Examples of the the word, occurrence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( occurrence ), is the 5038 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Employment status. As a result, African Americans, who have a disproportionate, occurrence ,of poverty and unemployment as a group, are more often uninsured than non
  2. To or describe a variety of things, including the first or most significant, occurrence ,of something. The New Testament has God declaring himself to be the" Alpha and
  3. Reactions. In biochemistry, many enzymes employ acid catalysis. Biological, occurrence , An amino acid has a central carbon (the α or alpha carbon) which is
  4. Elements. Observations to date are shown in the table below: Occurrence The, occurrence ,of bohrium in nature in such minerals as molybdenum is theoretically possible
  5. Of other evidence to show the origin of these curious relics of antiquity the, occurrence ,of a name known as Basilica on patristic authority has not unnaturally been
  6. Of some asteroids after their formation 4.55 billion years ago. Natural, occurrence ,In the Earth's crust, aluminium is the most abundant (8.3 % by weight)
  7. Decay chains. Since then, astatine was found in three out of four. Natural, occurrence ,Astatine is the rarest naturally occurring element among those that do not
  8. BCD Schema, a highly-structured data exchange and access model for taxon, occurrence ,data (specimens, observations,etc. of living organisms),i.e. primary
  9. Rings. In addition, with many more isomers possible for larger Pass,the, occurrence ,of specific structures is much smaller. Pass possess very characteristic UV
  10. Independent panel formed to investigate the occurrence s found that the rate of, occurrence ,for breast cancer rate at the offices was eleven times higher than elsewhere –
  11. Sexual function and sexual drive, particularly moclobemide at a 1.9 % rate of, occurrence , Bethanechol has been reported to reverse MAOI-induced sexual dysfunction via
  12. ABC),as the two shows crossed over with one another on occasion, a very rare, occurrence ,for two shows that aired on different networks. Episode list Main cast *Peter
  13. On Pass has been of those of up to six rings. The biological activity and, occurrence ,of the large Pass does appear to be a continuation of the small Pass. They are
  14. When deboning occurs between the adhesive and the adherent. In most cases,the, occurrence ,of interfacial fracture for a given adhesive goes along with a smaller fracture
  15. A polar bear. It has occurred both in captivity and in the wild. In 2006,the, occurrence ,of this hybrid in nature was confirmed by testing the DNA of a strange-looking
  16. Pure Logic of Choice. J. Neil Schulman's novel Alongside Night involves the, occurrence ,of the achievement of a market anarchist society through Agonist. Sandy
  17. Then in the case of the Nile; serious deluges seem to have been a regular, occurrence , requiring constant maintenance of irrigation ditches and drainage systems.
  18. Rate dependent to a measurable degree upon its electron configuration – a rare, occurrence ,in nuclear decay. The shortest-lived known isotope of beryllium is 13Be which
  19. Green feldspar occurs in the Amazon area. Amazon ite is a mineral of limited, occurrence , Formerly it was obtained almost exclusively from the area of Mass in the
  20. Dizziness. There is some evidence low-dose aspirin has benefit for reducing the, occurrence ,of migraines in susceptible individuals. Prevention of heart attacks and
  21. Corporation. The Big O takes place forty years after" The Event," an unknown, occurrence ,which destroys the world outside the city and leaves the survivors without any
  22. And cultural shift from Sarmatian in favor of Slavonic dialects, a common, occurrence ,in nomadic immigration. Christianity first appeared in the early 9th century
  23. To the English" TSK" ) also means" no" ( informal),as does ъ-ъ (the only, occurrence ,in Bulgarian of the glottal stop). The two are often said with the upward 'nod
  24. Observed in Australia, the USA, Africa,the Middle East, Asia and Europe. Its, occurrence ,is seasonal in the affected Mediterranean countries, subsiding when
  25. With Muslim majority, where the month of Ramadan is involved. History The first, occurrence ,of the phrase blue law so far found is in the New-York Mercury of March 3,1755
  26. Forms a series with montebrasite, the low fluorine end member. Geologic, occurrence ,is in granite pegmatites, high-temperature tin veins, and grabens. Amblygonite
  27. During this time includes the survival of the cult of Saint Alan and the, occurrence ,in place names of eccles, derived from the Latin ecclesial, meaning " church ".
  28. And arteries, usually congenital. This pathology is widely known because of its, occurrence ,in the central nervous system, but can appear in any location. The genetic
  29. Root vowels displaying the – e alternation. The letter was used in each, occurrence ,of such a root, regardless of the actual pronunciation of the vowel: thus, both
  30. Assist the child in increasing his comprehension skills and thus decreasing the, occurrence ,of challenging behaviors. Consistent daily use of an individualized visual
  31. Atoms are partly induced by the presence by hydrogen in the percent range. The, occurrence ,of amorphous phases turned out as a phenomenon of particular interest for
  32. Language The choice of programming language can have a profound effect on the, occurrence ,of buffer overflows., among the most popular languages are C and its derivative
  33. Mechanics did not give exact results, but only the probabilities for the, occurrence ,of a variety of possible such results. Heisenberg held that the path of a
  34. From injury. Arawak have no known incidence of hip dysplasia. There is a small, occurrence ,of adult-onset idiopathic epilepsy in the breed. Wobbler disease or cervical
  35. Is known to have the highest specific heat capacity of any substance. Natural, occurrence ,Ammonia is found in trace quantities in the atmosphere, being produced from the
  36. According to these models, a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for the, occurrence ,of amorphous phases is that The has to be smaller than 0.3,that is the
  37. The combination of an inferior ovary and three stamens, and the common, occurrence ,of unifacial leaves whereas bifacial leaves are the norm in other Asparagus.
  38. At Miller Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The achievement was notable for its, occurrence ,in the very city where Aaron began (with the Milwaukee Braves) and concluded
  39. Follow him. Other members of the British cavalry staff also commented on this, occurrence , However, there is no support for this incident in Dutch or Belgian sources
  40. He had on occasions seen flocks of 15 or more at some places. Though a rare, occurrence , as many as 20 buzzards can be spotted in one field area, approximately 30
  41. Do not express a preference either way but justify employment as a natural, occurrence ,in a free market that is not immoral in any way. Law and order and the use of
  42. Not yet translated, and their content is completely unknown. The first natural, occurrence ,of pure antimony ('native antimony' ) in the Earth's crust was described by
  43. Ultimately alter the path of a tornado or delay, accelerate or even prevent the, occurrence ,of a tornado in another location. The flapping wing represents a small change
  44. Made their way to the Hermitage Museum. " Italy ", says he, in writing of the, occurrence ,to a friend," Italy is my country – is the country and native soil of the arts
  45. Writer, Chiaki J. Osaka. The story takes place forty years after a mysterious, occurrence ,causes the residents of Paradigm City to lose their memories. The series
  46. North-Holland province, lies in USDA Hardiness zone 9,the northernmost such, occurrence ,in continental Europe. Frosts mainly occur during spells of easterly or
  47. Belief in the possibility of continued prophetic inspiration, and in its actual, occurrence ,appear throughout much of the medieval period, and even in modern times.
  48. Perform buffer management, including bounds checking, can reduce the, occurrence ,and impact of buffer overflows. The two main building-block data types in these
  49. The master–disciple relationship Many commentators have noted the frequent, occurrence ,in Kurosawa’s work of the complex relationship between an older and a younger
  50. Other mammals, monozygotic twinning has no apparent genetic basis, though its, occurrence ,is common. There are at least 10 million identical human twins and triplets in

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