Examples of the the word, definite , in a Sentence Context

The word ( definite ), is the 5650 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Language. Unlike words, which come in sequences and each of which have a, definite ,meaning, art provides a range of forms, symbols and ideas with meanings that
  2. Related to definite integrals through the fundamental theorem of calculus: the, definite ,integral of a function over an interval is equal to the difference between the
  3. Shift in German – ICH she den Wage. In German, masculine nouns change their, definite ,article from her to den in the accusative case. Examples Indo-European
  4. Initially: or sometimes silent in the, definite ,article *# with above: *# with
  5. Errors of reproduction belongs to the Abbé theory of aberrations, in which, definite ,aberrations are discussed separately; it is well suited to practical needs, for
  6. Calculus. Using modern methods, the area of a circle can be computed using a, definite ,integral:: A \; \; \int_or 2\sort\, dx \; \; \pi r^2. Surface area Most basic
  7. Greek chimera (χημεία) or chemical (χημία) with the addition of the Arabic, definite ,article all- (الـ). The ancient Greek word may have been derived from a
  8. Distinguish in front of from in the front of. * Dates usually include a, definite ,article in UK spoken English, such as" the eleventh of July ", or " July the
  9. Into well-known clinical disease categories, possibly being an early stage of a, definite ,rheumatic disease. Signs and symptoms Regardless of the type of arthritis, the
  10. Consonant). Some words do underlying begin with a vowel, such as the, definite ,article all- or words such as" he bought "," meeting ". When actually
  11. Of the verb" see ". In English, which has mostly lost the case system,the, definite ,article and noun –" the car" – remain in the same form regardless of the
  12. Adjectives, much in the way Balto-Slavic has used this word to provide the, definite ,ending of adjectives. The cultural renaissance was first expressed
  13. Which alone is in accordance with his inborn and immutable character. " A, definite ,action inevitably results when a particular motive influences a person's given
  14. Lore and Dukes. In Albanian grammar, a word can have in definite and, definite ,forms, and this also applies to city names: both Tiranë and Tirana, Shkodër and
  15. Say that it maps each set to the least element of that set. This gives us a, definite ,choice of an element from each set, and makes it unnecessary to apply the axiom
  16. Such as tell (the) time. * In BRE, numbered highways usually take the, definite ,article (for example" the M25 "," the A14" ); in America they usually do
  17. Asset speaks grandiosely of Alfred's relations with foreign powers, but little, definite ,information is available. His interest in foreign countries is shown by the
  18. Supposed to have had Ruins assassinated by Gothic mercenaries in 395; though, definite ,proof of Stilicho's involvement in the assassination is lacking, the intense
  19. Very process of this modification the unmodified would die out, and thus the, definite ,characters and the clear isolation of each new species would be explained.
  20. Two genders (masculine and feminine); and three" states" ( in definite , definite , and construct). The cases of singular nouns (other than those that end in
  21. Had to be eliminated from the complex mass before they could receive a, definite ,name and character. Mind arranged the segregation of like from unlike; Santa
  22. Which is the process of finding a derivative. Antiderivative are related to, definite ,integrals through the fundamental theorem of calculus: the definite integral of
  23. Abdul Shared is not a real Arabic name, and seems to contain the Arabic, definite ,article morpheme all- twice in a row (anomalous in terms of Arabic grammar).
  24. Of view, w: astigmatism, curvature of field and distortion are eliminated for a, definite ,value, w*, zones of astigmatism, curvature of field and distortion, attend
  25. Testament. Etymology The term Allah is derived from a contraction of the Arabic, definite ,article all-" the" and" deity, god " to meaning" the sole deity, God " (, ho
  26. Nouns, all nouns in" construct state" and all nouns which are prefixed by the, definite ,article /all-/. In definite singular nouns (other than those that end in long ā
  27. The ablative case is rendered by the suffix -e (in definite ) or -en (, definite ,).: Mart - man: Marten - from the man: Mate - from (a) man: Down - house:
  28. At a time, in no particular order, and are not used for collation where a, definite ,order is required. However, a dozen Critic tablets from the fourteenth
  29. Act 1995. The definite article * A few 'institutional' nouns take no, definite ,article when a certain role is implied: for example, at sea (as a sailor),in
  30. The endings of adjectives is whether the adjective is being used after a, definite ,article (the),after an in definite article (a/an) or without any article
  31. Also be ignored here). Note how the lexical suffix is neither" the baby" (, definite ,) nor" a baby" ( in definite ); such referential changes are routine with
  32. Necessarily terminates and in such manner that from the outcome we can read a, definite ,answer," yes" or" no," to the question," is the predicate value true? " "
  33. Centimetre (6–8 inches) long fore shaft with a flint point. There are no, definite ,earlier bows; previous pointed shafts are known, but may have been launched by
  34. Harry Bissau. In 1912,now armed with a medical degree, Schweitzer made a, definite ,proposal to go as a medical doctor to work at his own expense in the Paris
  35. Out and over what their results mean, this evidence does not allow us to draw, definite ,conclusions ". The NHS states there is evidence against acupuncture being
  36. D'né - from (a) house In Eastern Armenian, the suffix -its is used for both, definite ,and in definite nouns. Hard- man Markets- from man Too- house T'nits-from
  37. Of glasses. If a collective system be corrected for the axis point for a, definite ,wave-length, then,on account of the greater dispersion in the negative
  38. Or determined state is an extended form of the noun that functions a bit like a, definite ,article (which Aramaic lacks; for example,'the handwriting' ). It is marked
  39. AME uses in the future for both senses. * AME omits, and BRE requires,the, definite ,article in a few standard expressions such as tell (the) time. * In BRE
  40. Constructed from specific symbols that are manipulated according to, definite ,rules ". The work of Free was further simplified and amplified by Alfred North
  41. E0. Since all energies are measured relative to the vacuum, H is positive, definite , Analysis of the properties of AK and bk shows that one is the annihilation
  42. Or basis, and can also refer to a military base. The initial all- is the Arabic, definite ,article the, hence the base. Bin Laden explained the origin of the term in a
  43. With Disabilities Act of 1990 to Disability Discrimination Act 1995. The, definite ,article * A few 'institutional' nouns take no definite article when a certain
  44. Of the world was a state of in definite ness. In accordance with this, anything, definite , has to eventually pass back into in definite ness. In other words, Anaximander
  45. However, the idea that electrons might revolve around a compact nucleus with, definite ,angular momentum was convincingly argued at least 19 years earlier by Niels
  46. Language, but it became more analytic later on. Late Egyptian develops prefix, definite ,and in definite articles, which replace the older inflectional suffixes. There
  47. Contexts (for example, AmE in school, BrE at school); and whether a, definite ,article is used, in very few cases (AME to the hospital, BrE to hospital;
  48. And in school). When the implied roles of patient or student do not apply,the, definite ,article is used in both dialects. * Likewise, BrE distinguishes in future ("
  49. The direct object is marked by a prefixed l- (the preposition 'to' ) if it is, definite , Adjectives agree with their nouns in number and gender but agree in state only
  50. He termed" internal realism ". Precursor Doubts about the possibility of, definite ,truth have been expressed since ancient times, for instance in the skepticism

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