Examples of the the word, merry , in a Sentence Context

The word ( merry ), is the 8680 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Quebec * Many people in Montreal distinguish between the words marry and, merry , Stage for" apprenticeship" or" internship ", copybook for a notebook
  2. Quailing with a quip, : The upstart I can wither with a whim;: He may wear a, merry ,laugh upon his lip, : But his laughter has an echo that is grim! " 20th century
  3. Even temper and gentle disposition. Described in several breed standards as ", merry ,", they are amiable and generally neither aggressive nor timid. They enjoy
  4. Of eddy currents. *fixed machinery with dangerous mobile parts (for example at, merry ,go rounds on entertainment parks) *Pastures containing male breeding animals
  5. He? (Act ii., Scene i. ) Puck replies, Thou speak'st aright; I am that, merry ,wanderer of the night. I jest to Oberon and make him smile When I
  6. When there is need of war, go to war, but in time of peace they make, merry ,; and they receive so much pay from the community that they can easily from
  7. And Princess Augusta, the Duchess of Cambridge. May's upbringing was ", merry ,but fairly strict ". She was the eldest of four children, the only girl, and "
  8. Jovial person. Also in this version, Conan is not a loner but one member in a, merry ,band of adventurers. Comics Conan the Barbarian has appeared in comics nearly
  9. About it. Many a man I've known started like you to be an honest outlaw,a, merry ,robber of the rich, and ended stamped into slime. " Chesterton was a large man
  10. World has become serious – very serious – and it is indeed refreshing to hear a, merry , humorous piece, and music, unassuming in character … it is delicately scored
  11. Charles IV of Spain and Ferdinand VII. His thematic range extended from, merry ,festivals for tapestry, draft cartoons, to scenes of war and human debasement.
  12. Do it. " At noon he returned home and 'had an extraordinary good dinner, and as, merry , as at this time we could be ', before returning to watch the fire in the city
  13. Blind ice, : three Blind ice, : Dame Julian, : Dame Julian, : The Miller and his, merry ,old Wife, : she scrape her tripe like thou the knife. Many of the rounds
  14. Upon our master Rabbi Low Ben Befall and received him with a welcome and, merry ,expression, and spoke to him face to face, as one would to a friend. The nature
  15. One and only love. The most beautiful among the beautiful ... My springtime, my, merry , faced love, my daytime, my sweetheart, laughing leaf ... My plants, my sweet
  16. What he could do with his pipe, told him," That he would make a melancholy man, merry , and him that was merry much merrier than before, a lover more enamored, a
  17. Corset by bone, a bodice worn to mold and shape the torso. * Corset, or, merry , widow,combined brassiere and girdle * Corsage by elastic, covering the body
  18. Or" pleasure ". A related form" lusty ", originally meant" joyful, merry ," or" full of healthy vigor ". See http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?
