Examples of the the word, liberation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( liberation ), is the 5036 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And the Church Fathers of early Christianity was the only way to attain, liberation , Schopenhauer's metaphysical analysis of will, his views on human motivation
  2. Sodium borohydride presents a fire hazard due to its reducing nature, and the, liberation ,of hydrogen on contact with acid. Boron halves are corrosive. Congenital
  3. Tent era National Kalimantan Tara),which saw itself as an anti-colonialist, liberation ,party. After the Brunei Revolt, the idea was put to rest. Currently, there
  4. Most general outline of" birth, maturity,renunciation, search,awakening and, liberation , teaching, death " must be true. Conception and birth Gautama was born in
  5. From the summer of 1942 to the end of the autumn of 1944. After the, liberation ,of Paris, Carrel was suspended by the Minister of Health; he died in November
  6. Self in this world of change is the cause of suffering and the main obstacle to, liberation , He broke new ground by going on to explain the source for the apparent ego: it
  7. By means of successive reincarnations. This succession leads toward an eventual, liberation , One consequence of the Hindu and Spiritist beliefs is that our current lives
  8. To end its involvement in the war. The Spartans were of the view that, with the, liberation ,of mainland Greece, and the Greek cities of Asia Minor, the war's purpose had
  9. Key point in modern Bulgarian history, leading to the Russo-Turkish War and the, liberation ,of Bulgaria from ottoman slavery, as an independent part of the Ottoman Empire.
  10. And chatterboxes who pretend to speak in the name of the people. " After, liberation , Camus remarked," This country does not need a Talleyrand, but a Saint-Just. "
  11. War The Serbo-Bulgarian War was the first armed conflict after Bulgaria's, liberation , It was a result of the unification with Eastern Amelia, which happened on
  12. Reported to have been:" All composite things pass away. Strive for your own, liberation ,with diligence. " His body was cremated, and the relics were placed in monuments
  13. Leader, started his fight against the erstwhile USAF Jami Dynasty for the, liberation ,of Hyderabad State. Meanwhile, the French occupied Canal, in the Goddard delta
  14. Is both necessary and sufficient. If a mixture is not at equilibrium,the, liberation ,of the excess Gibbs energy (or Helmholtz energy at constant volume reactions)
  15. Enlightenment and bring about the danger of substituting the experience of, liberation ,by conceptual understanding of the doctrine or by religious faith. Another
  16. Of the Indian subcontinent seven times. But ... Amanda will experience final, liberation ,in this very life. " (AN 3.80) Prior to the First Buddhist Council, it was
  17. Tortured by the SS. Evacuation, death marches, and, liberation , in Germany, where they were liberated by the British in April 1945.
  18. 12 and marking the beginning of the Atria Neva. San Martín considered the, liberation ,of Chile a strategic stepping-stone to the emancipation of Peru, which he saw
  19. As well as 16 imprisonments ranging from life sentence to 3 years. After, liberation , local Polish farming population returning to the area searched the ruins of
  20. 5 being stopped by the Spanish and 33 by the U. S. Coast Guard. In 1897,the, liberation ,army maintained a privileged position in Managua and Oriented, where the
  21. Expedition of Peru, financed by the Chilean government for the cause of the, liberation ,of the northern neighbor. Chile and Peru participated in a common conflict
  22. This is a problem that the government is trying to solve by linking the, liberation ,of new technologies (such as WIMAX or PLC) only tied with compromises on
  23. And There Was Light" chronicles his experiences from early childhood until his, liberation ,from a concentration camp. Bosnia and Herzegovina is located in Southeastern
  24. On the African continent where Cuba was most active, supporting a total of 17, liberation , movements or leftist governments, in countries including Angola, Ethiopia
  25. Squadron, which was made up primarily of Free French aircrews. Following the, liberation ,of France, this squadron was transferred to the newly formed French air force (
  26. Relinquish fixation on words and letters, as these are utterly divorced from, liberation ,and the Buddha-nature. The Tibetan tantra entitled the" All-Creating King" (
  27. Being the most dangerous and insidious. This perspective (closely related to, liberation ,theology) draws on the approach of Bible scholars such as Shed Myers, William
  28. Not allowed to broadcast the news because as it was thought it would spoil the, liberation ,festivities in Denmark. On 9 May Soviet troops landed on the island, and after
  29. Role in defending the country's sovereignty. Only several years after its, liberation ,(1878),Bulgaria became a regional military power and was involved in several
  30. MK was founded in 1961. Ideology The ANC deems itself as a force of national, liberation ,in the post-apartheid era; it officially defines its agenda as the National
  31. And local supporters. The CANNOT, state anti-fascist council of people's, liberation ,of Croatia, functioned since 1944 and formed an interim civil government. NDH
  32. Amount of support, Cuba became a major sponsor of Marxist" wars of national, liberation ," not only in Latin America, but worldwide. Black Panthers In the '60s and '70s
  33. And the consequent disillusion with the Western response and gratitude for the, liberation ,of the major portion of Czechoslovakia by the Red Army, the Communist Party of
  34. Is caused by desire (Tanya),and that the extinction of desire leads to, liberation , Thus, three of the four" truths of the Buddha" correspond to Schopenhauer's
  35. The country was again invaded by Germany in 1940 and was occupied until its, liberation ,by the Allies in 1944. After World War II, a general strike forced king Leopold
  36. The Canadian band Sum 41 *James Hal Cone (born 1938),an advocate of Black, liberation ,theology *John Cone, an American professional wrestling referee *John J. Cone
  37. With advancing human happiness by teaching people the correct method of, liberation , The Buddha's teaching is rationalistic, scientific and empirical. Though he
  38. Was also dissolved. Thus, the three representative institutions of the national, liberation ,movement disappeared. Economic changes Before the US officially took over the
  39. Recognizing Cuban independence Although the Cubans had participated in the, liberation ,efforts, the US prevented Cuba from participating in the Paris peace talks and
  40. This ultimate goal. Jains believe that to attain enlightenment and ultimately, liberation , one must practice the following ethical principles (major vows) in thought
  41. Also disapproved of his diversion of Chilean resources to aid San Martín's, liberation ,of Peru. O'Higgins insisted on supporting that campaign because he realized
  42. Links with the West, especially from the 19th century and the grand period of, liberation ,and formation of Nation-states – this idea is represented by in the
  43. Strongest and most uncomprehending critics had always been the workers whose, liberation ,from employment they were trying to secure. " These critics assert that people
  44. Other Indian science is focused on finding Marsha: perfection, immortality, liberation , As such it focuses its efforts on transmutation of the human body: from mortal
  45. Topple the Taliban. The 3rd Division were deployed in Kabul, to assist in the, liberation ,of the troubled capital. The Royal Marines' 3 Commando Brigades (part of the
  46. That they should attain virtue, and it was to this end that she sought their, liberation , In the Rights of Woman, Wollstonecraft does not make the claim for gender
  47. And the Anglo-French Declaration, the latter promising" the complete and final, liberation ,of the peoples who have for so long been oppressed by the Turks, and the
  48. Gawain stated that" victory in Kashmir has been delayed for years; it is the, liberation ,of the jihad there from this interference which, Allah willing, will be the
  49. Bodhisatta" is used fairly frequently in the sense of someone on the path to, liberation , The later tradition of commentary also recognizes the existence of two
  50. Over time to reflect losses of territory to Ottoman conquest and subsequent, liberation ,of the same territory, changes of political status of Dalmatia, Dubrovnik and

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