Examples of the the word, empower , in a Sentence Context

The word ( empower ), is the 4399 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A great effect of not improving the social and economic development. It is to, empower ,women and decrease the level of inequality between men and women. Spirituality
  2. Such as http://www.paradoxsports.org Paradox Sports, have arisen to help, empower ,and inspire disabled people through equipping and welcoming them into the
  3. Sciences, and arts are the tools to help improve the world. Those tools, empower ,the people who sincerely want to see a more just world. Famous Quotations:: "
  4. Leaders began to speak of an experience available to all Christians which would, empower ,believers to evangelize the world, often termed baptism with the Holy Spirit.
  5. Liberals advocated policies to increase liberty and prosperity. They sought to, empower ,the commercial class politically and to abolish royal charters, monopolies,and
  6. See list below. There are important exceptions to this principle, which, empower , the pose (decision) or Beth din (court) responsible for a given opinion.
  7. After salvation whereby the Holy Spirit comes upon the believer to anoint and, empower ,him or her for special service. It has also been described as" a baptism into
  8. Family investments in education and health. Fundamentally, all lending seeks to, empower ,the MD’s clients, and in this respect particularly targets women and youth, as
  9. Would have forbidden any attempt to subsequently amend the Constitution to, empower ,the federal government to" abolish or interfere" with the" domestic
  10. The Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT, and, empower , technology developers to make complex spatial information and services
  11. Opposed Western political involvement in the Arab world. It also sought to, empower ,Arab states from outside forces by forming alliances and, to a lesser extent
  12. Important task is to recruit and hire very creative people with big ideas, and, empower , them. * Acceptance of failure: DARPA pursues breakthrough opportunities and is
  13. Authority (SMED) is planning to set up an organization of artisans to, empower ,the community. SMED is also publishing a directory of the artisans so that
  14. It is a critical component for a representative government to have in order to, empower ,debate over public policy. Connection to feminism Mill saw women’s issues as
  15. Or etchings. Runes often refer to placing the image on an object or person to, empower ,it, whereas the magic in a glyph lies dormant and is only triggered when the
  16. Affecting their communities. Collaborative planning is a method designed to, empower ,stakeholders by elevating them to the level of decision-makers through direct
  17. Favored democratic workers' councils and workers' self-management intended to, empower ,every individual equally and prevent anyone from centralizing power. Anarchism
  18. Launched the World Wide Web Foundation in order to" Advance the Web to, empower ,humanity by launching transformative programs that build local capacity to
  19. Anti-apartheid movement. While living, his writings and activism attempted to, empower ,black people, and he was famous for his slogan" black is beautiful ", which he
  20. In the United States. PEACE/US projects include PEACE, an initiative to, empower ,teachers, youth,and families with the skills and knowledge necessary to
  21. Hate crimes are discussed, as well as technologies that can protect or, empower ,targets of hate speech. A list of commenters is appended. 285 footnotes In
  22. 3) nonprofit. RYE is a nonprofit created by bridged Rulers whose goals are to, empower ,and fund the youth and help network between youth of different districts as
  23. To be able to provide training for the people of Nice. The next phase is to, empower ,the people of Nice to take advantage and benefit from the opportunities
  24. Mariana Islands, American Samoa, the U. S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico all, empower ,the executive to appoint their judges. In the case of American Samoa, however
  25. Approval for individuals prior to their assumption of cabinet office and, empower ,the legislature to remove a president from office (for example, in the United
  26. States Environmental Protection Agency issues fish consumption advisories to, empower ,Americans to avoid toxic mercury levels in certain fish and shellfish while
  27. A moral person (as opposed to a natural person). Corporate statutes typically, empower ,corporations to own property, sign binding contracts, and pay taxes in a
  28. And Frank Miller's towards comic book history ... which does not ennoble and, empower ,his characters ... Rather, it sends a wave of disruption back through superhero
  29. John P. Potter: Increase urgency, get the vision right, communicate the buy-in, empower ,action, create short-term wins,don't let up, and make change stick. Policies
  30. A meeting of clergy and lawyers advised that the English Parliament could not, empower ,the Archbishop of Canterbury to act against the Pope's prohibition. In
  31. Of Governor General of Canada; they state:" And We do hereby authorize and, empower ,Our Governor General, with the advice of Our Privy Council for Canada or of any
  32. Love and solidarity between all nations, and believed that Kabbalah can, empower ,everyone, Jews and Gentiles alike, with prophetic abilities. The works of
  33. Of Crone, Marle, and Lucca once more. They reveal that Belthasar's plan was to, empower ,Serge to free Scala from melding with Laos, lest they evolve into the" Time
  34. And http://www.gardencitylions.org/ Ghana-Lions ONUST. Campus Lions Clubs, empower ,their members to create meaningful change in their communities while developing
  35. Though government should not seek to replace local communities, it may need to, empower ,them by strategies of support, including revenue-sharing and technical
  36. The Mexican-American War. Simultaneous movements like the Young Lords, to, empower , youth,question patriarchy, democratize the Church, end police brutality, and
  37. Of Earl Cornwallis that the powers of the Governor-General be enlarged to, empower ,him, in special cases, to override the majority of his Council and act on his
  38. Less formal efforts, called community building or community organizing, seek to, empower ,individuals and groups of people by providing them with the skills they need to
  39. Others. This" selfish" enjoyment of God's blessings but only in order to, empower ,oneself to assist others, is an important aspect of" Restriction ", and is
  40. This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness) where demonic forces, empower ,practitioners of New Age groups while Christians engage in spiritual warfare
  41. Is a member of the United Nations Development Group. Goal IFAD's goal is to, empower ,http://www.ifad.org/story/index.htm poor rural women and men in developing
  42. The Seventeenth Amendment, which states that" the legislature of any State may, empower ,the executive thereof to make temporary appointments "; the amendment only
  43. A student leader, he later founded the Black Consciousness Movement which would, empower ,and mobilize much of the urban black population. Since his death in police
  44. Achilles is one of those brought to life. * Achilles is one of the beings who, empower ,DC Comics hero Captain Marvel, giving him courage and later invulnerability. *
  45. Of the Eastern Roman Empire. Sources As the emperor who used Christianity to, empower ,his government throughout the Roman Empire and moved the capital to the banks
  46. With Sarah Ashikaga and Murray Silverstein) a" pattern language" designed to, empower ,anyone to design and build at any scale. Alexander is often overlooked by texts
  47. With God. In order for humans to even want to be able to choose, God must, empower ,their will (so that they may choose Christ) which he does by means of
  48. Of the educational experience at Seattle University, which strives to ", empower ,leaders for a just and humane world. " Each year students, faculty and staff
  49. The Senate Chamber, in the presence of the members of both Houses ... an Act to, empower ,the delegates of this state in Congress to subscribe and ratify the articles of
  50. Are in a position to elect themselves. " A conquest of Ethiopia could also, empower ,the cause of fascism and embolden its rhetoric of empire. Mobilization

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