Examples of the the word, warrior , in a Sentence Context

The word ( warrior ), is the 5034 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ukraine and Russia. David Anthony notes," About 20 % of Scythian-Sarmatian ", warrior ,graves" on the lower Don and lower Volga contained females dressed for battle
  2. Absalom as his successor. Absalom was equally great as churchman, statesman and, warrior , His policy of expansion was to give Denmark the dominion of the Baltic for
  3. High level of combat intelligence. After Achilles, Ajax is the most valuable, warrior ,in Agamemnon's army (along with Diomedes),though he is not as cunning as
  4. That the Amazonian legend in Greek mythology may have been" inspired by real, warrior ,women ", though this remains a minority opinion among classical historians.
  5. Outlines of the poet's life are well known. He was born into the aristocratic, warrior ,class that dominated Mylène, the strongest city-state on the island of Lesbos
  6. Without resolution for decades. Ishme-Dagan, like his father was a great, warrior , and in addition to repelling Babylonian attacks, campaigned successfully
  7. Jury the stump of the hand that he lost at Salamis, where he was voted bravest, warrior , The truth is that the award for bravery at Salamis went to Ananias of Fallen
  8. Shaky an tradition was required to pass tests to demonstrate his worthiness as a, warrior ,in order to marry. He had a strong enough body to be noticed by one of the
  9. Known for his skills with the sword. Because of his reputation as a frightening, warrior ,and a heartless general, he was sent to curb the riots in the Av anti province
  10. Program in Córdoba where he died in 852. A vigorous and effective frontier, warrior , he was also well known as a patron of the arts. He was also involved in the
  11. Creation of a mobile (horsed) field force, consisting of his nobles and their, warrior ,retainers, which was divided into two contingents, one of which was always in
  12. S first sketches portrayed Asterix as a huge and strong traditional Gaulish, warrior , But Skinny had a different picture in his mind. He visualized Asterix as a
  13. Also fell under her patronage. She led battles (Athena Promos or the, warrior ,maiden Athena Parthenon) as the disciplined, strategic side of war, in
  14. Arabs was frequently appended to the names of other gods when they take on a, warrior ,aspect or become involved in warfare: Zeus Arabs, Athena Area, even Aphrodite
  15. Book of his Republic, he explained his plan for increasing and improving his, warrior ,caste. If we could castrate all scoundrels and stick all stupid geese in a
  16. Elements. In particular, there is no change in burial practice, and cumulus, warrior ,graves continued to be erected throughout Merovingian times. Syncretism of
  17. Speech. " Like his brother Baldwin III, he was more of an academic than a, warrior , who studied law and languages in his leisure time:" He was well skilled in
  18. There was already rising ... a merchant class which would supplant the, warrior ,aristocracy. " So the courage and supreme skill of the central characters will
  19. It would mean the end of the war and an alliance with the world's greatest, warrior , But while Priam is overseeing the private marriage of Pollen and Achilles
  20. First wife Perinea. He is the cousin of Achilles, the most remembered Greek, warrior , and is the elder half-brother of Teacher. Many illustrious Athenians, including
  21. Out when they pay a visit on Locus),Philip has been promised to the renowned, warrior ,Captain Miles Glorious, who is on his way to claim her. Pseudos, an
  22. Was briefly interrupted in the 15th century, when George Patriotic, an Albanian, warrior ,known as Slandered, allied with some Albanian chiefs, formed the League of
  23. History, including two different Greek sculptors. *Ananias of Arcadia,a, warrior ,mentioned by Xenophon *Ananias, son of Dithers, signed the remarkable statue
  24. To the Sumerian deities, particularly Ivanna, his patroness, and Zapata,the, warrior ,god of Fish. He called himself" The anointed priest of And" and" the great
  25. And Phoenix to the tent of Achilles in an attempt to reconcile with the great, warrior ,and induce him to return to the fight. Although Ajax speaks earnestly and is
  26. A different picture in his mind. He visualized Asterix as a shrewd small sized, warrior ,who would prefer intelligence to strength. However, Uderzo felt that the
  27. Was a Greek hero of the Trojan War, the central character and the greatest, warrior ,of Homer's Iliad. Achilles was named the most handsome of the heroes assembled
  28. Remains a minority opinion among classical historians. Evidence of high-ranking, warrior ,women comes from organs in southern Ukraine and Russia. David Anthony notes,"
  29. Strong and decisive, Henry lacked a penchant for battle and was not much of a, warrior ,; chroniclers such as Polydorus Virgil and ambassadors like Pedro de Ayala found
  30. Century from obscure origins veiled by legend featuring a heterogeneous set of, warrior ,figures. From colony to independence After a decade of intense rivalry and
  31. Achilles, after his temporary truce with Priam, fought and killed the Amazonian, warrior ,queen Penthesilea, but later grieved over her death. At first, he was so
  32. Was I, then? " The Roman writer Virgil's characterization of the Volcano, warrior ,maiden Camilla in the Aeneid borrows heavily from the myth of the Amazons.
