Examples of the the word, transparent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( transparent ), is the 5028 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of data in two consecutive steps, a technique called multiplexing — all this is, transparent ,to the software, which was 32-bit from the beginning. The 68000 could address
  2. And diffusion, where the light is only redirected, causing objects to appear, transparent , reflective or white respectively. Usage, symbolism,colloquial expressions
  3. For large travel agents, which Expedia claimed might raise costs and was less, transparent ,for passengers. The Direct Connect allows American to exert more control over
  4. Can produce bright and slicing tones when forcefully struck, and give an eerie, transparent ," windy" sound when played quietly. A tremolo, or roll (played with two
  5. Yellow, red,green, blue,purple, and white, and the glass could be made either, transparent ,or opaque. Medicine The medical problems of the ancient Egyptians stemmed
  6. High values of V. Abbé numbers are used to classify glass and other optically, transparent ,materials. For example, flint glass has V < 50 and crown glass has V > 50.
  7. Of alpha in the color code ranges from 0.0 to 1.0,where 0.0 represents a fully, transparent ,color, and 1.0 represents a fully opaque color. This corresponds to" SRC over
  8. Of carbon vary widely with the allotropic form. For example, diamond is highly, transparent , while graphite is opaque and black. Diamond is among the hardest materials
  9. UV (eye-protection is not such a critical requirement) and passes through, transparent ,plastic and glass. This means that the staining will be brighter even if the
  10. Of two absolute temperatures,T2/T1,are the same in all scales. The most, transparent ,definition of this standard comes from the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution. It
  11. Sometimes bearing molded decoration. Examples of painting on stone, opaque and, transparent , Engraved objects in great number for example, ring-bezels and gems; and an
  12. Gases, argon has a high scintillation light yield (~ 51 photons / key),is, transparent ,to its own scintillation light, and is relatively easy to purify. Compared to
  13. From the one before it. The animators' drawings are traced or photocopied onto, transparent ,acetate sheets called cell, which are filled in with paints in assigned colors
  14. A value of 0 means that the pixel does not have any coverage information and is, transparent ,; i.e. there was no color contribution from any geometry because the geometry
  15. Practical. (Number made: 1,converted. ); XB-25G: Modified B-25C in which the, transparent ,nose was replaced by a solid one carrying two fixed .50 in (12.7 mm) machine
  16. Of pixels. Other transparency methods Although used for similar purposes, transparent ,colors and image masks do not permit the smooth blending of the superimposed
  17. Massachusetts and Unity Inc. of Silicon Valley, California are developing, transparent , electrically conductive films of carbon nanotubes to replace indium tin oxide
  18. In the privatization of state-owned enterprises. Investment regulations are, transparent , and bureaucratic procedures are streamlined and open, although somewhat slow.
  19. On the properties of luminance and its radiant dispersion through various, transparent ,and translucent media. He also carried out further examinations into anatomy of
  20. Bulbous antenna for an APS-3 search radar sticking out of the upper part of the, transparent ,nose. On the PBJ-1H and J, the APS-3 search radar antenna was usually housed
  21. On a more efficient recipe combining another nitrate explosive, and obtained a, transparent , jelly-like substance, which was a more powerful explosive than dynamite.
  22. Of the B-25,often called a cross between the B-25C and the B-25H. It had a, transparent ,nose, but many of the delivered aircraft were modified to have a solid nose.
  23. MPEG+ or MP+) is an open source lossy audio codec, specifically optimized for, transparent ,compression of stereo audio at nitrates of 160–180 bit/s. * MTV – a Sony
  24. Then have been widely regarded by the international community as peaceful and, transparent , Politics Provinces, cantons,and districts Costa Rica is composed of seven
  25. Developed a new strain of zebrafish, named Casper, whose adult bodies were, transparent , This allows for detailed visualization of cellular activity, circulation
  26. A version dubbed the B-25G was developed, in which the standard-length, transparent ,nose and the bombardier were replaced by a shorter solid nose containing two
  27. Then luxury goods taxes and tax on rent. He believed that tax laws should be as, transparent ,as possible and that each individual should pay a" certain amount, and not
  28. Includes modern UNIX and Linux systems) Other software may use alpha blended, transparent ,elements in the GUI independently of OS provided APIs by precomposing elements
  29. Which international observers pronounced to be substantially free, fair,and, transparent , resulted in a large CDP majority—101 to 111 seats. Government Executive branch
  30. Which is rare and highly sought after. Much of the most highly-prized amber is, transparent , in contrast to the very common cloudy amber and opaque amber. Opaque amber
  31. Comments:" Like her peer Christina Aguilera, Britney equates maturity with, transparent ,sexuality and the pounding sounds of nightclubs ... Where Christina comes
  32. Trade beads" ). " Furnace glass" beads encase a multicolored core in a, transparent ,exterior layer which is then annealed in a furnace. More economically
  33. Memory buffer before displaying them. (Such as when displaying partially, transparent ,composited elements in an embedded system which provides only a simple frame
  34. Of privatization and denationalization in Croatia, however,this was far from, transparent ,or fully legal. The fact that the new government's legal system was
  35. The remaining 75 % assigned by the teacher during the semester, in a minimally, transparent ,way. Cypriot universities (like universities in Greece) ignore high school
  36. Currently requires all GMO foods to be labeled, whereas the US does not require, transparent ,labeling of GMO foods. Since there are still questions regarding the safety and
  37. Misconception is that signs are iconically self-explanatory, that they are a, transparent ,imitation of what they mean, or even that they are pantomime. While it is true
  38. Very tapered, cone-shaped block of acrylic glass (Plexiglas),the only, transparent ,substance identified which would withstand the pressures needed, at the design
  39. As individual sweets. Other uses Agar is used: * In formicariums as a, transparent ,substitute for sand and a source of nutrition. * By Kan ten Clay Studio as a
  40. And optics, the Abbé number, also known as the V-number or contingency of a, transparent ,material, is a measure of the material's dispersion (variation of refractive
  41. Satellites. Because of its low density and atomic mass, beryllium is relatively, transparent ,to X-rays and other forms of ionizing radiation; therefore, it is the most
  42. Barium fluoride is used for optics in infrared applications, since it is, transparent ,from about 0.15 to 12 micrometers. Precautions Soluble barium compounds are
  43. Popular educational children's toys in the United States. Later versions use, transparent ,gel instead of soil allowing greater visibility. In the early 1990s,the video
  44. Appears greenish to brown or black, and even yellow when weathered. It can be, transparent ,to opaque, has a vitreous to pearly luster, and a graphite streak. When
  45. She had lovely violet-blue eyes; fine pencilled eyebrows and a clear almost, transparent ,complexion. She still pursued her studies and especially her sewing, under the
  46. White things, particularly " alabaster skin ", which means very light and quite, transparent , and no doubt derives from the use of alabaster for tomb effigies. Etymology
  47. Often hilarious lexicon including the monoline (top part missing),seeking (, transparent ,bikini),tanking (tank top, bikini bottom),camping (camisole top and
  48. Say that Armenia's economic cooperation with Russia has been one of the least, transparent ,areas of the Armenian government’s work. The debt arrangements have been
  49. Of privatization and denationalization in Croatia; however, it was far from, transparent , The new government's inefficient and slow legal system, combined with the
  50. Approach also enabled Naomi to make the first transistor on a flexible and, transparent ,substrate. Large structures of carbon nanotubes can be used for thermal

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