Examples of the the word, electorate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( electorate ), is the 8678 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Into question in the eyes of some. A further problem is the lack of a coherent, electorate , even though democratic structures and methods are developing there is not such
  2. Various form:; Lack of open political debate or an informed electorate : The, electorate ,may be poorly informed about issues or candidates due to lack of freedom of the
  3. Local evidence suggests that economic ideas were at best peripheral to the, electorate ,'s concerns. The Liberals now found themselves with 59 members holding the
  4. A GST in 1985,however due to its unpopularity amongst Labor as well as the, electorate , was not adopted. The party also refrained from other reforms, such as
  5. In April 1987 and to a third 6-year term in May 1993 multiparty elections. The, electorate ,approved the current constitution in September 1992. Many laws and decrees from
  6. Were able to secure this piece of legislation, then the newly enfranchised, electorate ,may return their gratitude to the Tories in the form of a Conservative vote at
  7. Hurt Goldwater. The state's population had soared, and a huge portion of the, electorate ,had not lived in the state when Goldwater was previously elected; hence many
  8. New Zealand electorate ),a former South Canterbury, New Zealand parliamentary, electorate ,* Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772–1834),English poet and philosopher *
  9. Ohio. * 1934 – The creation of the position Führer is approved by the German, electorate ,with 89.9 % of the popular vote. *1940 – First flight of the B-25 Mitchell
  10. Is that a coalition government better reflects the popular opinion of the, electorate ,within a country. Those who disapprove of coalition governments believe that
  11. A losing candidate to win by ranking him lower? * Consistency criterion—If the, electorate ,is divided in two and a choice wins in both parts, does it always win overall?
  12. By a particular district (or constituency),or represent the entire, electorate ,proportionally proportional systems, with some using a combination of the two.
  13. Opinion polls showed that it was a popular move among most of the Israeli, electorate ,with more than 80 % of Israelis backing the plans. On 27 September 2005,Sharon
  14. Zealand. Christchurch may also refer to: Places ** Christchurch (New Zealand, electorate ,), a former electorate of Christchurch in New Zealand ** Town of Christchurch
  15. Louisiana, Mississippi,and South Carolina, where for the last time the, electorate ,was practically all white. In all, Johnson won an overwhelming 486 electoral
  16. In the 1992 general election the BNP percent of votes overall was 0.1 % of the, electorate , 1997 In the United Kingdom general election,1997 the BNP for the first time
  17. Of 13 elected members, the Lord Mayor and 12 aldermen. The City of Darwin, electorate ,is organized into four electoral units or wards. The names of the wards are
  18. Opposed by Owen, who argued that such a merger would not be accepted by the, electorate , and would not reverse their declining share of the vote. Jenkins denied that a
  19. May also refer to: Places ** Christchurch (New Zealand electorate ),a former, electorate ,of Christchurch in New Zealand ** Town of Christchurch, the prior name of the
  20. But in both cases there was enough of a local outcry by party members – and the, electorate ,– for them to fight and win their seats as independent candidates against the
  21. States (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala,Honduras) Future The Norwegian, electorate ,has rejected treaties of accession to the EU in two reference. At the time of
  22. Years of independent life by different forms of restricted democracy, where the, electorate ,was carefully vetted and controlled by an elite. Failure to address the
  23. Of Appeal are appointed by the Governor, but are subject to retention by the, electorate ,every 12 years. Politics California has an idiosyncratic political culture
  24. Christchurch (New Zealand electorate ) ** Christchurch Central, the current, electorate ,of Christchurch in New Zealand ** Christchurch Central City, the central
  25. Town of Christchurch, the prior name of the Christchurch (New Zealand, electorate ,) ** Christchurch Central, the current electorate of Christchurch in New
  26. Members of the Livery Companies are known as Liverymen and form a special, electorate ,called the Common Hall — this body chooses the Lord Mayor of the City, the
  27. S right-wing campaign platform ultimately failed to gain the support of the, electorate ,and he lost the 1964 presidential election to incumbent Democrat Lyndon B.
  28. Most centrist candidates. The Dartmouth editorialized that" When the alumni, electorate ,fail to take advantage of the approval voting process, the three required
  29. On number speaks to the drive behind each of them: to reduce the size of the, electorate ,by linking the franchise with property qualifications. Though both ended up as
  30. A UN observer team, a referendum was held on August 11, 1968,and 63 % of the, electorate ,voted in favor of the constitution, which provided for a government with a
  31. Sixteen of the operating separate school jurisdictions have a Catholic, electorate , and one (St. Albert) has a Protestant electorate . In addition, one
  32. It as though you are contributing to the fundamental knowledge of an informed, electorate ,is astonishing in this, the 21st century '. Education should be about knowing
  33. The first online election coverage was put together in 1996,and included news, electorate ,maps, candidate information and live results. The ABC's television operation
  34. Party and Plaid Cyprus),whether to be a center-left party appealing to the, electorate ,on a social democratic line, or whether to appeal emotionally on a center-right
  35. Election in May 2005,which drew a record number of voters, with 90 % of the, electorate ,turning out to cast their vote. While the election was deemed by the European
  36. Same way as a speeding ticket with fines of up to $100 and no jail time. The, electorate ,of Colorado voted on and rejected a similar state-wide initiative in November
  37. All 65 seats in the national assembly, with a turnout of less than 50 % of the, electorate , In 1999,President Hassan Gould Aptidon's chief of staff, head of security
  38. Of the French people exists, considering approximately 60 % of the French, electorate ,did not vote for the 2009 European Parliament elections. Right-wing Eurocentric
  39. The Labour Party benefited the most from this huge change in the British, electorate , forming its first minority government in 1924. The splits over the National
  40. Was revised to reflect more closely the weight of the SSA Somali. The, electorate ,voted for independence in a May 1977 referendum, and the Republic of Djibouti
  41. Have a Catholic electorate , and one (St. Albert) has a Protestant, electorate , In addition, one Protestant separate school district, Glen Avon, survives as a
  42. In such cases, it is not required (or even possible) that the members of the, electorate ,be familiar with all the eligible persons, though such systems may involve
  43. Phillip Island (Victoria),Phillip Island (Norfolk Island),the federal, electorate ,of Phillip (1949–1993),the suburb of Phillip in Canberra, and many streets
  44. California and lower courts. The state also allows direct participation of the, electorate ,by initiative, referendum,recall, and ratification. California allows each
  45. And fair" take various form:; Lack of open political debate or an informed, electorate ,: The electorate may be poorly informed about issues or candidates due to lack
  46. Plagued the current Liberal government, but with little apparent effect on the, electorate , including the Premier's arrest for drunk driving in Maui and the resignation
  47. Members retire each two years. Federally, Cocos (Keeling) Islanders form the, electorate ,of Linear with Christmas Island and outback Northern Territory. The islands
  48. As a first step to full independence (or as the sole step if this was what the, electorate ,wished) or for it to be" all or nothing ". The CNP essentially represented
  49. Produces very weak governments (a specific problem is that about 15 % of the, electorate ,support the Communists, who are shunned by all the other parties) there is
  50. A lake located in Canterbury, New Zealand, or: * Coleridge (New Zealand, electorate ,), a former South Canterbury, New Zealand parliamentary electorate * Samuel

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