Examples of the the word, precision , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Vanes, as different dyes can give varying stiffness to vanes, resulting in less, precision , When four-fletched, often two opposing Fletcher are cock feathers and
  2. Magnetic fields, and facilitated tracking of the satellite velocity to high, precision , A basic requirement was that the satellite acquire fields and particle data
  3. M2/ (n - 1) return variance This algorithm is much less prone to loss of, precision ,due to massive cancellation, but might not be as efficient because of the
  4. The last line. Because sum_SQR and sum * mean can be very similar numbers,the, precision ,of the result can be much less than the inherent precision of the
  5. Similar numbers, the precision of the result can be much less than the inherent, precision ,of the floating-point arithmetic used to perform the computation. This is
  6. Types. Nonlinear functions and calculations can be constructed to a limited, precision ,(three or four digits) by designing function generators — special circuits of
  7. Not nearly as well known, used rotating shafts only for input and output, with, precision , racks and pinions. The racks were connected to linkages that performed the
  8. Paul the Traveler and the Roman Citizen (1895),Ramsay's views gain both in, precision ,and in breadth. The gain lies chiefly in seeing beyond the Began text to the "
  9. The interconnections which define the problem setup. In addition, there are, precision ,high-resolution potentiometers (variable resistors) for setting up (and
  10. Of dispersion for visible light, and for other wavelengths, or for higher, precision ,work, the group velocity dispersion is used. Alternate definitions of the Abbé
  11. Judgment cannot be an empirical judgment. Therefore, due to impossibility for, precision , there is confusion about what interpretations can be culturally negotiated.
  12. Spoken and written. These languages are intended to provide a greater technical, precision ,over big natural languages, although historically, such attempts at language
  13. Whose conclusions more intuitively match popular opinion. However, he insists, precision ,helps art and craft of all kinds, including the craft of philosophy. 2. Of the
  14. Can be resolved at the background of statistical noise. See also Accuracy and, precision ,and its talk. The Berry paradox arises as a result of systematic ambiguity in
  15. An angle can be efficiently represented in a single byte (albeit to limited, precision ,). Other measures of angle used in computing may be based on dividing one whole
  16. Instruments, architects could build large stone structures with accuracy and, precision , The domestic dwellings of elite and ordinary Egyptians alike were constructed
  17. High gain and stable input (low and stable offset). They are always used with, precision ,feedback components that, in operation, all but cancel out the currents
  18. Arithmetic, while relatively slow, provides any practical degree of, precision ,that might be needed. Analog-digital hybrid computers There is an intermediate
  19. There may be several such allophones, or the linguist may prefer greater, precision ,than this allows. In such cases a common convention is to use the" elsewhere
  20. Activities, a more organized and less casual lifestyle, greater care and, precision ,in descriptions, a lower sensitivity to emotional and unpleasant words, a less
  21. Gives better results, although multiplication can cause a loss of, precision ,and, in extreme cases, a noticeable loss of quality. With the existence of an
  22. There (outer space). Global positioning satellites are key to synchronizing, precision ,time and data streams for everything from cellphone calls to ATM withdrawals.
  23. In addition to less turbulence, approximants also differ from fricatives in the, precision ,required to produce them. When emphasized, approximants may be slightly
  24. Description of many important mechanisms follows. For adding and subtracting, precision ,miter-gear differentials were in common use in some computers; the Ford
  25. Attributed to them after observing the tremendous properties of representation, precision ,and speed of calculations. This arithmetic tool was based on the vigesimal
  26. That econometrics is inherently misleading in that it creates a fallacious ", precision ," in economics where there is none. Miles wrote of his economic methodology
  27. As well as quality of the internal power and electrical interconnections. The, precision ,of the analog computer readout was limited chiefly by the precision of the
  28. Out to arbitrary accuracy such that the computations can be tuned to the, precision ,of, e. g., the data storage format or the original measurement hardware. A
  29. Equation problem for use at some stage of an overall computation (where, precision ,is not very important). In any case, the hybrid computer is usually
  30. The precision of the analog computer readout was limited chiefly by the, precision ,of the readout equipment used, generally three or four significant figures.
  31. Numerical seed, the total computation time necessary to reach the desired, precision ,is dramatically reduced, since many fewer digital iterations are required (and
  32. To 1993,Hipparcos measured large and small angles on the sky with much greater, precision ,than any previous optical telescopes. During its 4-year run, the positions
  33. Computer, using an iterative process to achieve the final desired degree of, precision , With a three or four digit precision , highly-accurate numerical seed, the
  34. International Astronomical Union revised the definition of the AU for greater, precision , defining it as that length for which the Gaussian gravitational constant (k)
  35. Point, which calculated stellar as well as infinitesimal amounts with absolute, precision , meant that no round off was allowed, when translated into modern computer
  36. Start of the next display line. Horizontal hold and vertical hold The lack of, precision ,timing components available in early television receivers meant that the
  37. Including genetic engineering, agrophysics, improved statistical analysis, and, precision , farming. Balancing these, as above, are the natural and human sciences of
  38. As a unique molecular entity and distinguish it from another with exquisite, precision , Antigen specificity is due primarily to the side-chain conformations of the
  39. Ancient Egyptian art served its political and religious purposes with, precision ,and clarity. Ancient Egyptian artisans used stone to carve statues and fine
  40. Comes at the cost of accuracy, as the looser tolerances do not allow for, precision ,and consistency. Reflecting Soviet infantry doctrine of its time, the rifle is
  41. Approaching each other but not narrowly enough or with enough articulatory, precision ,to create turbulent airflow. Therefore, approximants fall between fricatives
  42. Like the Belgian astronomer D. Roubaix (2002),have regularly refined the, precision ,of any new published orbital elements. For this reason, Alpha Centauri is
  43. Instruments, to measure star positions more accurately than previously, with a, precision ,of 15–35 arc sec. Taxi Alvin measured the right ascension of the stars at the
  44. A mill of 1671 in Wasseralfingen),the Along Kessler engineering works,the, precision ,tools manufacturer PAPAL Dr. Press, the snow chain manufacturer RUD Kitten
  45. Action was frequently spectacular, its movements were practiced with military, precision ,and sometimes it was involved in choreographed skirmishes with the actors. The
  46. Takes the Pleiades as marking vernal equinox, which was the case with some, precision ,at the beginning of the Middle Bronze Age (early 3rd millennium BCE). In
  47. Pete's Parking Lot by Conrad). The second lunar landing was an exercise in, precision ,targeting, using a Doppler effect radar technique developed to allow the
  48. But Algorithm I returns 29.333333333333332 instead of 30. While this loss of, precision ,may be tolerable and viewed as a minor flaw of Algorithm I, it is easy to find
  49. It is distinct from vagueness, which is a statement about the lack of, precision ,contained or available in the information. Context may play a role in resolving
  50. To achieve the final desired degree of precision . With a three or four digit, precision , highly-accurate numerical seed, the total computation time necessary to reach

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