Examples of the the word, aspire , in a Sentence Context
The word ( aspire ), is the 8668 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Assembly meetings, saying " I will not aspire to nor accept—I repeat I will not, aspire ,to or accept—the post of President of the Council of State and Commander in
- State's roster also drew him to the program. Johnson did not initially, aspire ,to play professionally, focusing instead on his communication studies major and
- This philosophy, true creation is the exclusive province of God, and those who, aspire ,to creation can only make echoes (good) or mockeries (evil) of truth. The
- Of Building (1979) described the perfection of use to which buildings could, aspire ,: A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings,Construction (1977) described a
- Russia. His role was presented as a model for all Ukrainians to follow — to, aspire ,for closer ties with Great Russia. This view was expressed in a monument
- Its supposed fundamental importance to life can be seen in words such as, aspire , inspire, perspire and spirit, all derived from the Latin spiral. Greek and
- Are elevated in court as the model-type memorial that all officials should, aspire ,to create while writing their own. Births ** Richard of Conisburgh,3rd Earl of
- And" what has happened once can happen again ... sooner or later those who, aspire ,to govern ... will have to listen ". In December 1991 Powell claimed that "
- We do not care to dominate alien peoples, white or colored; we do not, aspire ,to be the Romans of tomorrow or the" masters of the world. " The idealism of
- Pernambuco to Portuguese control. Both the English and the Dutch continued to, aspire ,to dominate both the Atlantic slave trade and the spice trade with the Far East
- TASF's stated mission is to" provide training and support for students who, aspire ,to enhance their creative talents. " The TASK sponsors essay contests, charity
- Since the title of martyr is the highest title to which a Christian can, aspire , this tendency is natural ". Estimates of Christians killed for religious
- That of cultivating the idea of beauty in their own persons ... The dandy must, aspire ,to be sublime without interruption; he must live and sleep before a mirror. "
- And the Group, who has studied online behavior for 20 years". Trolls, aspire ,to violence, to the level of trouble they can cause in an environment. They
- The Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will, aspire ,to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in the" Protocols of
- The name was both meant as a reference to the various factions in the game who, aspire ,to god-like powers, as well as a dig at the typical video game plot, which
- Any magic, helping Buffy track three geeks called The Trio who grandiosely, aspire ,to be super villains. Immediately following a reconciliation with Tara, Warren (
- Chief at the February 24, 2008 National Assembly meetings, saying " I will not, aspire ,to nor accept—I repeat I will not aspire to or accept—the post of President of
- Speculate in volatile assets such as foreign currencies and commodities, and, aspire , to accumulate capital gains based on future price movements. The hedge fund
- Element to them. Competition In competitive bodybuilding, bodybuilders, aspire , to develop and maintain an aesthetically pleasing body and balanced physique.
- Chief at the 24 February 2008 National Assembly meetings, saying " I will not, aspire ,nor accept—I repeat I will not aspire or accept—the post of President of the
- The empty chair of state, that the ambitious, the murderer, the tyrant, may not, aspire ,to it; in short, who approves the name of a King, when it excludes the essence.
- And attributes of God: Sikhs are not required to renounce the world. They, aspire ,to live the life of a householder. Sea (selfless service) is an integral
- Those compiled by the academies of Italy and France, for the use of such as, aspire ,to exactness of criticism, or elegance of style ". Although a smaller edition
- And unknown that many barely know either its name or its shape, not those who, aspire ,to being Satirists, as they have no need of it, nor do the Germans, not even
- System of education, Talleyrand had written: Let us bring up women, not to, aspire ,to advantages which the Constitution denies them, but to know and appreciate
- One of the highest and most important positions the lay Christian Scientist can, aspire , too. Churches also hold a one-hour Wednesday evening testimony meeting, with
- On the instrument and performing in children's or youth orchestras. Teens who, aspire ,to becoming professional classical bassists can continue their studies in a
- Standard of Points to establish and agree the ideal to which breeders should, aspire , The Irish wolfhound is sometimes regarded as the national dog breed of Ireland
- In amateur big bands at high schools or run by the community. Young adults who, aspire ,to becoming professional jazz bassists or studio rock bassists can continue
- Or another. The Zionist plan is limitless. After Palestine, the Zionists, aspire ,to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the
- Beyond the appearance and conformation of a specific type of horse, breeders, aspire , to improve physical performance abilities. This concept, known as matching "
- Of our own will to change ". In this factor, the practitioner should constantly, aspire ,to rid themselves of whatever qualities they know to be wrong and immoral.
- Is a fan of the film, frequently considering it a model to which similar films, aspire ,.; American Film Institute Lists **"Hello. My name is Iñigo Montoya. You killed
- Is seen to love humanity, and it is seen as the kind of love that Christians, aspire ,to have for one another. * While: Also used in the New Testament, phileo is a
- Strange love. He told them" What this movie was in the '60s,is what we should, aspire ,to with this film. " Moore had previously written Kubrick a letter telling him
- Assembly meetings, saying " I will not aspire nor accept—I repeat I will not, aspire ,or accept—the post of President of the Council of State and Commander in Chief.
- Universal, setting a high moral standard for which the American republic should, aspire , " I had thought the Declaration contemplated the progressive improvement in
- The cabinet the only organ of government where individual legislators can, aspire ,to influence the decisions of the government. Most senior policy will be made
- Liberal formulation, that " revelation is not sealed. " Unitarian Universalist's, aspire ,to truth as wide as the world – we look to find truth anywhere, universally. In
- Are spoken by the majority. Lucas and Koalas are major ethnic groups which, aspire ,to form separate states. Education As per the 2001 census, Karnataka had a
- A fixed class of people; a minority group or groups. Those using this approach, aspire ,to liberal political goals of freedom and equal opportunity, and aim to join
- Marine officer candidates, was renamed the Hamilton Society for" students who, aspire ,to serve their nation through the military in the tradition of Alexander
- Develop the Right View, Right Knowledge and Right Conduct. Just like one cannot, aspire ,to become a doctor or lawyer or engineer without going through the development
- Wesley wrote:: Where shall my wondering soul begin?: How shall I all to heaven, aspire ,?: A slave redeemed from death and sin, : A brand plucked from eternal fire, : How
- Argued that the Treaty gave" not the ultimate freedom that all nations, aspire ,to and develop, but the freedom to achieve it ". At the start of the war, the
- Liberty. For who durst set himself in opposition to the crown and ministry, or, aspire , to the character of being a patron of freedom, while exposed to so arbitrary a
- Showed that the Ethiopian soldiers are esteemed as excellent soldiers and many, aspire ,to be recruited to combat units. Hardin Men in the Hard community may choose
- Ireland to remain part of the United Kingdom. Many Catholics however, generally, aspire , to a United Ireland or are less certain about how to solve the constitutional
- His teachings, preachings, sermons and writings he inspired the nation to, aspire ,to Swarthy (self-governance),nationalism, and spiritualism. He advocated
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