  19. He used this absence from" his father's vigilant eye" to" eat, drink and be, merry , " After Cicero's murder he joined the army of the Liberators but was later
  20. Like Christmas, Easter,EID unfit and Milad-e-sherif are also celebrated. A, merry ,making fest called the Cochin Carnival is celebrated at Fort Koch during the
  21. Garters, or suspenders. In American English, it is sometimes known as a ", merry ,widow" ( or" merry widow" ). Variations and relatives Who Want to Be a
  22. Entertaining, with Mrs. Jordan writing in late 1809:" We shall have a full and, merry ,house this Christmas,'tis what the dear Duke delights in. " The King
  23. Which will well repay exploration. ... The music is fresh, bright,elegant and, merry , and much of it belongs to a higher order of art than the most popular of the
  24. Asks them to go with him. Kindred refuses outright:" Ah, sir; what, ye be a, merry ,man! Take good heart to you, and make no moan. But as one thing I warn you, by
  25. According to the Minister of Finance, Donald Fleming," Pearson looked at first, merry , then serious, then uncomfortable, then disturbed, and finally sick. " On
  26. Reason: I sing all de day. ": Look yeah! What you axing '?: What mess me so, merry ,?: 'Spent to see me sighing ': W'en hit's wa'm in February? (From" A warm day
  27. Some fearing lest he should escape, although he is imprisoned, could not be, merry , Others who knew nothing but truth by him both lamented him and heartily prayed
  28. Frequently incorporating well-known pieces of music such as" God rest you, merry , gentlemen" or Intermezzo from Jean Sibelius' Karelia Suite. In the Christmas
  29. Our humble author will continue the story, with Sir John in it, and make you, merry ,with fair Katharine of France where, for anything I know, Falstaff shall die
  30. Upon the Times (London,1652),involved" Old Christmas" advocating a, merry , alcoholic Christmas and casting aspersions on the charitable motives of the
  31. Folklore differed about the state of the captives: some held that they lived a, merry ,life, others that they always pined for their old friends. Classifications In
  32. Forensics supported immediate gratification or pleasure. " Eat, drink and be, merry , for tomorrow we die. " Even fleeting desires should be indulged, for fear the
  33. Of Phrase and Fable (1898): Robin Good fellow is a" drudging fiend ", and, merry , domestic fairy, famous for mischievous pranks and practical jokes. At
  34. At my side.: Yet with the moon as friend and the shadow as slave: I must make, merry ,before the Spring is spent.: To the songs I sing the moon flickers her beams;:
  35. And peace as he personally said in several episodes. He appears to be a very, merry ,person that dislikes seriousness, but is actually very deep and serious as can
  36. In two lines: There was an Old Derry down Derry, who loved to see little folks, merry ,; So he made them a book, and with laughter they shook at the fun of that Derry
  37. e.g. " The decoration of masturbation makes mistaken malevolent Marxists marry, merry ,Mormons. " Mutual Assured Destruction, or mutually assured destruction (MAD)
  38. Eight o'clock on Christmas Eve the bells greet" Old Father Christmas" with a, merry ,peal, the children parade the streets with drums, trumpets,bells, ( or in
  39. Shakespeare introduces Puck as the" shrewd and knavish sprite" and" that, merry ,wanderer of the night" and jester to Oberon, the fairy king. Appearances in
  40. This, the prince's attendants were to" enforce themselves to make him, merry ,and joyous towards his bed ". They would then watch over him as he slept. King
  41. Pipe, told him," That he would make a melancholy man merry , and him that was, merry ,much merrier than before, a lover more enamored, a religious man more devout.
  42. Employed by astrologers in the Middle Ages, has come to mean" happy" or ", merry ," moods ascribed to Jupiter's astrological influence. The Chinese, Korean and
  43. Is. Examples of short vowels: in kit, mirror and rabbit, in put, in dress and, merry , in strut and curry, in trap and marry, in lot and orange, in ago and sofa.
  44. Great Gaels of Ireland Are the men that God made mad, For all their wars are, merry , And all their songs are sad. Another contemporary and friend from schooldays
  45. Greek medicine, blood was associated with air, with Springtime, and with a, merry ,and gluttonous (sanguine) personality. It was also believed to be produced
  46. In Antiquity, Canus, a Chadian fiddler, used music to" make a melancholy man, merry , ... a lover more enamored, a religious man more devout. " In November 2006
  47. Day brought in all the men from the countryside to the county seat to make, merry , politics, shake hands with the grandees, and meet old friends, hear the
  48. Hermann. " It was an exceedingly cheerful, and,for all its Christianity,a, merry ,world ... We wished for nothing so longingly as to be allowed to see this
  49. Serve as foreshadowing, in Ishmael's words," providing the sometimes madly, merry ,and predestined craft with a living and ever accompanying prophecy of
  50. Under the name of Lockstep, is also a character in the story, as are his ", merry ,men. " The character that Scott gave to Robin Hood in Ivanhoe helped shape the

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