Examples of the the word, outlet , in a Sentence Context

The word ( outlet ), is the 4317 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Fixed along the Congo-Nile watershed, leaving France without her much coveted, outlet ,on the Nile and turning Southeastern Ubangi-Shari into a cul-de-sac. Once
  2. It was taken over by Wyndham-Lewis some time in 1919 who reinvented it as an, outlet ,for his wit and humor. It was then passed to Morton during 1924 though it is
  3. And drear, / A drowsy, stifled,impassioned grief, / Which finds no natural, outlet ,or relief / In word, or sigh, or tear. " English writer Samuel Johnson used the
  4. Body is usually saline as a result of the internal drainage — the water has no, outlet ,to the sea. The two largest basins on the plateau are the Kenya OVAs and the
  5. Of the Congo River Basin, which covers an area of almost. The country's only, outlet ,to the Atlantic Ocean is a narrow strip of land on the north bank of the Congo
  6. It had the advantageous position of being situated on the Lake of Tunis and the, outlet ,of the Malaria River,Tunisia's only river that flowed all year long. However
  7. Towards the outlet , a tangential inlet near the bottom of the whirlpool, and an, outlet ,on the bottom near the outer edge of the whirlpool. A whirlpool should have no
  8. Is bounded in the west by the Armand waterway and to the east by the Bahmanshir, outlet ,of the Karen River),from the Persian Gulf, Earlier,the classical geographer
  9. To 25.3 % in 2008. National and independent media The nation's principal media, outlet ,is its state-sponsored combined television and radio service
  10. On the form. Jeff Nuttall's publications" My Own Mag ", was another important, outlet ,for the then-radical technique. Argentine writer Julio Cortana often used cut
  11. Outflow river which bears his name—the Mackenzie River—which he followed to its, outlet ,in the Arctic Ocean. Returning to Lake Athabasca, he followed the Peace River
  12. Hobbes serves both as a figure of Calvin's childish fantasy life and as an, outlet ,for the expression of libidinous desires more associated with adults. Kuznets
  13. A talk radio format, then that's one thing, and if it's operating as a news, outlet , then that's another," and White House chief of staff RAM Emanuel stated
  14. Settling, and is flat-bottomed or with a slope of 1 or 2° towards the, outlet , a tangential inlet near the bottom of the whirlpool, and an outlet on the
  15. 1970s,periodicals such as Mantle and Phil Fee-Nom-Ee-Non offered a ready, outlet ,for film writers. At the 1974 World Science Fiction Convention author Bob
  16. Very narrow strip of land that controls the lower Congo River and is the only, outlet ,to South Atlantic Ocean; dense tropical rainforest in central river basin and
  17. In more than one way, as Clear Channel Communications owns the" blowtorch ", outlet ,which is also known as" The Nation's Station ". Marty Brennan has been the
  18. The Dead Sea, creating pools and quicksand pits along the edges. There are no, outlet ,streams. Rainfall is scarcely per year in the northern part of the Dead Sea and
  19. Lake, which is located on the border of Hunan and Hubei provinces, and is the, outlet ,for most of the rivers in Hunan. At Wuhan, it receives its biggest tributary
  20. River port is Vulgar, located on the Danube, representing the nation's, outlet ,to the Pan-European transport corridor VII. Demographics Croatia's 2001 census
  21. After a team gets a defensive rebound. The next pass after the rebound is the, outlet ,pass. The crucial aspect of any good pass is it being difficult to intercept.
