Examples of the the word, republicans , in a Sentence Context

The word ( republicans ), is the 4319 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Had the authority to do, as Director of Organization). The idea was that the, republicans ,within the organization (particularly IRB members) would know exactly what
  2. I but was instead betrayed by the civilians on the home front, especially the, republicans ,who overthrew the monarchy. Advocates denounced the German government leaders
  3. His authority should have great weight. " Camille Despoiling said of the French, republicans ,in 1789 that they were" mostly young people who, nourished by the reading of
  4. Staged in Ireland during Easter Week,1916. The Rising was mounted by Irish, republicans ,with the aims of ending British rule in Ireland and establishing the Irish
  5. And indeed the object of affection by many prominent 19th century Protestant, republicans ,and Protestant unionists. There are three main dialects on the island of
  6. State with its own legally distinct monarchy. In Australia, the debate between, republicans ,and monarchists is still a controversial issue of political life. Republican
  7. Town. A struggle between the monarchists (who wanted independence) and the, republicans ,(who were faithful to revolutionary France) ensued. It ended with a victory
  8. This is the name under which Sun Yat-sen knew him when Chiang joined the, republicans ,in Guangzhou in the 1910s. In 1912,when Jiang Hiding was in Japan, he started
  9. Romanized rendering is Kaiser which is in Cantonese Romanization. As the, republicans ,were based in Guangzhou (a Cantonese-speaking area),Chiang became known by
  10. And Finnish republic had been accepted in the declaration of independence. The, republicans ,were able to postpone processing of the monarchists' proposal in the
  11. Leader Liam Easy was captured by Free State forces, he called on the, republicans ,to end their campaign and reach accommodation with the Free State. The State
  12. Before his death he went so far as to address the unprincipled establishment ", republicans ,"," Do not associate my name with anything you do. You are extremists, and you
  13. It looked as if the Free State might collapse. However, as winter set in the, republicans ,found it increasingly difficult to sustain their campaign and casualty rates
  14. 1914,but postponed because of the outbreak of the First World War. Some Irish, republicans ,saw Home Rule as being too limited a form of independence. After the Easter
  15. Many national liberation movements during decolonization. In Vietnam, communist, republicans , pushed aside the Nguyễn Dynasty, and monarchies in neighboring Laos and
  16. Right of the people of Northern Ireland to democratic self-determination. Irish, republicans ,regarded the state forces as" combatants" in the conflict, alleging collusion
  17. Ireland Flag are flown in some loyalist areas, and the Tricolor, adopted by, republicans ,as the flag of Ireland in 1848,is flown in some republican areas. Even
  18. Statement was key to winning support for the agreement from nationalists and, republicans , It also established a devolved power-sharing government within Northern
  19. With Great Britain. * The Six Counties (Na SE Choctaw) – language used by, republicans ,e.g. Sinn Féin, which avoids using the name given by the British-enacted
  20. In 1796 as part of that battle between the British and the slaves and French, republicans , 19th century Britain eventually triumphed in 1803,and acquired Saint Lucia
  21. An important ideology. After establishment of the Commonwealth of Two Nations, republicans ,were those who supported the status quo of having a very weak monarch and
  22. Released a report stating that the threat from the IRA and other dissident, republicans ,was at its most serious level since the 1998 Good Friday Agreement. On 5
  23. Of 1772. They proposed a modernized monarchist constitution for Finland. The, republicans ,argued that the law of 1772 had lost its status in the February Revolution, the
  24. And opposed those who felt a stronger monarchy was needed. These mostly Polish, republicans ,such as Łukasz Cornice, Andrzej Woman, and Stanislav Kowalski were well-read
  25. Six Counties this term is used by more dogmatic anti-Good Friday Agreement, republicans ,who still hold that the First Daily was the last legitimate government of
  26. Of Irish politics. In the 1918 General Election to the British Parliament, republicans ,(then represented by the Sinn Féin party) won 73 seats out of 105 on a policy
  27. Time when revolutionary fervor directed against the papacy was running high as, republicans ,pressed both politically and militarily for an end of the Vatican’s domination
  28. Constitutional monarchists) on the right, about 330 Girondists (liberal, republicans ,) in the center, a vocal group of Jacobins (radical revolutionaries) on the
  29. To as" civic humanism" is sometimes considered deriving directly from Roman, republicans ,such as Sallust and Tacitus. However, Greek-influenced Roman authors, such as
  30. By Carlo Cairo, Errico Latest, Andrea Costa, and other ex-Mazzinian, republicans , It was later expanded by such anarchist thinkers as Peter Kropotkin, who
  31. In his vision of the German strategy of Lebensraum. The Soviets supported the, republicans ,of Spain who struggled against the fascist German and Italian troops in the
  32. And later executed. The incident changed Dos Passes' opinion of the leftist, republicans , which created a rift between him and Hemingway, who spread a rumor that Dos
  33. New constitution held in early 1876 resulted in a republican victory, with 363, republicans , elected as opposed to 180 monarchists. However,75 of the monarchists elected
  34. Of the King of Sicily, he was again able to enter Rome, but the jealousy of the, republicans ,soon compelled him to retire. The Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa (1152–90)
  35. Martin McGuinness met a British delegation led by William Whiteley. The Irish, republicans ,refused to consider a peace settlement that did not include a commitment to
  36. Campaign. He wanted to make a political party that united the plain, republicans ,of the north and the planters of the south. Presidency 1837–1841 Policies
  37. The notion that farmers are“ the most valuable citizens” and the truest, republicans , The philosophical roots of agrarianism include European and Chinese
  38. Mobilising support and winning elections on an Anti H-Block platform in 1981, republicans , increasingly devoted time and resources to electoral politics, through the Sign
  39. The Church's support for the Free State aroused bitter hostility among some, republicans , Although the Catholic Church in independent Ireland has often been seen as a
  40. There should be" positive rejection" of the approach on the basis that the, republicans ,were not serious and" see their campaign as a long haul ". Irish State
  41. Way, because he wanted to invoke the Good Old Cause and gain the support of the, republicans , but without offering a democratic solution of any kind. His proposal, backed
  42. Forces aligned against the Communist government, including land-owners, republicans , conservatives, middle-class citizens, reactionaries,pro-monarchists, liberals
  43. Over 200 Catholic homes being destroyed or requiring major repairs. Veteran, republicans ,were critical of the IRA's Dublin leadership which, for political reasons, had
  44. Of Sir Henry Vane, to whom he wrote a sonnet in 1652. The group of disaffected, republicans ,included, besides Vane, John Bradshaw, John Hutchinson, Edmund Ludo, Henry
  45. Divided on continuance of the Australian monarchy, with some being minimalist, republicans ,while others, such as Tony Abbott, remain monarchists. The Liberals have also
  46. Proved. During October 2001,a key witness in the case against the three Irish, republicans ,disappeared. This came as Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams admitted one of the
  47. Constitutional monarchists) on the right, about 330 Girondists (liberal, republicans ,) and Jacobins (radical revolutionaries) on the left, and about 250 deputies
  48. Who fought on the anti-Treaty side in the Irish Civil War and is still used by, republicans ,today. The" Coach Na Satire" medal, which was awarded to IRA Volunteers
  49. What was needed for self defense. The IMC has come in for criticism (mainly by, republicans ,) as having been set up outside the terms of the Good Friday Agreement as a sop
  50. Six Counties. The state of Ireland, whose legitimacy is not recognized by, republicans ,opposed to the Belfast Agreement, is described as" The Free State ", referring

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