Examples of the the word, castro , in a Sentence Context

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  1. On which the main settlement is located, was a pre-historic fortification, or,Castro, that was the basis of pre-Roman occupation and funerary temples, carved from
  2. Rexurdimento (Rebirth),Manuel Burros Enríquez. Nearby can be found the, castro , ( pre-Roman citadel) of Castro. The visitor can still see the circular
  3. Or a round hill. The village has had various names: Castro Cicerone and, castro , Cucuroau in the 11th century, in territory Macaronis, of Cochran in the 12th
  4. Of the Roman Castro of Brigantine. The settlement had its beginnings in a local, castro , that existed during the Iron Age. At the time it had 70 inhabitants. * Chapel
  5. Arms, and the events of their pontificates. For example, the first motto, Ex,Castro, Tiberis (From a castle on the Tiber),fits Pope Palestine II's birthplace in
  6. From the Santa Terra hill-fort (A Guarda, Galicia ). Muse arqueolóxico do, castro , de Santa Terra. File: Rozelle d or Bales me Hate Marne. JPG|Golden Celtic wheel
  7. Area where Fungi stands today was inhabited in prehistoric times (there is a, castro ,- a fortified place where an army used to camp - in Barrage, and some styles
  8. Km². History Parading, an ancient settlement emerged from the remnants of the, castro , of Moreira. Many notable noblemen passed through this area, including the
  9. Herodotus and others, they shared similar Celtic customs. Castro cultures The, castro , culture flourished in the second half of the Iron Age; it was a fusion of
  10. Of São Martin ho exists) and was abandoned during the Middle Ages. The term, castro , derived from the Latin ca strum refers to a small military encampment or
  11. And provides easy access to the town. History Local life had its origin in the, castro , which dominates the Arabia. Little is known about development of the town until
  12. Is that the name was derived from Ca strum Ceteris, meaning the oldest, castro , to differentiate it from another Castro that existed on a small plateau (
  13. Have yet to be rediscovered * São João - the historical center (nucleus of the, castro , structure that would be the base for the construction of the first settlement)
  14. Pelagodroma marina Rare/Accidental * Band-rumped Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma, castro , Rare/Accidental * Markham's Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma Markham Rare/Accidental
  15. By the grandson of Charlemagne, Louis the German, is mentioned in 835 (" in, castro , Turicino junta alluvium Lineman" ). Louis also founded the Fraudster abbey
  16. Ca strum Ceteris, meaning the oldest Castro, to differentiate it from another, castro , that existed on a small plateau (where the Chapel of São Martin ho exists) and
  17. Extends atop a small mountain. In the southeast. In addition, there is the, castro , of Outro, where the vestiges of access road were discovered and two others in
  18. MIDADE Alta (High City) or the MIDADE (City),is built on an ancient Celtic, castro , It was supposedly inhabited by the Arabians, the Celtic tribe of the area.
