Examples of the the word, alike , in a Sentence Context

The word ( alike ), is the 4322 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 20th century saw an increasing rejection of beauty by artists and philosophers, alike , culminating in postmodernism's anti-aesthietics. This is despite beauty being
  2. Particular law requires the taking of an oath of allegiance by subject or alien, alike , Natural allegiance was acquired by birth within the Sovereign's dominions (
  3. Farmers are the trade barriers put up by rich nations and poor nations, alike , The WTO is an organization set up to work towards removing those trade
  4. Fleet were costly endeavors that provoked resistance from noble and peasant, alike , But they paid off. When the Vikings returned in force in 892 they found a
  5. Starring Pamela Anderson as Barbed wire. The film, panned by critics and fans, alike , was nominated for the Lizzie Award for Worst Picture, but lost to the Demi
  6. Louis XIV to make peace, but the plan had been thwarted by both friend and foe, alike , The reluctance of his Dutch allies to see their frontiers denuded of troops
  7. Fishing, and equestrian sports are popular with both residents and visitors, alike , The prestigious Newport–Bermuda Yacht Race is a more than 100-year-old
  8. Has been met with largely positive reviews from car enthusiasts and comedy fans, alike , Notably, talk show host and comedian Jay Leno called The Car Show," ... a lot
  9. Mainly opposed the Nicene terminology and preferred the term homoiousios (, alike ,in substance) to the Nicene homoousios, while they rejected Arius and his
  10. The north shore. Fishing and waterspouts are popular with tourists and locals, alike , Sailing regattas featuring a local vessel type, the Chill Yawl, have been
  11. Was received with great acclaim and its popularity with audiences and critics, alike ,produced several further requests for new works for Paris audiences by Salary.
  12. It stood pure and independent (mounds EF Mouton),a thing of finer texture, alike ,in all its manifestations and everywhere the same. This subtle agent, possessed
  13. Him ineligible for the imperial throne. Abandoned by his supporters and enemies, alike , Alexios V was captured near Monopolies by the advancing Latins under Thierry
  14. Solution tasks ", to assess the implicit memory of young adults and adults, alike , Establishment of priority Natural philosophers (astronomers and others) of
  15. List of Pass Although the health effects of individual Pass are not exactly, alike , the following 17 Pass are considered as a group in this profile issued by the
  16. Construction surge is the subject of hot debates among politicians and citizens, alike , The latest of many public battles concerns the plans of the Port Authority of
  17. De l'Egypt. In the 20th century, the Egyptian Government and archaeologists, alike ,recognized the importance of cultural respect and integrity in excavations. The
  18. Sigmund (SICOVAM) or Burka after five days at sea, for they are indeed, alike , But by land from Skåne across the Grayish people (Gotham populous) and
  19. S poems and paintings express a notion of universal humanity:" As all men are, alike ,(tho' infinitely various) ". He retained an active interest in social and
  20. Service by a number of area hotels and businesses, black and white players, alike ,called for a boycott. Led by Bills players such as Cookie Gilchrist, the
  21. Her traits and what she stood for to be attributed to male and female rulers, alike ,over the course of history (such as Marie de Medici, Anne of Austria
  22. Ares, with Athena driving it home, and Ares' cries made Achaeans and Trojans, alike ,tremble (V.855–864). Ares fled to Mt. Olympus, forcing the Trojans to fall
  23. Idea that Jesus's teachings were for all humanity—Jews and Gentiles, alike , In this view, Christianity is seen as a religion in its own right, rather than
  24. Religious scholar Robert Legal, Tylor saw all religions," modern and primitive, alike ,", as forms of animism. i.e., a belief that natural objects other than humans
  25. Gyroelongated alternated cubic filings have the same vertex figure, but are not, alike , In the elongated form, each prism meets a tetrahedron at one triangular end
  26. Strategic approach a fighter takes during a bout. No two fighters' styles are, alike , as it is determined by that individual's physical and mental attributes.
  27. Sporting event allows for the participation of tourists and visitors, alike ,from all over the world. The cycling routes offer enchanting and mesmerizing
  28. Searching for a ball that would be more visible to players and spectators, alike , introduced the orange ball that is now in common use. Dribbling was not part
  29. Acrylic binders were introduced as house paints, artists and companies, alike ,began to explore the potential of the new binders. Water-soluble artists '
  30. Smuggled small arms sold to governments, rebels,criminals, and civilians, alike , with little international oversight. In some countries, prices for AKS are
  31. By any remains of Hindu art. Forty columns support the roof, but no two are, alike , and exceptional creativity is shown in the execution of the ornaments.
  32. The Introduction of New Species" of 1855,showed that they were both thinking, alike ,and to some extent reaching similar conclusions, and said that he was preparing
  33. Since then, the gesture became widely copied by fans and other musicians, alike , Geezer Butler temporarily left the band in September 1979,and was initially
  34. Daughters of Ocean who are dispersed far and wide, and in every place, alike ,serve the earth and the deep waters. " The Iliad (attributed by the ancient
  35. Eternal. " *" The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich and the poor, alike ,to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread. " (Le Lies
  36. And Self-Limitation in the Life of Nations ", he calls for Russians and Jews, alike ,to take moral responsibility for the" renegades" from both communities who
  37. Using mainly GT3 and GT4 cars featuring professional and amateur drivers, alike , Sports prototypes, unlike GT cars, do not rely on road legal cars as a base.
  38. Correct proportions. Furthermore, in many Western and Eastern cultures, alike , traits such as body hair are rarely depicted in art that addresses physical
  39. And as a controller of musical instruments among amateurs and professionals, alike , being used in concert by bands such as Madonna, Tangerine Dream, Fatboy Slim
  40. Accuracy and precision. The domestic dwellings of elite and ordinary Egyptians, alike ,were constructed from perishable materials such as mud bricks and wood, and
  41. Don playing the characters of Don, a leader of an underworld gang and his look, alike ,Vijay. His performance won him his second Film fare Best Actor Award. He also
  42. After a certain age, the men had full beards and mustaches. Men and women, alike ,cut their hair level with the shoulders at the sides of the head, trimmed
  43. In vivo systems all biopolymers of a type (say one specific protein) are all, alike ,: they all contain the similar sequences and numbers of monomers and thus all
  44. 2001,after several years of development. Aimed at consumers and professionals, alike , Mac OS X aimed to combine the stability, reliability and security of Unix with
  45. Popular for about four centuries. The Roman Catholics and other Protestants, alike ,persecuted the Anabaptists, resorted to torture and other types of physical
  46. 2012,regardless of how many credits were taken. Students, families and faculty, alike ,responded with a petition on Change. Org and a protest from students. Leaders
  47. Anime on DVD recommends it as an essential series. Reviewers, and fans, alike , This time around, the animation is" near OVA quality" and the artwork" far
  48. A Rose-Tree, thus addressed it:" What a lovely flower is the Rose, a favorite, alike ,with Gods and with men. I envy you your beauty and your perfume. " The Rose
  49. That has been the subject of discussion by psychiatrists and film experts, alike , A notable example is Mr. Jones (1993),in which Mr. Jones (Richard Gere)
  50. And their armies, he retained the loyalty of active duty soldiers and veterans, alike , To a large extent the public was aware of the vast financial resources

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