Examples of the the word, quietly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( quietly ), is the 5017 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Waking dreams are the ones that are important, the ones that come when I'm, quietly ,sitting in a chair, letting my mind wander. When you sleep, you don't control
  2. With the company name on them. When the business failed, his father would, quietly ,turn the huge stacks of useless stationery and pencils over to his children
  3. Western publishers and of dealing in hard currency for Doctor Zhivago. The KGB, quietly ,released them, Ludmila after one year, in 1962,and Olga in 1964. By this time
  4. Lynn pointed out,“ Chaplin would not have been Chaplin if he had simply dined, quietly ,with Marie. ” First years in the United States (1910–1913) Chaplin first
  5. Consecrated Peter II, one of his presbyters as his successor, Athanasius died, quietly ,in his house. Writings Athanasius spent a good deal of his energy on polemical
  6. Popular (however, some eugenics programs, including sterilization, continued, quietly , for decades). Many pre-war eugenicists engaged in what they later labeled "
  7. Forcefully struck, and give an eerie transparent" windy" sound when played, quietly , A tremolo, or roll (played with two mallets alternately striking on opposing
  8. Adolf Hitler. Because Rommel was widely renowned, Hitler chose to eliminate him, quietly ,; in trade for assurances his family would be spared, Rommel agreed to commit
  9. Father. Isabelle has her own revenge on the now terminally ill Longshanks by, quietly ,confessing to him that she is pregnant with Wallace's child and that she will
  10. Follow a formal order of service, including spontaneous prayer. Quakers sit, quietly ,until moved by the Holy Spirit to speak. Some Evangelical services resemble
  11. And Isabella in 1503. This claim seems to have been forgotten or abandoned, quietly ,for the last 300 years. Britain In the late 3rd century, by the end of the
  12. Own. As the world looks on in disbelief at this development, Batman and Robin, quietly ,climb out of the United World Headquarters to an uncertain future. Batman's
  13. In the summer); *archaic instrumental forms of some adjectives,e.g. тихом (, quietly ,), скришом (furtively),слепешком (blindly),and nouns,e.g. денем (
  14. In her. If anything, her poems suggest just the opposite–they speak of, quietly ,experienced but intensely felt emotions, intentionally hidden from others
  15. Changes, Deng allowed Huey to retain membership in the Central Committee and, quietly ,retire, helping to set the precedent that losing a high-level leadership
  16. For one last time the song of joy. In the ending climax, the chorus softens, quietly ,on the word" Götterfunken ". Then, the orchestra descends chords in arpeggio
  17. Encourage and reassure the Christians there. Paul urges them to go on working, quietly ,while waiting in hope for the return of Christ. Authenticity The vast majority
  18. To sit next to me. You are being hijacked. " Shaffer did as requested, then, quietly , asked to see the bomb. Cooper cracked open his briefcase long enough for her to
  19. Hypothesize that the Act creates additional legal risks for employers who then, quietly ,avoid hiring people with disabilities to avoid this risk. And such researchers
  20. to get French acquiescence for their activities. The French government, quietly ,tolerated the group, especially during Franco's regime, when ETA members could
  21. The team's clubhouse. The newspaper reported:: Behind the scenes, the Rockies, quietly ,have become an organization guided by Christianity — open to other religious
  22. Senators as they wished to exclude, and in reading these new lists in public, quietly ,omitted the names of those who were no longer to be senators. Hence the
  23. Of placing the food-dish on the ground, and making sure that the dog rests, quietly ,for several hours after eating, as the most reliable way to prevent bloat. Less
  24. The trials have on several occasions been called a farce. Red himself was, quietly ,removed from the camps and reassigned to an insignificant position in rural
  25. Him a choice: he could face the People's Court or choose to commit suicide, quietly , In the former case, his staff would have been arrested and his family would
  26. Had been ousted from power in 1964,the time for such raw exposing works came, quietly , but perceptibly, to a close. Persecutions Solzhenitsyn made an unsuccessful
  27. Later put on the Catholic Church's Index of Forbidden Books. Spinoza lived, quietly ,as a lens grinder, turning down rewards and honors throughout his life
  28. 2007 in the Chicago Loop district, where a coyote, later nicknamed" Adrian ", quietly ,entered a Quizno's restaurant during the lunch hours; it was later captured
  29. Theorem. (Several students from the civil engineering department got up and, quietly ,left the room. )" * Knuth published his first" scientific" article in a
  30. Sanatorium. She is a serene woman who, after taking care of the housework, sits, quietly , in a chair. She says that at her age there is nothing much left to fear. *Jean
  31. The next day, indicated that death was already close. Anne received the news, quietly , She expressed her love and concern for Ellen and Charlotte, and seeing
  32. However, and when James dropped his policy of a speedy union the topic, quietly ,disappeared from the legislative agenda. When the House of Commons attempted to
  33. Bankruptcy, the dandy's stereotyped fate; he fled his creditors to France, quietly ,dying in 1840,in a lunatic asylum in Can, just before age 62. Men of more
  34. The decision to make the Commodore 128 compatible with the C64 was made, quietly ,by Bowen and Herd, software and hardware designers respectively, without the
  35. The two elder brothers, Afzal Khan and Adam Khan. At first, the new Amir was, quietly ,recognized. But after a few months Axial Khan raised an insurrection in the
  36. Then through paper qualifications. By the early 2000s,however, the university, quietly ,reexamined its position on accreditation as degree mills proliferated and
  37. 2000 route km. This report was not welcomed, and even the government decided to, quietly ,leave it on the shelf. Meanwhile, BR was gradually reorganized, with the
  38. Presented political person as a creature of habit, with a disposition to submit, quietly ,to established government unless confronted by uncertain circumstances. In his
  39. And on the 17th instant (April 1790),about eleven o'clock at night, he, quietly , expired,closing a long and useful life of eighty-four years and three months.
  40. Like François-Joseph Nave and Grace Brice, painted Cupid and Psyche and, quietly ,lived the remainder of his life with his wife (whom he had remarried). In
  41. Should not be punished in the least, but cherished as a son and allowed to live, quietly ,on his estates and marry Abyssinia. On 31 January 1718,the service reached
  42. However, governors in Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania, quietly ,began buying weapons and training militia units. On March 4,1861,Abraham
  43. Invited him to dinner and a drive. Instead, Chaplin noted, they simply“ dined, quietly ,in Marie’s apartment alone. ” However, as Kenneth Lynn pointed out,“ Chaplin
  44. In 1 January 1991,Pons left his tenure, and both he and Fleischman, quietly ,left the United States. In 1992, they resumed research with Toyota Motor
  45. To secure an annulment. Catherine was defiant when it was suggested that she, quietly ,retire to a nunnery, saying " God never called me to a nunnery, I am the King
  46. Years he had remained and nobody knew him; Carrying a shoe in hand he went home, quietly , without ceremony. The lineage from Śākyamuni Buddha to Bodhidharma The lineage
  47. The writing of more fiction. In 1961, he suffered strokes. In August 1961 he, quietly ,died in his sleep, aged 68. After Smith's death Carol remarried (becoming
  48. Its new Profile hard disk, Quark celebrated, and Selector III's developers, quietly ,dissolved their company. Peripherals Several new Apple-produced peripherals
  49. Within the church a new self-consciousness. The church could no longer rest, quietly ,upon its fundamentals and history. It felt a need to sell its image to an
  50. Their Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center in San Diego, California had been, quietly ,studying cold fusion since 1989. They released a two-volume report," Thermal

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