Examples of the the word, interim , in a Sentence Context

The word ( interim ), is the 4323 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Record-low stock price and crippling financial losses. Jobs became the, interim ,CEO and began restructuring the company's product line. At the 1997 Mac world
  2. The Peshawar Accords created the Islamic State of Afghanistan and appointed an, interim ,government for a transitional period, under President Burhanuddin Rabbi.
  3. List of Ajax managers * Spitz Kohn, Bobby Harms and Barry Brushoff. (1988–89, interim , ) Honors Official trophies (recognized by UEFA and FIFA) National
  4. Wayne. Wayne hands the Batman mantle to Dick Grayson (then Night wing) for an, interim ,period, while Wayne trains to return to the role. The 1994 company-wide
  5. 2003,Dos tum established a North Zone of Afghanistan, against the wishes of, interim ,president Hamid Karma. On 20 May 2003,after narrowly escaping an
  6. Yo cam. At this time Fuller's title was" interim president and CEO. " The ", interim ," was dropped in December 2000. Keith Gottfried served in senior executive
  7. Agreements at Groove Schulz were reconsolidated and steps towards setting up an, interim ,government and drafting a new constitution were established as well as
  8. Jean-Baptiste de Villèle, French statesman (d. 1854) *1788 – David G. Burned, interim ,president of the Republic of Texas (d. 1870) *1800 – John George App old, fur
  9. BA announced orders for six Boeing 777-300ERs and options for four more as an, interim ,measure to cover for delays over the deliveries of their 787-8/9s. Of the six
  10. As the speed advantage of the B-1 was now minimal. It also appeared that the ", interim ," time frame served by the B-1B would be less than a decade, being rendered
  11. Suicide in August 1954 amid a political crisis. Contemporary era Several briefs, interim ,governments succeeded after Vargas's suicide. Marcelino Kubitscheck became
  12. Players only a note in the locker room. Secondary Coach Emmett Thomas was named, interim ,coach for the final three games of 2007 on December 12. The Falcons ended the
  13. Council of people's liberation of Croatia, functioned since 1944 and formed an, interim ,civil government. NDH's ministers of War and Internal Security Laden Markovic
  14. Of behavior: the terminal response, which occurred in anticipation of food, and, interim , responses,that occurred earlier in the interfood interval and were rarely
  15. Near the Sečovlje-Plovanija official border crossing point (set up by an, interim ,agreement of the two countries in the 1990s). The area around the peak of the
  16. Even incur costs (for example, the cost of safe deposit box storage) in the, interim , Coin hoarders may be similar to investors in the sense that they accumulate
  17. The decision was made to release head coach Dan Reeves. Wade Phillips acted as, interim ,coach for the final 3 games. Although the Falcons won 3 of their last 4 games
  18. The president. Laurent Garbo took power following a popular overthrow of the, interim ,leader Gen. Robert GUI who had claimed a dubious victory in presidential
  19. Term of office to 7 years, establish a senate, and make president of the senate, interim ,successor to the president. Laurent Garbo took power following a popular
  20. Home Rule Act, it had to plan for a growing loss of morale in the RIC with an, interim ,solution until the Act was ready. In January 1920,the British government
  21. Test. This involves estimating the absorption and elimination of alcohol in the, interim ,between driving and testing. The rate of elimination in the average person is
  22. Coup in January, which ended with the establishment of the January Junta as, interim ,government while waiting for Alessandri's return. The latter group was led by
  23. Named Gary Weasel as CEO, but he resigned in July 1996. William F. Miller was, interim ,CEO until September of that year, when Whitney G. Lynn became interim president
  24. Fired Sam Palazzo after losing eight straight games. He was replaced on, interim ,basis by Dave Trembley. On June 22,Miguel Tejada's consecutive-games streak
  25. Which did not apply the superior court's criteria (on the grounds that in the, interim , the Supreme Court had changed the applicable law). However, this left
