Examples of the the word, redeem , in a Sentence Context

The word ( redeem ), is the 8676 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A sequel," Casey Bats Again" ( 1954),in which Casey's nine daughters, redeem ,his reputation. In 1988,on the 100th anniversary of the poem, Sports
  2. Monetary Authority of Macao (ACM),has a statutory obligation to issue and, redeem ,palace on demand against Hong Kong dollar at a fixed exchange rate and without
  3. Was empty he had to fall back on his father's wealth to relieve the poor, to, redeem , captives,and to repair churches. To promote order he adopted Guy III of
  4. Their part of the rectification, the Messianic Era begins. In this, the mitzvot, redeem ,the supernal Divine Sparks in existence. Later interpretations in Hasidim
  5. Scorsese knew that he could relate to the story of Jake Lamott as a way to, redeem ,himself; he saw the role being portrayed as an every man for whom" the ring
  6. Years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall, redeem ,our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the
  7. Congress sought to raise money by loans from wealthy individuals, promising to, redeem ,the bonds after the war. The bonds were in fact redeem ed in 1791 at face value
  8. Over a woman showed acquisition of that woman. Boat states he is willing to ", redeem ," Ruth via marriage, but informs Ruth that there is another male relative who
  9. Has recently introduced a new loyalty scheme whereby customers can earn and, redeem ,points for purchases made in the store, and also earn additional points for all
  10. Of the media and politicians have begun to use it more frequently as a way to, redeem ,national identity and prevent cultural assimilation by mainland France. Indeed
  11. For money or prizes. There are also" instant win" tokens the recipient can, redeem ,for McDonald's food, money,or other prizes. Films In November 2008,Ridley
  12. To the need to value investors' holdings in the fund if they choose to, redeem , If an investor redeem s when certain assets cannot be valued or sold, the fund
  13. Beaten, and Aronowitz as pledges from the king of Bohemia, who could not, redeem ,his debts. By the further appropriation of the Duchy of Dahrendorf, George came
  14. Of the apocalyptic genre.; Overview: God's purpose for all time was to, redeem ,for himself a people through the death and resurrection of Christ. The
  15. New features of the program were Any Seat rewards, in which members could now, redeem ,any seat on an aircraft, rather than just selected seats — at a price. The
  16. Told by the magistrate that he may go back to Earth for one day to attempt to, redeem ,the wrongs he has done to his family, but must first spend sixteen years in a
  17. The principle of love. According to others,man's purpose was to reclaim or, redeem ,matter, spiritualising and transforming it. Regarding material creation as
  18. At the end of the round by cash, or receive a payment ticket for which they can, redeem ,their wages in the clubhouse. Generally, the player will tip the caddy based on
  19. Skill was greater than that of Athena herself. Athena gave Arachne a chance to, redeem ,herself by assuming the form of an old woman and warning Arachne not to offend
  20. To destroy ". Plato in Craters connects the name with (analysis),", redeem ,", with (apoptosis)," purification ", and with (aloud)," simple ", in
  21. Their joint venture, enabling,among other things, frequent flyers to earn and, redeem ,miles on each other's flights. Less than a week after American's
  22. Be drawn. When the sequence of wagered games is finished, the player is able to, redeem ,any winnings within the time constraints specified in the casino's rules
  23. The shooting, he told several witnesses that he helped the city of Dallas ", redeem ," itself in the eyes of the public, and that Oswald's death would spare" ...
  24. Buy Neo pets merchandise at Target and other stores, using a virtual code to, redeem ,tokens for their user accounts. However, people with no merchandise can play as
  25. Approximately every five or six minutes. In days of old, if the player tried to, redeem ,a winning ticket after the next sequential race began, the ticket was declared
  26. To be::" God himself who shall come down among the children of men, and shall, redeem ,his people ... being the Father and the Son — the Father, because he was
  27. Mistake" - David committed some sin and is singing in the form of a prayer to, redeem ,himself from it; Sharon was a type of musical instrument; In Ezra considers
  28. Revealed as the scene of an extensive missionary effort by righteous spirits to, redeem ,those still in darkness - a spirit prison or" hell" where the spirits of the
  29. Only destroy the unjust and a remnant will remain; and God is free to judge, redeem ,and act as savior to Israel. Highlighted activities within Amos The Book of
  30. Explanation for the canonical status of Ecclesiastes is that the final words, redeem ,the entire book. This view is supported by the discussions at Jamaica, and Rabbi
  31. Plus Pay, which has enabled members to use a combination of cash and points to, redeem ,an award. Additionally, the Frequent Flyer store was also expanded to include a
  32. Once the fund is able to sell the side pocket assets, the fund will generally, redeem ,the side pocket interests/shares and pay investors the proceeds. Side pockets
  33. To their gods. Furthermore, functions ascribed to Yahweh in the O. T., viz., to, redeem , us … and to purify for himself a people of his own, are ascribed to Jesus (
  34. Elites which had led the Revolution. The apparent inability of the Congress to, redeem ,the public obligations (debts) incurred during the war, or to become a forum
  35. They often claim that, among other things, Jesus ' death and failure to, redeem ,the world after his first coming are proof that he could not be the Messiah.
  36. Of redemption, thus allowing Boat to marry Ruth. They transfer the property and, redeem ,it buy the nearer kinsman taking off his sandal and handing it over to Boat. (
  37. Burdens of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from their bondage, and I will, redeem ,you with an out-stretched arm and with great acts of judgment, and I will take
  38. For Cashiers Du cinema, was created for two reasons. First, it was created to, redeem ,the art of film itself. By arguing that films had auteurs, or authors, Truffaut
  39. A pub. Patrons may put money behind the bar before official closing time, and, redeem , their drinks during the lock-in, so no drinks are technically sold after closing
  40. That every word has power. Never forget that you can still do your share to, redeem ,the world in spite of all absurdities and frustrations and disappointments. "
  41. Of the novel, held that ultimately, classical music is what will finally, redeem ,Alex. The film was extremely controversial because of its explicit depiction of
  42. So that the Israelites will not be required to sacrifice their own sons, but to, redeem ,them. The Exodus begins. The Israelites, enumerated at 603,550 able-bodied
  43. A temporary mental breakdown during an attack by two destroyers. He is able to, redeem ,himself by valiantly working to stop water leaks when the boat is trapped
  44. Occupation, and interpreted his further struggles for liberty as an attempt to, redeem ,himself. According to Camus, Sartre was a writer who resisted, not a resistor
  45. Fashion, saloon and optics. It provides Vlad members to collect V-Points to, redeem ,gift and exchange services with the participating merchants. Singapore The
  46. The anointed King ", is referred to the human Jewish leader and king who will, redeem ,Israel in the End of Days and who will usher in a messianic era of peace and
  47. Funds must be liquid on a daily basis. If a mutual fund investor wishes to, redeem ,his or her investment the fund must be able to meet that request immediately.
  48. Condemned to death, and crucified him. But we had hoped that he was the one to, redeem ,Israel. Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things
  49. Rewarded 10 points; for every 1000 points that one collects, one gets £2.50 to, redeem ,in the store, or online. Preorders earn a customer 20 points per pound. HMV has
  50. A bastard art, somewhere between theater and literature. Secondly, it sought to, redeem ,many filmmakers who were looked down upon by mainstream film critics. It argued

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