  33. Favour. In 1274 BC Shalmaneser I ascended the throne. He proved to be a great, warrior ,king. During his reign he conquered the powerful kingdom of Part in the
  34. Sikh chief, Ranjit Singh, as his governor in the Punjab. This" one-eyed ", warrior ,would later become an implacable enemy of Pashtun rulers in Afghanistan. Haman
  35. Poet is clearly referring to the Dietrich Cycle. The Þiðrekssaga tells that the, warrior ,Have (Ham in Old English) takes sides against Organic, king of the Goths
  36. Which was first used in 1912,originates from a term for a Native American, warrior , They are nicknamed" the Bravos ", and often self-styled as" America's Team
  37. The co-creator of Asterix, France’s comic strip hero, has betrayed the Gaulish, warrior ,to the modern-day Romans - the men of industry and finance ”. Anne Skinny
  38. Ananias, son of Oenophiles, is the author of another striking figure of a, warrior ,in the museum of Athens. Like the above sculptor, he belonged to the school of
  39. Robert Abercrombie, Scottish Jesuit (b. 1532) *1625 – More Tremolo, Japanese, warrior , ( b. 1553) *1656 – Jan van Goren, Dutch painter (b. 1596) *1694 – John
  40. Firearms to the town along with the culture of the West, which will end the, warrior ,tradition. " It is also difficult not to notice the importance of rain to
  41. Known as Ankara. The Celtic element was probably relatively small in numbers; a, warrior ,aristocracy which ruled over Phrygian-speaking peasants. However, the Celtic
  42. Authority, Johannes Aventine. Ariosto's Orlando Furious contains a country of, warrior ,women, ruled by Queen Fronted; the epic describes an origin much like that in
  43. Nike" ( Gr. Νίκη),i.e. victory. The name has the sense of" victorious, warrior ,". The female is Android. Androids or Androids may refer to: * Living
  44. Because Agamemnon had angered Achilles, and urged the king to appease the, warrior , Agamemnon agreed and sent Odysseus and two other chieftains, Ajax and Phoenix
  45. Slave, Briseis, one of the spoils of war, from Achilles. Achilles, the greatest, warrior ,of the age, withdrew from battle in revenge and nearly cost the Greek armies
  46. S disease. Statues of Alfred in Winchester and Vantage portray him as a great, warrior , Evidence suggests he was not physically strong, and though not lacking in
  47. A player may intend, for example, to create a character who is a strong mighty, warrior , but being" outplayed" in the auction may result in lower attribute scores
  48. People at the time; *He was unquestionably a charismatic leader and seasoned, warrior ,who had at his disposal a trained, mobile force of 4,000 loyal cavalrymen; or "
  49. In the Middle Ages as a defender of sagacity and virtue so that her masculine, warrior ,status was still intact. (She may be found on some family crests of nobility.
  50. By the end of the novel, the elite cavalry wing is led by a dashing young, warrior ,prince named Arts, whom Cliff postulates to be the real Arthur. In Jack

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