitted against an army only twelve thousand
  32. To Roman Catholics) in terms of view of Augustine's teachings rests on the, assertion ,that God has foreordained, from eternity, those who will be saved. The number
  33. Criticisms of Jews being children of the devil and the like * the, assertion ,that the Jewish covenant with God has been superseded by a New Covenant * the
  34. Activity. Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence to support the, assertion ,that the blue laws were originally printed on blue paper. Rather, the word blue
  35. His concept of three types of knowledge – opinion, reason,intuition – and his, assertion ,that intuitive knowledge provides the greatest satisfaction of mind, lead to
  36. To name all things. The language was later dubbed Enchain, due to Dee's, assertion ,that the Biblical Patriarch Enoch had been the last human (before Dee and
  37. Absurdity" and" For error is but a deception ... But when we make a general, assertion , unless it is a true one, the possibility of it is inconceivable. And words
  38. Global ecosystems. Whittaker was in a unique position to make such a holistic, assertion ,as he had previously compiled a review of biome classification. The Whittaker
  39. Has been described by the U. S. Government as an al-Qaeda training facility—an, assertion ,that has been utilized as evidence of Abu Zubaydah's, and over 50 other
  40. Contradiction from the axiom. A set of axioms should also be non-redundant; an, assertion ,that can be deduced from other axioms need not be regarded as an axiom. It was
  41. Of voyeurism and masturbation - to use his Andy's word abstract ". Warhol's, assertion ,of virginity would seem to be contradicted by an incident recounted by one
  42. Assumption common to many branches of science. A good example would be the, assertion ,that When an equal amount is taken from equals, an equal amount results. At the
  43. Also referred to previous offensive remarks by Corolla, including an, assertion ,that," all things being equal," heterosexual parents are better than
  44. Site. If no ethnographic nor historical data are found which can support this, assertion ,then acceptance of the idea relies upon whether there are enough
  45. Zone. In response, the United States in 1970 stated," We cannot accept the, assertion ,of a Canadian claim that the Arctic waters are internal waters of Canada ….
  46. Number. In fact Marcel Raise proved that the RH is equivalent to the following, assertion ,: For every ε > 1/4 there exists a constant CD > 0 (depending on ε) such that
  47. Of (complex) algebraic numbers. Equivalent properties Given a field F,the, assertion ,“ F is algebraically closed” is equivalent to other assertion s: The only
  48. Which says nothing about non-Republicans. What would be needed to disprove A's, assertion ,are examples of Republicans who support gun control. Andrei Arsenyevich
  49. Examples often from common experience, but defines and discusses such things as, assertion ,and interpretation in terms of philosophical logic. In a formal vein, Peirce
  50. Ellis explained that“ ... there is considerable justice in Matthew Cooper's, assertion ,that the panzer divisions were not given the kind of strategic mission that was

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