  22. Were altered to include areas from the Plutonium PAK (such as a Duke Burger, outlet ,being present in the second level where there wasn't one in the original PC
  23. Dos tum were pending., while others said he was exiled. One Turkish media, outlet ,said Dos tum was visiting after flying there with Turkey's Foreign Minister Ali
  24. Art. The limited possibilities have been explored by artists as an, outlet ,to artistic expression, and has been cultivated to become a positive style and
  25. Analysis of the social history of cultural practices. The main scholarly, outlet ,has been the journal founded in 1929,Annals d'History Economize et Social
  26. Immediate results quickly within the reach of a user. * Help Option Menu: An, outlet ,for quick assistance or frequently asked questions can provide users with a
  27. Siege. This impressive victory gained Judea control over the Mediterranean, outlet ,for the Batman trade routes. War with Ptolemy Lathers After a failed siege
  28. In more than one room, and which is not plugged into a standard electrical, outlet , With a typical split system, the condenser and compressor are located in an
  29. Of the First Amendment, with extremely limited exceptions, unless the media, outlet ,is a party to the case, a media outlet cannot be found in contempt of court for
  30. For re-launching Hopper's career and for providing Rosellini with a dramatic, outlet ,beyond the work as a fashion model and a cosmetics spokeswoman for which she
  31. Limited exceptions, unless the media outlet is a party to the case, a media, outlet ,cannot be found in contempt of court for reporting about a case because a court
  32. 4,is a CBS owned and operated station. * KDKA-TV, channel 6,is the flagship, outlet ,of Rocky Mountain PBS, a statewide network of Public Broadcasting Service
  33. Base of the pump at increased pressure, flowing out through the diffusion pump, outlet , where they are compressed to ambient pressure by the secondary mechanical
  34. Electric guitar and amp, but he had to travel many miles to find an electrical, outlet ,since his home had no electricity. Later in life he lightheartedly gave himself
  35. The television rather than in the theater, and the" B" movie also found its, outlet ,on the television. As television became filled with family-oriented comedies
  36. Into the atmosphere, so a mechanical forepump is typically used to maintain an, outlet ,pressure around 0.1 bar. The high speed jet is generated by boiling the fluid
  37. Scrutiny. While his chamber works were largely tonal, they gave Shostakovich an, outlet ,for somber reflection not welcomed in his more public works. This is most
  38. Ball over a defender. The ball is released while over the passer's head. The, outlet ,pass occurs after a team gets a defensive rebound. The next pass after the
  39. System Usually blast protection valves are installed at the air-inlet and air, outlet ,to prevent the penetration of blast waves caused by explosions outside the
  40. Mayhem, Burzum, Emperor and Thorns often met there, and it became the foremost, outlet ,for black metal records. In its basement, Aarseth founded an independent record
  41. The event that regular season (or preseason) games are broadcast by a cable, outlet ,(ESPN or NFL Network),WKBW-TV carries the ESPN or NFL Network feed. THE
  42. The shore of the Prince Edward County headland. Beginning in the east with the, outlet ,to Lake Ontario, the bay runs west-southwest for to Piston (although this
  43. Station near Toronto, Ontario,use a diffuser to spread the warm condenser, outlet ,water over a larger volume and limit the effects on the environment. A cooling
  44. Of the liquid. The bottom of the whirlpool is often slightly sloped towards the, outlet , Newer whirlpools often have" Deck rings" suspended in the middle of the
  45. And the figure was mass-produced in China and marketed by Audi in their factory, outlet ,store. Typography Audi Sans (based on Universe Extended) was originally
  46. Hub of trade and an important location in the sea route between Kiowa (an, outlet ,for Zimbabwean gold) in Mozambique and Mombasa in Kenya. After the arrival of
  47. Of 2002,brings independent films and filmmakers to Concord and has provided an, outlet ,for local filmmakers to display their films. SNOB Film Festival became the
  48. Fusion papers, publishing over a dozen papers per year and giving a mainstream, outlet ,for cold fusion researchers. When editor-in-chief George Miley retired in 2001
  49. Or rift-valley, contains much smaller lakes, many of them brackish and without, outlet , the only one comparable to those of the western trough being Lake Turkey or
  50. Rate as new workers arrived. When the canal reached Montezuma Marsh (at the, outlet ,of Cayuga Lake west of Syracuse),over 1,000 workers died of swamp fever and

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