  19. Terra de Arising, de Terra de Moral, de insula de Rule, de insula de Hurst, cum,Castro, de Tyndale, de insula de Barry, de insula de Hits; cum omnibus alias minutes
  20. Social structure of developed Liberian culture as evolving from the archaic, castro , culture which they consider" Proto-Semitic ". Archaeological finds identify the
  21. Including the charter of first Bosnian king Trio I Kotromanić in 1355,in, castro , nostro Viola located which was also the first direct mention of the town of
  22. Marin Falter for conspiring to kill them. * September 1 – Trio I write in, castro , nostro Viola located from old town Vicki. Date unknown * A small Scottish and
  23. Regatta galleria Rare/Accidental * Band-rumped Storm-Petrel, Oceanodroma, castro , Rare/Accidental Pelecanoididae - Diving-Petrels * Magellan Diving Petrel
  24. despite the fact that the main site is the long-lived fortified town, or,Castro, of Zambia, near Torres Vedas, north of modern Lisbon. The urban stage
  25. Oppidum, a fortified organized city with a defined territory that included many, castro , villages constructed from large boulders or earthworks. The first evidence of
  26. North by the Citadel mountain, where in remote times there was a Luso-roman, castro , On the south side is the Tuela River valley. There are three other rivers in
  27. Asturias, Cantabria, Basque Country, province of Ávila and Northern Portugal a, castro , is a fortified pre-Roman Iron Age village, usually located on a hill or some
  28. Great Seal by King Robert II of Scotland.: Comprehending Terra de Moidart cum, castro , de Platinum, de Terra de Arising, de Terra de Moral, de insula de Rule, de
  29. Is not clearly defined, Soledade goes on to refer to the construction of a, castro , where the current Castle stands. The Punic tribes, are thought to have also had
  30. Mentioning the hard is from 1269: it notes a" Christians, castellanus in, castro , Stolpis, et Herman nus, capellanus in imitate ante ca strum predictum," thus
  31. Structures still located within the region, two share some importance: the, castro , Morro dos Mourns, and Divided, which was located in a high mountaintop and
  32. Species. *Band-rumped Storm-Petrel, group " n" name "/NP"> r"/> Oceanodroma, castro , ( A) Pelicans Order: Pelecaniformes Family: Pelecanidae Pelicans are very
  33. Of the peninsula, which were responsible for re-purposing many of the, castro , settlements and moving the settlements from the hills to the valleys in the
  34. Name Historian/> On Monte Pedro existed the ruins of a Castro. The, castro , of Monte Pedro, until the end of the 16th century, existed as the parochial
  35. S Petrel The Band-rumped Storm Petrel or Madeira Storm Petrel, ( Oceanodroma, castro , ) is of the storm petrel family Hydrobatidae. The Band-rumped Storm Petrel is
  36. One of them, the Ana Mega, the Queen of Fairies, also Macias in Galicia. The, castro , of Altamira is said to hide an enormous underground realm which is ruled by a
  37. Do Peso, Figueirinha de Travanca, Bruçó and the more recently excavated, castro , in Vivaria, in the Serra the Castaneda. The Celts passed
  38. Located on a high mountain or a round hill. The village has had various names:, castro , Cucurone and Castro Cúcuta in the 11th century, in territory Macaronis, of
  39. By the grandson of Charlemagne, Louis the German, is mentioned in 835 (in, castro , Turicino junta alluvium Lineman). Louis also founded the Fraudster abbey in
  40. Name Historian/> Due to the placement of the castle, it is likely that a, castro , originally existed on the site. During the Inquiries (Inventory/Inquiries)
  41. The peoples of the Cantabrian districts. Several archaeological digs in the, castro , of La Marisa (municipality of Lena) have found remnants of a defensive line
  42. Peninsula. Name Historian/> On Monte Pedro existed the ruins of a, castro , The Castro of Monte Pedro, until the end of the 16th century, existed as the
  43. Miles by 4 miles and has many beaches along with some famous Celtic ruins,the, castro , ( i.e.," hill fort" ) called the" Castro de Baroña ". Castro de Baroña Just
  44. The 11th Century as Grandiose. The town was first mentioned around 1100 as DE, castro , Grancione. Around 1126 it was mentioned as Castro Grandson and in 1154 it
  45. Of Barranca, it was located a dozen of kilometers southeast of the Roman, castro , of Brigantine. The settlement had its beginnings in a local Castro that existed
  46. Cromlechs and menhir) a test to a human presence to the Neolithic. Of the, castro , structures still located within the region, two share some importance: the
  47. Of first Byzantine indication cycle. *1355 – King Trio I of Bosnia writes In, castro , nostro Viola located from the old town of Vicki. *1532 – Lady Anne Boleyn is
  48. Water; some even had large reservoirs to use during sieges. Typically,a, castro , had one to five stone and earth walls, which complements the natural defenses
  49. Oceanodroma monorail - (Oceanic de Swinhoe) ** Madeira Petrel - Oceanodroma, castro ,- (Oceanic de Castro) ** White-faced Petrel - Pelagodroma marina - (
  50. Prague quarter Male Strand (Lesser Town) to establish the Nova civets sub, castro , Pragensis (" New City under the Prague Castle" ) settled by German colonists

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