Examples of the the word, beside , in a Sentence Context

The word ( beside ), is the 5027 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For the government to refer to all divisions of the Kinetic language (s), beside s, Standard Chinese as Feynman (“ regional tongues ”, often translated as "
  2. Believed the continuities of the deepest structures were central to history, beside , which upheavals in institutions or the superstructure of social life were of
  3. Borough of Lambert. He also has lodgings in the Old Palace, Canterbury,located, beside , Canterbury Cathedral, where the Chair of St. Augustine sits. As holder of one
  4. AD) during the Song Dynasty (960–1297 AD),a sampan is clearly seen lying, beside , an account book and doctor's prescriptions on the counter of an apothecary's
  5. Objects from the time of Roman occupation. The ruin of the cavalry fort located, beside , the museum is open to the museum visitors. Every other year, a Roman festival
  6. From Maribor to Berlin in full battle gear. East German police watched from, beside , trees next to the autobahn all the way along. The front of the convoy arrived
  7. Park in downtown Greensburg. His wife Phoebe died shortly after and is buried, beside , him. A portion of The Hermitage, St. Clair's home in Youngstown, Pennsylvania
  8. I shall not be in want. # He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me, beside , quiet waters. # He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for
  9. If the woman ate the rest, she accepted his proposal. If she did not and put it, beside , her,she rejected his proposal. When a man became engaged to a woman or they
  10. Titled Jamaica Inn. The inn that inspired the novel, Jamaica Inn, has stood, beside , the main road through the village since 1547. It is now a tourist attraction in
  11. City hall was built around More Tower in 1515. The upper gate tower stands, beside , the southern gate in the city wall, along the road to Lucerne and Bern. The
  12. And Cheswick in Shetland, Castle Cole in Sutherland). Broths are often built, beside , the sea (Can Lath, Sutherland ); sometimes they are on islands in locks (e.
  13. Emperor summoned the separate armies of his nobles and with the Empress Taste, beside , him,ordered his forces forward. Nexus Take Payment commanded the right wing
  14. Governor" of Liguria and Emilia, with headquarters at Milan, which was then (, beside , Rome ) the second capital in Italy. In 374 the bishop of Milan, Auxentius, an
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch? V=EvYglyjbHkI see video The United Front included, beside , the dominantly Tail forces of Massed and the Uzbek forces of Dos tum, Hazara
  16. Punishes criminals in order to prevent future crimes. It does so by placing ", beside , every possible motive for committing a wrong a more powerful motive for leaving
  17. While his ten-year-old son had a leg torn off by a cannonball as he stood, beside , his father. The most-southerly British ship, Majestic,had become briefly
  18. Golf tourism. Donald Trump is building his new state-of-the-art golf course out, beside , Balmedie. Swimming The City of Aberdeen Swim Team (COAST) is based in
  19. The first U. S. hydrogen bomb, Ivy Mike, ( 1 November 1952,Eniwetok Atoll), beside s, einsteinium,fermium, plutonium and americium also revealed isotopes of
  20. Identified Athena's birthplace, in certain mythological renditions, as being, beside ,Libya's Triton River. Classicist Martin Vernal created the" Black Athena
  21. Genitive: Belem (during),pole/due (according to/along),edge (, beside , ),golem (around),solo (around),do (into),OD (e) (away from),z (
  22. Glasses and without strain. He even tried driving a car along the dirt road, beside , the ranch. He wrote a book about his successes with the Bates Method, The Art
  23. LDS leader Boyd K. Packer stated that the scripture now took its place ", beside , the Old Testament and the New Testament. Raise and Tickle assert that the
  24. Under most circumstances. In Hong Kong, Mandarin is beginning to take its place, beside , English and Cantonese, the other official languages. Linguistics Linguists
  25. Empire upon his death. The inscriptions in Latin featured translations in Greek, beside , it,and were inscribed on many public edifices, such as the temple in Ankara
  26. Had a primarily defensive or even offensive function. Some of them were sited, beside , precipitous cliffs and were protected by large ramparts, artificial or natural:
  27. The Anglo-Saxons were closely related. In 868,Alfred is recorded as fighting, beside , Æthelred in an unsuccessful attempt to keep the invading Danes out of the
  28. Is based just outside Aberdeen, on the Gravestone Estate. This is situated, beside , the roundabout for Aberdeen Airport on the A96. The college provides three
  29. Good viewing point over the southern part of inner city Berlin. Repower Park, beside , the Spree in Trenton has a monument honoring the Soviet soldiers killed in the
  30. Tours and whereas they might: they were in number a twenty thousand men of arms, beside , other; there were twenty-six dukes and earls (Counts) and more than
  31. He asked the soldier accompanying him if he knew the thickness of the wall, beside , them. The embarrassed escort confessed that he didn't and Mackenzie replied,"
  32. Applied to a game, typically played by groups of friends to determine who rides, beside , the driver in a car. Typically, this involves claiming the right to ride
  33. On either bank of the Nile, and a road, four miles (6 km) in length, was cut, beside , them from Scene to While. Sweet was equally important as a military station
  34. Was their President. Karmal's body was buried in the Caravan common graveyard, beside , the grave of his life-long comrade Initial Hassan, who had earlier died in
  35. Wakefield) and subsequently died of cancer. The poet's ashes were buried, beside , or beneath, a boulder to the immediate west of where his childhood home (
  36. Consider sitting in your train and noticing a train originally at rest, beside , you in the railway station pulling away. Initially you think it is your own
  37. In the summer of 2001 a new visitor' center was opened to the public, beside , the Abbey's west front. This red sandstone-clad building, with its distinctive
  38. Was cyanide poisoning. When his body was discovered an apple lay half-eaten, beside , his bed, and although the apple was not tested for cyanide, it is speculated
  39. Lyndon B. Johnson on 5 June, warning that the United States would not stand, beside , Turkey in case of a consequential Soviet invasion of Turkish territory.
  40. Six inches in front of the face at eye level. The rear (right) fist is held, beside , the chin and the elbow tucked against the rib cage to protect the body. The chin
  41. Service using the stage for transportation of bullion or cash, would sit, beside , the driver, carrying a short shotgun (or occasionally rifle),to provide an
  42. Lower house to have had a designated table was Cave, in the northwest corner, beside , the alumni table. (Note that prior to the 1995 renovations, some of these
  43. Out and moved again to Canaan. He continued life as a nomad. He was buried, beside , his wife Sarah in the Cave of Michaela, in what is now Hebron, Israel. Beyond
  44. And by all reverenced;: There Plato too I saw, and Socrates, : Who stood, beside , him closer than the rest. Influence on Islamic theologians Aristotle was one of
  45. Top and bikini bottom) and hiking. Since fashions of different centuries exist, beside , one another in early 21st century, though it is possible to imagine a woman
  46. Virtues and its faults, will make its way in the memory of the lettered public, beside , the best poems of V. Hugo, Th. Gautier and even Byron. " Baudelaire, his
  47. Whale in the world. There one can also find the skeleton of the whale mounted, beside , the whale. The Melbourne Museum features a skeleton of the pygmy blue whale.
  48. Talking. Charles Piaget, a skilled worker at the LIP factory, recalled that, beside , being prohibited from speaking, the semi-skilled workers had only 25
  49. His birth, Apollo killed the Catholic dragon Python, which lived in Delphi, beside , the Castilian Spring. This was the spring which emitted vapors that caused the
  50. Camulodunum. Bodice exhorted her troops from her chariot, her daughters, beside , her. Tacitus gives her a short speech in which she presents herself not as an

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