Examples of the the word, efficiently , in a Sentence Context

The word ( efficiently ), is the 5037 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is extremely slow for large sample sizes. One way to select a k-combination, efficiently ,from a population of size n is to iterate across each element of the population
  2. Algorithms is an ongoing area of progress. However, no current such methods can, efficiently ,solve all SAT instances. Basic definitions, terminology and applications In
  3. Groups of three BCD-encoded digits to and from 10-bit values that can be, efficiently ,encoded in hardware with only 2 or 3 gate delays. Densely Packed Decimal is a
  4. The central planners would not know how to allocate the available resources, efficiently , Mises's declaration has been criticized as overstating the strength of his
  5. Of sums of values in rectangular domains. For example, it can be used to, efficiently ,calculate sums of rectangular domains in images, in order to rapidly extract
  6. Us. The main copper mineral chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) is not leached very, efficiently , which is why the dominant copper producing technology remains flotation
  7. Of a particular suit, and because the limited bidding space can be used more, efficiently ,by taking situations in which a given call will have less utility, because the
  8. Routes. Through computers, new airfares can be published quickly and, efficiently ,to the airlines' sales channels. For this purpose the airlines use the Airline
  9. A Christocentric life on earth) and administrative (how to run a monastery, efficiently ,). More than half the chapters describe how to be obedient and humble, and what
  10. Programmers still scoffed at its use, VB met the needs of small businesses, efficiently ,wherever processing speed was less of a concern than easy development. By that
  11. The troops of Plumer's Second Army were able to achieve their objectives, efficiently ,and without unnecessary casualties. Montgomery served at the battles of the Lies
  12. Can generate hydrogen and oxygen when power is available, and combine these, efficiently ,when power is needed. Earth batteries tap electric currents in the earth called
  13. NP-complete problem. That briefly means that there is no known algorithm that, efficiently ,solves all instances of SAT, and it is generally believed (but not proven, see
  14. Gradients. Reinforcement Concrete is strong in compression, as the aggregate, efficiently ,carries the compression load. However, it is weak in tension as the cement
  15. And perhaps America's most important financial deal maker. He had observed how, efficiently ,Carnegie produced profit. He envisioned an integrated steel industry that would
  16. Code, since eight bits (octets) would allow two four-bit patterns to, efficiently ,encode two digits with binary coded decimal. However, it would require all data
  17. This gives language implementers immense freedom to schedule operations as, efficiently ,as possible. As computer innovations such as cache memory, and SIMS execution
  18. In drier years may decrease the efficiency of the HVAC system. Solar stills can, efficiently ,produce drinking water from ditch water or cistern water, especially
  19. Fossil fuels. Since energy can be added to and removed from flywheels very, efficiently ,in the form of electricity, this might offer a way of storing electricity
  20. And effectively provided by market prices, socialism lacks a method to, efficiently ,allocate resources over an extended period of time in any market where the
  21. Standards for the Romanization of Arabic,i.e. methods of accurately and, efficiently ,representing Arabic with the Latin script. There are various conflicting
  22. As the price mechanism co-ordinates supply and investment decisions most, efficiently , Without the information efficiently and effectively provided by market prices
  23. As x86 and x86-64,optimize Instruction scheduling to exploit the CPU pipeline, efficiently , Number of passes There are two types of assemblers based on how many passes
  24. That would manifest as magnetic monopolies. These objects would be produced, efficiently ,in the hot early Universe, resulting in a density much higher than is
  25. Its costs become too high. The profit motive encourages firms to operate more, efficiently , By using fewer materials, labour or capital, a firm can cut its production
  26. This rare isotope has potential applications in radiation therapy and is most, efficiently ,produced by bombarding a radium-226 target with 20–30 MeV deuterium ions. This
  27. By rain and ultraviolet radiation from sunlight, while retaining the ability to, efficiently ,infect the human lung. There are other technological difficulties as well
  28. In the urea cycle to urea, because it is less toxic and can be stored more, efficiently , In birds, reptiles,and terrestrial snails, metabolic ammonium is converted
  29. Became much more powerful and could now batter strongholds and fortresses quite, efficiently , The English, French,and Burgundians all advanced in military technology, and
  30. This necessitated the addition of gearing, effected in a variety of ways, to, efficiently , use the power available. However, having to both pedal and steer via the front
  31. Wherever it comes from. " He said government spectrum probably was not, efficiently ,used and would" likely" be" repurposed ", while other broadcast and
  32. By inhalation, although in practice it would be impossible to distribute it so, efficiently , and, unless it is protected from oxygen, it deteriorates in storage. On
  33. The fundamental question underlying all computing is" What can be (, efficiently ,) automated? " Computing Curricula 2005 also recognizes
  34. Allegedly caused by insufficient cooling and inability to dissipate the heat, efficiently , To address the heat problem, later Apple III's were fitted with heat sinks.
  35. 1/256 of a turn. The binary degree is used in computing so that an angle can be, efficiently ,represented in a single byte (albeit to limited precision). Other measures of
  36. Transformed into instances of SAT. A class of algorithms called SAT solvers can, efficiently ,solve a large enough subset of SAT instances to be useful in various practical
  37. A dimension of spacetime can only expand if the strings that wind around it can, efficiently ,annihilate each other. Each string is a one-dimensional object, and the largest
  38. Primarily at the business world. The machines were designed to execute COBOL, efficiently , This included a BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) based arithmetic unit, storing
  39. Factors, having little or nothing to do with the ability of the computer to, efficiently ,compile and execute the code, contribute to readability. Some of these factors
  40. Overhead between the processors. Sorting algorithms can be parallelized, efficiently , but their communication overhead is expensive. Iterative algorithms are
  41. 4 (GPX4)-deficient cells from cell death. GPx4 is the only known enzyme that, efficiently ,reduces lipid-hydroperoxides within biological membranes. However, the roles
  42. Supply and investment decisions most efficiently . Without the information, efficiently ,and effectively provided by market prices, socialism lacks a method to
  43. Separately, will spontaneously assemble with the tails. The DNA is packed, efficiently ,within the heads. The whole process takes about 15 minutes. Release of virions
  44. Are easier to learn and allow the programmer to develop applications much more, efficiently ,and with less source code. However, high-level languages are still impractical
  45. Areas which are tackled by the Bank to ensure it carries out these functions, efficiently ,:; Monetary stability: Stable prices and confidence in the currency are the two
  46. In climate stable. The HVAC system should be up-to-date and functioning, efficiently , Light is detrimental to collections. Therefore, care should be given to the
  47. Be disabled in the interest of runtime efficiency, but can often be compiled, efficiently , It also includes facilities to help program verification. For these reasons
  48. With findings showing that tocopherol, but not water-soluble antioxidants, efficiently ,protects glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPX4)-deficient cells from cell death. GPx4
  49. Migraines. Bay leaf has also been shown to help the body process insulin more, efficiently , which leads to lower blood sugar levels. It has also been used to reduce the
  50. With Kurosawa determined to show he was still capable of working quickly and, efficiently ,within a limited budget. For his first work in color, the dynamic editing and

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