Examples of the the word, confidential , in a Sentence Context

The word ( confidential ), is the 4315 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Revealed that Jonathan Evans, head of the United Kingdom's MI5 had sent out, confidential ,letters to 300 chief executives and security chiefs at the country's banks
  2. Tampering or destruction of information in files, and keep private information, confidential ,from unauthorized users. Another protection mechanism implemented in many
  3. They spent the whole day together. Also, Robert Pole was carrying urgent and, confidential ,despatches to the Queen, who was at her residence Nonesuch Palace in Surrey, but
  4. To be using his BlackBerry to update his Twitter account with progress of the, confidential ,negotiations under the chairmanship of conciliation service ACAS. Destinations
  5. Financial institutions, hospitals,and private businesses amass a great deal of, confidential ,information about their employees, customers,products, research,and financial
  6. Juror interests, and public complaints. Complaints filed by the public are kept, confidential , The protection of whistleblowers is one of the primary reasons for the
  7. Fair Game Scientology) However, a few transcripts of auditing sessions with, confidential ,information removed have been published as demonstration examples. Some
  8. fiduciary-turned-trader's deception of those who entrusted him with access to, confidential ,information. The Court specifically recognized that a corporation’s information
  9. From Israel had contacted the National Security Agency to pass on, confidential ,information from what Reagan later described as" moderate" Iranians opposed
  10. Even though Zukor had remained on salary since early 1937; and in a, confidential ,memo written in September 1938,four months before principal photography began
  11. Dr Gilbert Alderman, a radiation oncologist, repeatedly revealed Harrison's, confidential ,medical information during television interviews and forced him to autograph a
  12. Someone to look over your shoulder at your computer screen while you have, confidential ,data displayed on it could be a breach of confidential ity. If a laptop computer
  13. Peter of harboring murderous designs against his son, is plain from his, confidential ,letter to George I of Great Britain, whom he consulted on this delicate affair.
  14. Levy quotes Walter Tucuman:" they asked us to stamp all our documents, confidential ,... We actually put a number on each one and locked them up in safes, because
  15. To make cases. " On May 11, 2005,the ACLU and Robertson County announced a, confidential ,settlement of the lawsuit, an outcome which" both sides stated that they were
  16. Of bidding nations are required to keep the details of the required laws, confidential ,during the bidding process; but that they were revealed by the Dutch government
  17. Praise for Rommel's achievements but had private reservations, saying in a, confidential ,report that Rommel should not be given command over a corps unless he gained "
  18. Success. During the Cold War period, following WWII, the R. A. F. established a, confidential ,chain in Germany. The Master station was in Bad Burg near Osnabrück and there
  19. And thereby violates 10 (b) and Rule 10b-5,when he misappropriates, confidential ,information for securities trading purposes, in breach of a duty owed to the
  20. Reason to believe that the tipper had breached a fiduciary duty in disclosing, confidential ,information and the tipper received any personal benefit from the disclosure. (
  21. Sessions are kept confidential . This has come into question, though,that, confidential ,information has been used to blackmail possible defectors (see Fair Game
  22. That a person who acquires special knowledge or information by virtue of a, confidential ,or fiduciary relationship with another is not free to exploit that knowledge or
  23. And decryption must be protected with the same degree of rigor as any other, confidential ,information. They must be protected from unauthorized disclosure and
  24. Murder a deep stain rests on the memory of Passes. He afterwards became the, confidential ,counselor of Maurice, Prince of Orange, and afterwards of Frederick Henry
  25. e.g. USB flash drives). In recent years there have been numerous reports of, confidential ,data such as customers' personal records being exposed through loss or theft
  26. The United Nations Commission on Human Rights revealed an October 2005, confidential , letter from Command Headquarters of the Armed Forces of Iran to identify
  27. Earl of Essex, Queen Elizabeth's favorite. By 1591,he acted as the earl's, confidential ,adviser. In 1592,he was commissioned to write a tract in response to the
  28. All applicants (regardless of disability) must take it, and it is treated as a, confidential ,medical record. Qualified individuals do not include any employee or applicant
  29. Five, four,three, two,one. " (snaps fingers) Auditing sessions are kept, confidential , This has come into question, though,that confidential information has been
  30. Contained excerpts of grand jury testimony that is supposed to be sealed and, confidential ,by law. The authors have been steadfast in their refusal to divulge their
  31. 2004 following the sacking of Katharine Gun after she leaked to The Observer a, confidential ,email from agents at the American National Security Agency addressed to GCHQ
  32. To 34 were arrested based on the" uncorroborated word of a single unreliable, confidential ,informant coerced by police to make cases. " On May 11, 2005,the ACLU and
  33. The period from 13 June to 2 September 2011. Although the names of nominees are, confidential ,for the time being, updates on the work of the search committee have been
  34. Census is only available in Japanese. All information collected by census is, confidential ,and protected by Statistics Act. Information provided by census can never be
  35. Insider trading violations if the corporation expects the information to remain, confidential , since they acquire the fiduciary duties of the true insider. In
  36. Where it had not yet disappeared, namely Martinique, Tobago,and Saint Lucia. A, confidential ,copy of this decree was sent to Leclerc, who was authorized to restore slavery
  37. Evaluations of private sector operations are redacted to protect commercially, confidential ,information). OED's evaluation resources are displayed by resource type
  38. Syringe exchange programs, which supply new needles and syringes on a, confidential ,basis, as well as education on proper filtering prior to injection, safer
  39. And Six Companies' bid of $48,890,955 was the lowest, within $24,000 of the, confidential ,government estimate of what the dam would cost to build, and five million
  40. Lead to lost business,lawsuits or even bankruptcy of the business. Protecting, confidential ,information is a business requirement, and in many cases also an ethical and
  41. Settled out of court in August 2008,with Life son and his son agreeing to a, confidential ,settlement from Ritz-Carlton. In his journal-based book Roadshow, Peart relates
  42. Involves an individual obtaining information that is considered secret or, confidential ,without the permission of the holder of the information. Espionage is
  43. The specific reasons for individual excommunications are typically kept, confidential ,and are seldom made public. Persons who have been excommunicated are usually
  44. Of the Gulag: From Collectivization to the Great Terror presents records of, confidential ,memos, official resolutions, individual testimonies and tabulated statistics.
  45. The protection of whistleblowers is one of the primary reasons for the, confidential ,nature of the grand jury's work. Most county grand juries in California do not
  46. Recognized that a corporation’s information is its property:" A company's, confidential ,information ... qualifies as property to which the company has a right of
  47. Electronic computers and transmitted across networks to other computers. Should, confidential ,information about a business' customers or finances or new product line fall
  48. Is stolen or sold, it could result in a breach of confidential ity. Giving out, confidential ,information over the telephone is a breach of confidential ity if the caller is
  49. Insiders," who are lawyers, investment bankers and others who receive, confidential ,information from a corporation while providing services to the corporation.
  50. More right to communicate it than he would to tell others about the company's, confidential ,new product designs, formulas,or bank account passwords. There are very

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