Examples of the the word, deliberately , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deliberately ), is the 5032 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Jews were used as scapegoats. Rumors spread that they caused the disease by, deliberately ,poisoning wells. Hundreds of Jewish communities were destroyed. Although Pope
  2. Time)- except those noted above. There were significant names, deliberately ,left out of the list. So rare as an almost complete list of pharaoh names, the
  3. Disk drive. For Amstrad, the latter was easier to realize first, with a, deliberately ,low-key introduction of the CPC664. It was positioned not only as the lowest
  4. Their orbits were perturbed. The Apollo 12,14,15 and 17 LM ascent stages were, deliberately ,crashed onto the moon in order to obtain seismic readings from the seismometers
  5. Audiences from the early 1950s onward, he has not escaped the charge of, deliberately ,catering to the tastes of Westerners to achieve or maintain that popularity.
  6. For their taut atmosphere and strong psychological suspense, developed from the, deliberately ,slow pace of her prose. Twice, the murderer surprisingly turns out to be the
  7. Angle must remain near zero, though there are instances when an aircraft may be, deliberately ," sideslipped," for example, a slip in a fixed-wing aircraft. Besides lift
  8. Advanced programming technique, this isn't really a" trick ". The designers, deliberately ,included this feature, and documented its use in the original 1983" Atari 3600
  9. In arguments, because it can lead to incorrect conclusions and can be used to, deliberately ,conceal bad arguments. For example, a politician might say" I oppose taxes
  10. Notes indicate that she modeled him on President Harry S. Truman, and that she, deliberately ,decided not to call him" President of the United States" as this title has "
  11. Controversy Crowley enjoyed being a figure of controversy and frequently, deliberately ,provoked it among his peers and in the media. Author and Crowley expert Lon
  12. He carried out his opposition to Hitler's scorched earth program ... by, deliberately ,sabotaging it at considerable personal risk. Twelve of the defendants were
  13. With the original CPC models. Its enhanced features are only available after a, deliberately ,obscure unlocking mechanism has been triggered, thus preventing existing CPC
  14. History, killing approximately 3,000 people. Two commercial airliners were, deliberately ,flown into the World Trade Center towers, a third into The Pentagon, and a
  15. 1914 – World War I: The library of the Catholic University of Leuven is, deliberately ,destroyed by the German Army. Hundreds of thousands of irreplaceable volumes
  16. Schopenhauer had pushed her. According to Schopenhauer's court testimony, she, deliberately , annoyed him by raising her voice while standing right outside his door. Marque
  17. Not only by his adhesion to Spiritualism, but by the fact of his having, deliberately ,and against the whole voice of the committee of his section of the British
  18. N. T. Wright, ibid. ) Schweitzer writes that modern Christians of many kinds, deliberately ,ignore the urgent message (so powerfully proclaimed by Jesus during the 1st
  19. Hodges suggests that Turing may have killed himself in an ambiguous way quite, deliberately , to give his mother some plausible deniability. David Levitt has suggested
  20. Socialite who is having a meaningless sexual affair with James Haggard. She is, deliberately ,crude in a way that casts ridicule on her high social position. *Dr. Potter
  21. Far elsewhere. This evidence suggests that the religious structures were, deliberately ,abandoned slowly over time. Puebloan tradition holds that the ancestors had
  22. Monty, in a scene where the lead actors move in a line and raise their hands, deliberately ,mimicking the Arsenal defence's offside trap, in an attempt to co-ordinate
  23. Is suggested that a doctor who noticed his reluctance to join the Armed Forces, deliberately ,failed the medical as a favor. Although Cockburn continued to move where his
  24. Were easily recognized in long, saffron tunics. Sometimes the visual cues are, deliberately ,confused for comic effect, as in The Frogs, where Dionysus arrives at stage in
  25. That used in the Mercury and Gemini programs. The pressure before launch was, deliberately ,greater than ambient in order to drive out the nitrogen-containing air and
  26. His foot, before passing between the goal posts. When an opposition player, deliberately ,scores a behind for the attacking team (generally as a last resort, because of
  27. Comparative autopsies. He also took a special interest in dwarfs, and he, deliberately ,induced gangrene in twins, dwarfs and other prisoners to" study" the effects.
  28. Character requires a first stage of having the fortune to be habituated not, deliberately , but by teachers, and experience, leading to a later stage in which one
  29. Of the Pope on the other, resulted in an association of churches that were both, deliberately ,vague about doctrinal principles, yet bold in developing parameters of
  30. Knowledge. If, after signing such a declaration, the information is found to be, deliberately ,untrue with the intent to deceive, the applicant may face perjury charges.
  31. Secret history, historical events claimed by revisionists to have been, deliberately ,suppressed or forgotten Throughout history, forms of art have gone through
  32. For example, the installations of the contemporary artist Thomas Hirschhorn, deliberately ,eschew technical virtuosity. People can appreciate a Renaissance Madonna for
  33. Particularly in Throne of Blood and The Lower Depths. He recognized this, and, deliberately , aimed for a more light-hearted and entertaining film for his next production
  34. Stephenson, in particular, refrains from sweeping political statements when, deliberately ,provoked. Ken MacLeod's Fall Revolution series explores the future
  35. To the ancient sources, the two sides fought bitterly for a long time. Philip, deliberately ,commanded the troops on his right wing to backstop, counting on the untested
  36. Karmic consequences of violence. In particular, it is pointed out that he who, deliberately ,kills an animal will on his part be eaten by an animal in a future existence
  37. Admitting his absurd logic was wrong and is killed by an assassination he has, deliberately ,brought about. However, while Camus possibly suggests that Caligula's absurd
  38. Distribution, held by Harmful (some newspaper editors believe that Harmful, deliberately ,refuses to print more newspaper copies in order to minimize the impact of
  39. Under the falsehood of making a visceral visit to worship at the church, she, deliberately , excluded the grandson of Botanists and his loyal tutor, met with Alexios and
  40. Flying this route—a Boeing 757-223—was hijacked by five al-Qaeda terrorists and, deliberately ,crashed into the Pentagon as part of the September 11 attacks. Less than 35
  41. Season a new rule was announced awarding a free kick against any player who, deliberately ,rushes a behind. The goal umpire signals a goal with two hands raised at elbow
  42. Century Neoplatonist Ammonium Hermite writes that Aristotle's writing style is, deliberately ,obscurantist so that“ good people may for that reason stretch their mind even
  43. Earlier is that he wants to give an objective account of the events in Oran. He, deliberately ,adopts the tone of an impartial observer. Room is like a witness who exercises
  44. Pennicott2001/> Some atoms on Earth have been artificially generated either, deliberately ,or as by-products of nuclear reactors or explosions. Name yarris2001/>
  45. Such as pushing an opponent in the back),interference when marking and, deliberately ,slowing the play are discouraged with free kicks, distance penalties or
  46. Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. * 1943 – Bicycle Day – Swiss chemist Dr. Albert Hoffmann, deliberately ,takes LSD for the first time. *1945 – Diplomatic relations between the Soviet
  47. For improvements are often student-specific. Exercise as a teaching tool is, deliberately ,omitted because of a common mistaken assumption there exists a" correct "
  48. Into" 200 Years Together ". Ivanovich further alleged that Solzhenitsyn, deliberately ,concealed this anti-Semitism, because he knew this would have prevented him
  49. A hakama regardless of rank. Art is the product or process of, deliberately ,arranging items (often with symbolic significance) in a way that influences
  50. To the Post hoc ergo proper hoc fallacy. Schopenhauer thought that Hegel used, deliberately ,impressive but ultimately vacuous verbiage. He suggested his works were filled

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