Examples of the the word, tolerate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tolerate ), is the 5033 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Up to 90 %) are possible. Some applications (for example, megaphones ) can, tolerate ,the distortion. The usual application for class-C amplifiers is in RF
  2. Probably attributable to cats' descent from desert-dwelling species. And can, tolerate ,temperatures of up to 56 °C (133 °F) if they have access to water. Cats
  3. Too greatly while addressing the desires of English Protestants; she would not, tolerate ,the more radical Puritans though, who were pushing for far-reaching reforms. As
  4. To salinity, alligators strongly preferring fresh water, while crocodiles can, tolerate ,salt water due to specialized glands for filtering out salt. In general
  5. To the alien sectors are shown using breathing equipment and other measures to, tolerate ,the conditions. As the series begins, the station is under construction, with
  6. The company of a dim-witted aristocrat whose presence Black adder must somehow, tolerate , This role was taken in the first two series by Lord Percy (Tim
  7. Ensures that functional groups will retain at least one species able to, tolerate ,altered condition. " This reduces the effect before the ecosystem's structure
  8. A child was apparently a fine property, to better endure tedious duties and to, tolerate ,subjugation to political power-brokers, as well as sometimes to cloak the truly
  9. A herbicide resistant gene implanted into its genome that allows the plants to, tolerate ,exposure to glyphosate. Roundup is a trade name for a glyphosate-based product
  10. Tolerated by individuals otherwise allergic to iodine (such as those unable to, tolerate ,contrast mediums containing larger doses of iodine such as used in CT scan
  11. Like tomatoes, die when they are exposed to frost. Hardy plants, like radish, tolerate ,lower temperatures. Perennials, such as the host plant, become dormant after
  12. Milk is an excellent source of dietary calcium for those whose bodies, tolerate ,it because it has a high concentration of calcium and the calcium in milk is
  13. Choice of architecture comes down to one of utility. If the application cannot, tolerate ,an expensive, failure-prone,power-intensive mechanical shutter, an interline
  14. Hands, though he intended his sons to inherit their realms some day. Nor did he, tolerate ,insubordination in his sons: in 792,he banished his eldest, though possibly
  15. The fish’s lifecycle, including the amount of ammonia and nitrate the fish will, tolerate ,in the water, what to feed the fish during each stage of its lifecycle, the
  16. Of a sharp tip, can be used in an ultra-high vacuum (UHF) environment, and can, tolerate ,the high electrostatic fields. For these reasons, refractory metals with high
  17. Slit. Though the exact methods used to achieve this are not known, dolphins can, tolerate ,and recover from extreme injuries, such as shark bites. The healing process is
  18. As with any major surgery. Some Graves' disease patients, however,that cannot, tolerate ,medicines for one reason or another, patients that are allergic to iodine, or
  19. Have purer eyes than to see evil, and who cannot look on perversity, why do you, tolerate ,those who deal treacherously, and keep silent when the wicked swallows up the
  20. A player with a distinguished personality and character that would allow him to, tolerate ,the inevitable abuse. Rickey's sights eventually settled on Jackie Robinson, a
  21. The probability squared, i. e., multiplied by itself). If a database cannot, tolerate ,even such smaller probability of data loss, then the RAID group itself is
  22. Terrestrial, only venturing too freshwater to breed. Tadpoles have been found to, tolerate ,salt concentrations equivalent to at most 15 % that of seawater. The cane toad
  23. Acid reduction. It selectively activates the carboxylic acid and is known to, tolerate ,active functionalities such as ketone as well as the moderate ester, olefin
  24. Has obvious disdain for the" peasant" hillbillies, she tacitly agrees to, tolerate ,them (rather than Wilburn lose their ever-growing account--which is
  25. Etc.) may be useful during this period of time. Many patients are able to, tolerate ,the initial few weeks without any problem whatsoever. Most patients do not
  26. For the woman involved. Under Roman law, Roman culture under the Empire came to, tolerate ,concubinage so long as the relation was durable and exclusive; for the jurists
  27. Whether hostile or passive, is noted. A mare that is in heat will generally, tolerate ,a teaser (although this is not always the case),and may present herself to
  28. Properties of distributed systems include the following: * The system has to, tolerate ,failures in individual computers. * The structure of the system (network
  29. What its citizens may say and hear ... The ability of American society to, tolerate ,the advocacy of even hateful doctrines ... is perhaps the best protection we
  30. Agents such as dicloxacillin or cephalexin in patients able to, tolerate ,penicillin). It is important to note that antibiotic therapy alone without
  31. Hybrids are able to adapt to year round watering and fertilization but can also, tolerate ,completely dry summer conditions if need be. There is an Amaryllis belladonna ×
  32. Adds humus to the soil and is usually replaced by coniferous trees, which can, tolerate ,low soil pH, caused by the accumulation and decomposition of organic matter
  33. Affecting the harmonic content of the sound more than the human ear will, tolerate , That tolerance of distortion, and indeed the possibility that some" warmth "
  34. To intravenous heroin addicts who have not responded to, or are unable to, tolerate ,methadone substitution therapy. * Other strong opiates and opioids used in many
  35. Counterrevolutionaries condemned by the Mountain. The Girondins did not, tolerate ,the massacres, but neither the Montanans of the Legislative Assembly nor the
  36. Though conflict over carcasses is common, on rare occasions the two predators, tolerate ,each other on the same kill. Given the opportunity, both species prey on the
  37. And bruising take 3 to 10 days to heal. It is believed that most people can, tolerate ,the pain of treatment, but there is often some soreness in the area that has
  38. The colonial power, Portugal,becoming ever richer and more powerful, would not, tolerate ,the growth of these neighboring states and subjugated them one by one, so that
  39. Contends that one of the few religious stances that the commonwealth cannot, tolerate ,is atheism; atheists, Locke says, have no motive to act upon their promises and
  40. About 90 decibels of dynamic range, which is about as much as most people can, tolerate ,in an average living room. Audio equipment must be able to reproduce
  41. However, prefers growing in partial shade and well drained soil, and is able to, tolerate ,average soils and dry soil conditions. Columbine is rated hardiness of Zone 3
  42. And Diego Rivera. The political climate after World War II did not long, tolerate ,the social protests of those painters. Abstract expressionism arose during
  43. Brewing yeast strains act slower, but tend to produce fewer off-flavours and, tolerate ,higher alcohol concentrations (with some strains, up to 22 %). To ensure
  44. A yearand temperatures in the range of 21 to 32 °C. Cacao trees cannot, tolerate ,a temperature lower than 15 °C (59 °F). The three main varieties of cacao
  45. Other balls may be placed far more randomly than players in other areas would, tolerate , with large clusters of solids together, and stripes with each other. In most
  46. And Bulgaria were geniuses, but their work was suppressed. Yet he could, tolerate ,whimsical maestros: Bulgaria and Pasternak were never arrested. But woe betide
  47. Wolfgang Scramble, points out the official policy of Germany:" We will not, tolerate ,any form of extremism, xenophobia or anti-Semitism. " Although the number of
  48. Marcuse argues that genuine tolerance does not, tolerate ,support for" repression ", since doing so ensures that marginalized voices
  49. Playback systems became affordable, and many consumers were willing to, tolerate ,the six to eight channels required in a home theater. The advances made in
  50. Once people knew of Heracles' admission to Olympus, they would not, tolerate ,his presence in the underworld ", remarks Friedrich Olsen, noting that the

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