  26. Bank. Montenegro In late 2002,Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro adopted an, interim ,agreement to settle the disputed Presley peninsula at the entrance of the Bay
  27. Commons, it was reported that Widdecombe was gathering support for election as, interim ,Speaker until the next general election. On 11 June 2009,she confirmed her bid
  28. Headed the new" Social and Liberal Democrat Party" from 3 March 1988. An, interim ,working name for the party, the " Democrats ", was adopted by conference on 26
  29. Was interim CEO until September of that year, when Whitney G. Lynn became, interim ,president and CEO and then continued to have a succession of CEOs including
  30. Needs at least 18-24 fighters to effectively patrol Croatian airspace. As an, interim ,solution, additional 6-7 MiG-21s stored back in 2003 might be modernized and
  31. Manager Josh Byrnes and manager A. J. Inch were fired and replaced on an, interim ,basis by Jerry Depot and Kirk Gibson respectively. (Gibson was later named
  32. Down to take a position at the University of the Pacific, Walsh was named, interim ,athletic director. He also acted as a consultant for his alma mater San Jose
  33. Mayor, who was dismissed by the interim government after 7 April 2010. Now, interim ,mayor is ISA Omurkulov, also a former head of the Kerry Railways. Sports
  34. February 1983,at a meeting of the shadow ministry in Brisbane. Hawks was named, interim ,leader. He believed he'd caught Labor before it could replace Hayden, and was
  35. Of the new rifle to soldiers until 1956. During this time, production of the, interim ,SKS rifle continued. This new model used a stamped sheet metal receiver and
  36. That season. Briefly was fired partway through the season and was replaced on an, interim ,basis by third base coach Al Enrique. By this time Colonel and the other
  37. System (Atlanta Public Schools) is run by the Atlanta Board of Education with, interim ,superintendent Enroll Davis. As of 2007,the system has an active enrollment of
  38. Kerry Railways Norman Tulane was appointed mayor, who was dismissed by the, interim ,government after 7 April 2010. Now interim mayor is ISA Omurkulov, also a
  39. Announced by al-Qaida on June 16, 2011,replacing Saiph Alcatel, who served as, interim ,commander. As of August 6,2010,the chief of operations was considered to be
  40. He had removed Edwin Stanton as Secretary of War and was replacing him in the, interim ,with Adjutant-General Lorenzo Thomas. Johnson had originally wanted to replace
  41. A gaming license led to Clark's resignation as Premier. He was succeeded on an, interim ,basis by Dan Miller who was in turn followed by Usual Dosage following a
  42. 1968 by Brown and Jenkins in their" autoshaping" procedures. The causation of, interim ,activities (such as the schedule-induced polydipsia seen in a similar
  43. Critical interlocutory court orders, such as the denial of a request for an, interim ,injunction, or an order holding a person in contempt of court, can be appealed
  44. Their metric definitions, but allowed the binary definitions to be used in an, interim ,period as long as such usage was explicitly pointed out on a case-by-case basis
  45. The Royal Asiatic Society in London and the Society Antique in Paris. In the, interim , Rawlinson spent a brief tour of duty in Afghanistan, returning to the site in
  46. Dale L. Fuller replaced CEO Del Yo cam. At this time Fuller's title was ", interim ,president and CEO. " The" interim " was dropped in December 2000. Keith
  47. Of the banking and insurance industries back to the Bank. In 2011 the, interim ,Financial Policy Committee (FPC) was created as a mirror committee to the MPC
  48. June. The chief justice of the Supreme Court, Eduardo Rodríguez, was sworn as, interim ,president to succeed the outgoing Carlos Mesa. Plan de Todos Mobilizing against
  49. By ANSI as EIA/TIA/IS-3. EIA/TIA/IS-3 was superseded by EIA/TIA-553 and TIA, interim ,standard IS-91 (Narrowband Advanced Mobile Phone System). AMPS networks have
  50. Remained on the board of directors. Former COO Scott Arnold took the title of, interim ,president and chief executive officer until November 8,2005,when it was

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