Examples of the the word, sufficiently , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sufficiently ), is the 4398 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Lavoisier was the first to state, In any event, the Traits elementary was, sufficiently ,sound to convince the next generation. Legacy Lavoisier's fundamental
  2. Stage was not tracked after it was jettisoned, and the lunar gravity field is, sufficiently ,non-uniform to make the orbit of the spacecraft unpredictable after a short
  3. On adiabatic heating during their compression stroke to elevate the temperature, sufficiently ,to ignite the fuel. Adiabatic heating also occurs in the Earth's atmosphere
  4. For a stream of electrons to be emitted from a sharp needle when subjected to a, sufficiently ,high electric field (~3-6 V/nm). The needle is oriented towards a phosphor
  5. Spent both Christmas and Easter at Aquas villa ("" ), which must have been, sufficiently ,equipped to support the royal household for several months. In the year of his
  6. Species formation during evaporation may cause two or more species to have, sufficiently ,close time-of-flights to make definitive identification impossible. History
  7. Occasionally attempted strikes, which routinely failed when their jobs were, sufficiently ,threatened. In general, the strict rules of baseball contracts and the reserve
  8. To vote on whether to allow alcohol sales on Sundays. Cities and counties of, sufficiently ,large populations such as most of Metro Atlanta already have Sunday alcohol
  9. And assessing where the vessel ends up. The ship will seek a location which is, sufficiently ,protected; has suitable holding ground, enough depth at low tide and enough
  10. Because conscious life, in some sense, needed to exist. On the other hand, in a, sufficiently ,large universe, some worlds might evolve conscious life regardless of adverse
  11. A decisive setback, when in 1931 Gödel showed that it is possible, for any, sufficiently ,large set of axioms (Peano's axioms, for example) to construct a statement
  12. In other words, anything that a digital computer can do, can be done by a, sufficiently ,large network of neurons. Their proof, however,depended on a complete absence
  13. At least in part, by conflict with the local Anglican clergy. Charlotte was, sufficiently ,concerned about Anne's illness to notify Patrick Bronte, and to take Anne home
  14. Results are refuted by AC itself). ZF + DC + AD is consistent provided that a, sufficiently ,strong large cardinal axiom is consistent (the existence of infinitely many
  15. Using sines and cosines, a wavefront may be perfectly represented by a, sufficiently ,large number of higher-order Bernie polynomials. However, wavefronts with very
  16. Such usage is slightly more descriptive than" American ", but also not, sufficiently ,specific to the United States of America, since it would be equally applicable
  17. Time, and can be missed in weak samples, or sample that have not been run for a, sufficiently ,long time. Mass spectrometry Alkanes have a high ionization energy, and the
  18. Shielded with skirts of plastic insulation. The thermal mass of this system is, sufficiently ,inexpensive and large that it can store enough summer heat to warm a building
  19. State, though alloys of it with other metal line substances have been procured, sufficiently ,distinct to indicate the probable nature of alumina. " But the same year, an
  20. Not physical constants and vary from sample to sample. Nevertheless, they are, sufficiently ,constant in" normal" samples to be of fundamental importance in chemistry.
  21. Needed. In particular, argon is the cheapest alternative when nitrogen is not, sufficiently ,inert. *The electronic properties (ionization and/or the emission spectrum)
  22. More worldwide – have sued GSK. Most of these people feel they were not, sufficiently ,warned in advance of the drug's side effects and addictive properties.
  23. Quite similar in style to the biblical book of Proverbs. Achaemenid Aramaic is, sufficiently ,uniform that it is often difficult to know where any particular example of the
  24. Occur when an atom bonded at the surface of a material is in the presence of a, sufficiently ,high and appropriately directed electric field, where the electric field is the
  25. And distances are continually altered until the errors of the image become, sufficiently ,small. By this method only certain errors of reproduction are investigated
  26. In the atomic mass computed by time-of-flight methods in atom probe is, sufficiently ,small to allow for detection of individual isotopes within a material this
  27. Atoms, carbon and silicon, are known to serve as the backbones of molecules, sufficiently ,large to carry biological information. As the structural basis for life, one of
  28. To B (n, p ) of the binomial distribution if n is sufficiently large and p is, sufficiently ,small. According to two rules of thumb, this approximation is good if n ≥ 20
  29. Probability for a tie between the expected winner and expected runner-up is, sufficiently ,large compared to the other pivot probabilities. *Vote for the most preferred
  30. Be used as an approximation to B (n, p ) of the binomial distribution if n is, sufficiently ,large and p is sufficiently small. According to two rules of thumb, this
  31. To the constraints of the model and provided the number of other voters is, sufficiently ,large. An optimal approval vote will always vote for the most preferred
  32. Being commissioned being David Hampton). His first play, The Square Cat, was, sufficiently , popular locally to secure further commissions, but neither this nor the
  33. Stored under high pressure or at low temperature. Its heat of vaporization is, sufficiently ,high so that NH3 can be readily handled in ordinary beakers, in a fume hood (
  34. Most destructive tornadoes in U. S. history have struck the state. While being, sufficiently ,away from the coast to be safe from a direct hit from a hurricane, Arkansas can
  35. Premièring at the Victoria Theatre. This was the first play that Cockburn was, sufficiently ,happy with to allow performances today, and the first play to receive a West
  36. Analog computers practical, and before digital computers had developed, sufficiently , they were commonly used in science and industry. Analog computers can have a
  37. All values of w, a ' tan w'/a tan w must also be constant. If the ratio a'/a be, sufficiently ,constant, as is often the case, the above relation reduces to the condition of
  38. From country to country. Jurisdictions where alternative medical practices are, sufficiently ,widespread may license and regulate them. Edward Ernst has said that in Austria
  39. Artificial production Antiparticles are also produced in any environment with a, sufficiently ,high temperature (mean particle energy greater than the pair production
  40. Entrenched on the banks of the Nile. This, as irrigation had not yet matured, sufficiently , About this time, agriculture was developed independently in the Far East, with
  41. Are generated in the atomization stage, when the matrix could not be removed, sufficiently ,in the pyrolysis stage. All these phenomena, molecular absorption and radiation
  42. Are shorter and playing the guard positions. However, with good timing and a, sufficiently ,high vertical leap, even shorter players can be effective shot blockers. Height
  43. Him from service in the First World War. Once his eyesight recovered, sufficiently , he was able to study English literature at Balliol College, Oxford. In 1916, he
  44. But the taxes collected from traders and merchants added to his coffers, sufficiently ,to fund his continuous wars. According to the poet Saudi Shiraz: Asian
  45. CPM) notes that" its definition applies only within a spatial extent, sufficiently ,small that the effects of the non-uniformity of the gravitational field can be
  46. Close to those now accepted for this system. All future positions are now, sufficiently ,accurate for visual observers to determine the relative places of the stars
  47. Similar to Snell's law of sines, however Alien did not develop his model, sufficiently ,to attain that result. Alien also gave the first clear description and
  48. Peninsula. Saxon raids on the southern and eastern shores of England had been, sufficiently ,alarming by the late 3rd century for the Romans to build the Saxon Shore forts
  49. By humans, could be expected to be meaningful to users, and also could be, sufficiently ,long enough to minimize the chance of conflicts. Note that, because a name
  50. If a map has no fixed points then convolution it with a smooth function of, sufficiently ,small support produced a smooth function with no fixed points. As in the proof

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