Examples of the the word, threshold , in a Sentence Context

The word ( threshold ), is the 19490 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Legislation, a second round was required since he received less than the 50 %, threshold ,of votes. In the run-off elections on 20 June 2010 against the second most
  2. Then 5 % of the value of the crops they were provided for, which is the WTO, threshold , Consequently, Canada used only $848.2 million of its $4.3 billion subsidy
  3. And call to mind when things are either not going as planned or have crossed a, threshold ,one cannot handle. The most common used form of safe words are" green ","
  4. And about a third of the population was living below the international poverty, threshold ,of US$1.25 a day in 2009. Since the late 1980s,Cameroon has been following
  5. A portion of the central crater floor may sometimes be flat. Above a certain, threshold ,size, which varies with planetary gravity, the collapse and modification of the
  6. Cannot be formally proved, if the string's complexity is above a certain, threshold , The precise formalization is as follows. First fix a particular axiomatic
  7. Point in time, the value of the signal must be above or below some discrete, threshold , For example, in sound recording, fluctuations in air pressure (that is to say
  8. Greek. In the period that followed the invention of the alphabet and up to the, threshold ,of the modern era, Grabar (Classical Armenian) lived on. An effort to
  9. The Lord," he only would come to his grave in peace. As his mother crossed the, threshold ,of the door on her return, the youth died, and " all Israel mourned for him. "
  10. Elected for a four-year term by proportional representation with a 5 % election, threshold , There are 14 voting districts identical to the country's administrative
  11. Of benzodiazepines, those having ingested a substance that lowers the seizure, threshold ,or may cause an arrhythmia, and in those with abnormal vital signs. One study
  12. With the outside world can be enough to warm them past the condensation, threshold , eliminating their interesting properties and forming a normal gas. It is
  13. Sold worldwide,3,654 in the United States. In 2007 the 10,000 cars-per-year, threshold ,was broken for the first time with sales of 10,014. For 2007,a record profit
  14. The early 1990s. Varying standards It is not clear where on the BMI scale the, threshold ,for“ overweight” and“ obese” should be set. Because of this the standards
  15. Proportional representation. In addition, the Bundestag has a minimum, threshold ,of either 5 % of the national party vote or three (directly elected)
  16. Civil service wage bill, and an external debt that is far above the HIP, threshold , Membership in the franc zone, the main anchor of stability, has nevertheless
  17. License, license of freely available on Debian and Gentoo () Other *Poverty, threshold , the section of people who can fulfil their minimum basic needs *Acute
  18. The 55 member central banks of the Bank for International Settlements,the, threshold ,is 8 % (see the Basel Capital Accords) of risk-adjusted assets, whereby
  19. Liability is calculated by halving the amount of income that exceeds the, threshold , If the bankrupt fails to pay the contributions due, the Trustee can issue a
  20. Short of London Heathrow Airport's runway 27L,and slid onto the runway's, threshold , This resulted in damage to the landing gear, the wing roots, and the engines
  21. Disorder can experience a series of stressful events, each of which lowers the, threshold ,at which mood changes occur. Eventually, a mood episode can start (and become
  22. That brings the wire up to a specified resistance and then stops until a, threshold ," floor" is reached, at which time the pulse is sent again. Hot-wire
  23. That uses the 1 opening bid for all or almost all strong hands (but sets the, threshold ,for" strong" rather lower than most other systems — usually 16 high cards
  24. Then reserve requirements in preventing indefinite lending: when at the, threshold , a bank cannot extend another loan without acquiring further capital on its
  25. Examples include: ** sameness judgments for colors, tones,textures, etc. **, threshold ,differences for colors, tones,textures, etc. * Eye tracking. This methodology
  26. Range of frequencies in which the signal's spectral density is above a certain, threshold ,relative to its maximum. Most commonly, bandwidth refers to the 3-dB bandwidth
  27. About the magnitude of this effect: about whether it is just on the, threshold ,of detectability or completely undetectable. Hybrid inflation Another kind of
  28. In test using varying concentrations of chemical, indicating that there is no, threshold ,concentration for mutagenesis, therefore suggesting that there may be no safe
  29. Because caesium-based cathodes such as the intermetallic compound have low, threshold ,voltage for emission of electrons. The range of photoemission devices using
  30. Concentration for mutagenesis, therefore suggesting that there may be no safe, threshold ,for carcinogens. However, some proposed that low level of some mutagens may
  31. As the basis for his work. Middle Aramaic The 3rd century CE is taken as the, threshold ,between Old and Middle Aramaic. During that century, the nature of the various
  32. That acts as a warning of potentially dangerous exposure. The average odor, threshold ,is 5 ppm, well below any danger or damage. Exposure to very high concentrations
  33. To treat diseases with deficient cell death, and to increase the apoptotic, threshold ,to treat diseases involved with excessive cell death. To stimulate apoptosis
  34. Towns can become cities after they reach a population of 5,000 people, but the, threshold ,is 10,000 in Alberta, New Brunswick, and Ontario. In Manitoba, an urban
  35. Least 1500 n. m. and the initially proposed rocket would have just reached that, threshold , De Mainland won the contract to build the missile, which was to be powered by
  36. For fiscal year 2006,making it one of only two countries eligible for, threshold ,as well as compact funding. The Government of Burkina Faso is working closely
  37. At various trial settings. If the match count for a setting was above a certain, threshold , it would be sent as output to an electric typewriter. The Colossus was used to
  38. Still substantially impairing, however,except for hypomania (below or above, threshold ,) which was associated with improved functioning. Another study confirmed the
  39. Will have to pay income contributions if his or her income is above a certain, threshold , The threshold is indexed biannually in March and September, and varies
  40. The obese category (a BMI of 30 or more). There are differing opinions on the, threshold ,for being underweight in females; doctors quote anything from 18.5 to 20 as
  41. The Kentucky Resolutions, Jefferson warned that," unless arrested at the, threshold ," the Alien and Sedition Acts would" necessarily drive these states into
  42. According to Rosenbaum," Rothko, like Friedrich and Turner, places us on the, threshold ,of those shapeless infinities discussed by the aestheticians of the Sublime.
  43. Threshold for bipolar I) and 0.5 a hypomanic episode (the diagnostic, threshold ,for bipolar II or cyclothymic). Including sub- threshold diagnostic criteria
  44. Range in which the signal's spectral density is nonzero or above a small, threshold ,value. That definition is used in calculations of the lowest sampling rate that
  45. High temperature (mean particle energy greater than the pair production, threshold ,). During the period of baryogenesis, when the universe was extremely hot and
  46. Of many antipsychotics is that they tend to lower an individual's seizure, threshold , Chlorpromazine and clozapine, in particular, have a relatively high
  47. Pay income contributions if his or her income is above a certain threshold . The, threshold ,is indexed biannually in March and September, and varies according to the
  48. That 0.8 percent experience a manic episode at least once (the diagnostic, threshold ,for bipolar I) and 0.5 a hypomanic episode (the diagnostic threshold for
  49. Healthy" to" overweight ". It also recommends lowering the normal/overweight, threshold ,for South East Asian body types to around BMI 23,and expects further revisions
  50. To the human ear. The smallest sound that a person can hear, known as the, threshold ,of hearing, is nine orders of magnitude smaller than the ambient pressure. The

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